
  • 网络Context-free grammar;context free grammar;CFG
  1. 其生成一条句子的时间和空间复杂度是O(r+n),其中n是生成句子的长度或深度限制,r是给定上下文无关文法中产生式的数目。

    The time and space complexity for generating one sentence is O ( r + n ) , where n is the restricted length or depth of sentences and r is the number of productions in given CFG .

  2. 研究表明,当且仅当最大乘积型Fuzzy上下文无关文法产生的语言集能被最大乘积型Fuzzy下推自动机接受时,能达到自动识别最大乘积Fuzzy上下文无关语言的目的。

    The research shows that if and only if a fuzzy language is produced by a max-product fuzzy context-free grammar , it can be accepted by a max-product fuzzy pushdown automaton , so the max-product fuzzy context-free language can be recognized automatically .

  3. Fuzzy上下文无关文法的简化

    Simplification of Fuzzy Context-free Grammars

  4. 重点是基于语料库的方法和算法,例如隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovModel)和概率上下文无关文法。

    The emphasis will be on corpus-based methods and algorithms , such as Hidden Markov Models and probabilistic context free grammars .

  5. 其组成形式用包含约束式的上下文无关文法来描述,改进的LR分析方法进行形式识别;

    Context free grammar extended by constrained formula and an improved LR parser are adopted to formalize and recognize the special strings .

  6. 采用分布聚类的随机上下文无关文法的无监督归纳学习〉。《自然语言学习会议,2001年》。(PDF)

    Clark , Alexander . " Unsupervised induction of stochastic context-free grammars using distributional clustering . " Conference on Natural Language Learning , 2001 . ( PDF )

  7. 给出了上下文无关文法(context-freegrammar,简称CFG)产生式集的一种划分方法,可将产生式分为两类。

    In this paper , a method is presented to partition productions of CFG ( context free grammar ) . It divides production set into two parts .

  8. 为了扩大现有研究的应用范围,基于最大乘积型Fuzzy文法与自动机引入了最大乘积型Fuzzy下推自动机的概念,并讨论了最大乘积型Fuzzy上下文无关文法与最大乘积型Fuzzy下推自动机的关系。

    To extend the application fields of the present research , the concept of max-product fuzzy pushdown automaton was given on the basis of the study of max-product fuzzy grammars and automata , and the relationships between a max-product fuzzy context-free grammar and a max-product fuzzy pushdown automaton were investigated .

  9. 本文介绍了广义上下文无关文法,这种文法允许正则表达式出现在产生式的右部。然后,我们定义了相应的LR(κ)文法。

    In this paper we introduce generalized context-free grammars which allow regular expressions to appear in the right hand side of productions , and define the corresponding LR ( k ) grammars .

  10. 分析了航班计划基本要素的正规式和航班计划上下文无关文法,构造了对应的不确定有限自动机和语法分析树,并研究了LR分析的应用。

    The regular expression of the basic elements and context-free grammar of flight scheduling were analyzed . Corresponding non-deterministic finite automata and abstract syntax tree were constructed , and LR parse was used .

  11. 因此,为进一步研究更复杂的量子自动机(如量子下推自动机和Turing机)和量子文法(如量子上下文无关文法和上下文有关文法)奠定了基础。

    Summarily , the introduced work lays a foundation for further studies on more complicated quantum automata and quantum grammars such as quantum pushdown automata and Turing machine as well as quantum context-free grammars and context-sensitive grammars .

  12. 为实现白盒测试的源文件信息提取,提出了通过lex和yacc对使用上下文无关文法定义的语言进行词法和语法分析,构建独立的信息提取模块。

    Lex and yacc were used to analyze the lexis and grammar of the languages defined by context-free grammars , and an independent information extracting module was build to extract the information of source files for white-box testing .

  13. 在这一流程中,句法分析使用GLR分析器处理上下文无关文法(CFG),获取句子结构特征以便为语义分析服务,句法规则照顾到覆盖率和准确率间的平衡。

    The syntactic parser applies the GLR algorithm to process the Context Free Grammar ( CFG ), whose purpose is to extract features of syntactic structure for use by the semantic parser . The syntactic grammar is designed for the trade off between the coverage and the accuracy .

  14. 用待确定的上下文无关文法分析半结构化数据

    The Analysis of Semi Structured Data with Indeterminate Context Free Grammar

  15. 应用模块法杂凑语言的上下文无关文法

    Modular and Knock-together Method of Building the Context-free Grammar in Language

  16. 一个上下文无关文法获取过程的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of a Procedure for Acquisition of Context Free Grammars

  17. 模糊上下文无关文法是几种重要文法之一。

    Fuzzy context-free grammar is one important kind of grammars .

  18. 基于上下文无关文法电报译码的算法实现

    The realization of algorithm based on CONTEX-FREE grammar in decoding the telegram

  19. 一种特殊的上下文无关文法及其语法分析

    A Special Kind of Context Free Grammars and Their Parsing

  20. 基于上下文无关文法的仿真类层次结构模型

    A hierarchical simulation classes model based on context free grammar

  21. 上下文无关文法与无限状态自动机

    The Context Free Grammar and the Infinite - State Automaton

  22. 对上下文无关文法中的非终止符的相似性和等价性的判定

    A method of judging similarity and equivalence in context-free grammar

  23. 改进的上下文无关文法及其语法分析

    Advantaged context - free grammar and it 's parsing

  24. 一种基于概率上下文无关文法的汉语句法分析

    A Chinese Parser Based on Probabilistic Context Free Grammar

  25. 上下文无关文法推断中的几条启发规则及其应用

    Several Heuristic Rules in Inferring Context-Free Grammars and Applications

  26. 第二部分探讨了上下文无关文法;

    Part two probes the irrelevant grammar of context ;

  27. 对基因表达式编程建立了上下文无关文法模型。

    Proposes the context-free grammar model for GEP .

  28. 广义上下文无关文法和它的语法分析

    Generalized context - free grammars and their parsers

  29. 上下文无关文法的句子生成方法综述

    Summary of Sentence Generation Methods on Context-free Grammar

  30. 一般上下文无关文法的一个分析算法

    An Efficient Parsing Algorithm for General Context-free Grammars