
yú qī lì xī
  • overdue interest
  1. 但这些仅计算了逾期利息和贷款本金的逾期部分;按照国际定义,不良贷款可能要高出3到4倍。

    But these count only overdue interest and the overdue portion of loan principal ; under international definitions , NPLs may be three or four times higher .

  2. 此贷款已发行的本金金额和此贷款协议下的任何其他义务(包括逾期的利息支付)将以年利率9.5%的利率计息。

    The outstanding principal amount of the Loan and any other obligations under this Loan Agreement shall bear interest at the annual rate of9.5 % until paid .

  3. 逾期付款必须支付利息。

    Interest will be charged for late payment .