
  1. 中国A股指数周二创下2007年2月份以来最大单日跌幅,投资者对油价高企、通胀以及中国人民银行(PBOC)周末期间上调准备金率的决定做出反应。

    China 's A-share index posted the biggest daily decline since February 2007 , as investors reacted to high oil prices , inflation and a weekend decision by the People 's Bank of China to raise the reserve requirement on bank deposits by a full percentage point this month .

  2. 我们预计,今年央行将继续上调准备金率,并加息100个基点。

    We expect additional reserve requirement hikes and another 100 basis points of rate hikes this year .

  3. 去年,中国央行共6次上调准备金率,目前银行存款准备金率已达到上世纪80年代中期该比率施行以来的最高水平。

    The requirement was already at its highest level since reserve requirements were introduced in the mid-1980s after the central bank raised the ratio six times last year .

  4. 尽管中央银行几次上调准备金率和银行存款利率,三月份的贷款新增6800亿人民币(合计1040亿美元),远高于二月份的5360亿。

    Chinese banks handed out Rmb680bn ( $ 104bn ) in new loans in March , up from Rmb536bn in February , despite several increases in reserve requirements and interest rates over that period .

  5. 此前多次上调准备金率作用不是很大,明年房价下跌的可能性将会更大。

    The increase in rate of reserve funds , which took place many times before , didn 't have a big impact , therefore the possibility of declining housing prices next year could be more significant .

  6. 央行多次上调存款准备金率,对中等规模银行的影响尤为明显。去年,由于储户取出存款,以参与大型首次公开发行(IPO)的申购,这些银行还遇到了储蓄流失的问题。

    The repeated increases to reserve requirements disproportionately affect mid-tier banks , which last year also suffered a cash drain as depositors withdrew money to subscribe to huge initial public offerings .

  7. 据德国商业银行(Commerzbank)表示,中国自2004年以来由于干预外汇而产生的流动性,一直密切追随通过发行票据和上调存款准备金率而被吸收的流动性。

    As Commerzbank notes , liquidity created through foreign exchange intervention since 2004 has tracked closely the liquidity absorbed via bill issuance and RRR rises .

  8. 主要内容摘要:中国人民银行上调存款准备金率0.5个百分点至16.5%。

    Policy Summary : PBOC lifts reserve ratio by0.5 percentage point to16.5 %

  9. 譬如,上调存款准备金率,其确切目的是控制贷款增长。

    The reserve requirement ratio , for example , is specifically designed to control lending growth .

  10. 中国连续迅速上调存款准备金率,对存款业务较弱的小型银行颇为不利。

    China 's aggressive series of RRR hikes is unfavorable to smaller banks with weaker deposit franchises .

  11. 国家在最后一次上调存款准备金率后的三个月后,迅速下调存款准备金率。

    Three months after the last action took to raise the deposit-reserve ratio , it was dropped suddenly .

  12. 此次上调存款准备金率后,普通存款类金融机构将执行12%的存款准备金率标准。

    After the raise , the deposit reserve rate of12 % shall apply to common deposit financial institutions .

  13. 这次中国人民银行上调存款准备金率,是今年第六次。

    The increase to reserve requirement ratio by the People 's Bank of China is the sixth this year .

  14. 中央银行采取上调存款准备金率来实现对货币的收紧效果。

    The central bank employs the method of up-regulating the rate of deposit reserve to reach the objective of tight-money .

  15. 2010年,我国面对经济过热的势头,又上调存款准备金率。

    In 2010 , the Central Bank has increased the deposit reserve ratio in order to response the hot economy .

  16. 2006年和2007年,中国央行多次上调存款准备金率,但通胀率一直到2008年2月之前都在攀升。

    In 2006 and 2007 , the PBOC increased reserve requirements repeatedly , but inflation kept climbing until February 2008 .

  17. 上调存款准备金率被视作是要求银行放慢贷款速度的一个信号,否则它们将面临更加严厉的措施。

    Instead , they are seen instead as a signal to banks to slow lending or face more drastic controls .

  18. 尽管目前通货膨胀有所回落,但大多数经济学家认为,印度央行将进一步出台货币紧缩政策,并再次上调银行准备金率。

    Even though inflation is now coming down , most economists believe further tightening of monetary policy and banking reserve ratios lies ahead .

  19. 野村证券取消了此前有关2011下半年还有一次加息、两次上调存款准备金率的预测。

    Nomura securities cancelled after the second half of2011 and a raise interest rates , two times to raise deposit reserve rate forecasts .

  20. 在中国上调存款准备金率的当日,由于对全球信贷紧缩的担忧,包括中国市场在内的全球股市大幅下挫。

    China raised its reserve ratio on a day when global markets , including China 's , fell sharply amid concerns of a global credit crunch .

  21. 自去年底以来,中国央行已通过上调存款准备金率、加息、以及对银行放贷实施行政指导收紧了货币政策。

    Since late last year , the PBOC has tightened monetary policy via RRR and rate hikes , as well as administrative guidance on bank lending .

  22. 周二,央行出于对通货膨胀的考虑,上调存款准备金率0.5个百分点。

    On Tuesday the central bank lifted the ratio of funds banks must set aside as reserves by a half point amid rising concern over inflation .

  23. 本文使用干预分析模型,研究了2004年4月25日央行上调存款准备金率这一干预事件时我国国债市场的影响。

    This paper analyzes the impact of raising required reserve ratio on April 25th , 2004 on the treasury securities market by using the intervention analysis model .

  24. 这是央行自去年以来第11次上调存款准备金率,而今年前五个月均为每月上调0.5个百分点。

    This is the central bank 11 times since last year raised the deposit reserve ratio , and the first five months are all 0.5 % per month .

  25. 鉴于去年10月末以来中国已进行三次加息和六次上调存款准备金率,众多的紧缩政策靴子已经落下。

    With three interest rate hikes and six announced reserve requirement hikes since late October , a great deal of tightening may indeed be in the rear view .

  26. 通过上调法定准备金率,将货币紧缩政策的负担转嫁到银行头上,限制了利润占A股半壁江山的一个行业的增长。

    Thus shifting the burden of monetary tightening onto banks , via increased reserve requirements , caps growth in a sector that accounts for half of A shares ' profits .

  27. 2003年以来,为了抑制流动性过剩的现象,央行频繁地上调存款准备金率。金融危机爆发之后,存款准备金率又几度降低。

    Since 2003 , the central bank raised the reserve ratio frequently in order to curb the phenomenon of excess liquidity and lowered it for several times after the outbreak of financial crisis .

  28. 上调存款准备金率还能为中国央行带来另一项好处。中国央行必须管理流入中国的巨额资金,这些资金主要来源于不断膨胀的巨额贸易顺差。

    Lifting the reserve requirement ratio has another benefit for the PBOC , which has to manage the huge funds flow into China , mainly from the country 's large and swelling trade surplus .

  29. 由于经济体系中的流动性过剩问题日趋严重,中国人民银行连续上调存款准备金率,以期通过这种重量级的货币政策来收缩银行体系的货币供给,从而有效地控制流动性过剩。

    Due to the severe excess liquidity , the PRC has hiked the deposit reserve ratio several times since April , 2006 in order to tighten the money supply and control the excess liquidity .

  30. 接着,央行宣布上调存款准备金率,这是自2008年12月以来央行首次动用三大关键政策工具之一(其它两项是贷款利率和存款利率)。

    Then , in the first use of one of the three key instruments since December 2008 ( the others are the lending rate and the deposit rate ), it raised the reserve requirement ratio .