
  • 网络FSM;FSA;finite state automaton
  1. 以有限状态自动机模型形式化地定义了业务流程的外模式和内模式,将Web服务组合问题转化为有限状态自动机问题。

    The inner and outer schema of business process are formally defined based on FSM . Thus the problem of Web services composition is transformed to the problem of FSM .

  2. 研究表明,有限状态自动机模型这种形式化的方法,可为软件测试提供不同级别的验证支持。

    The research indicated that , the FSM can provide the different level support to the automated test validation .

  3. 基于有限状态自动机提取不规范表结构Web信息

    Unregulated table structure Web information extraction based on finite state automata

  4. 第二个改进是成功的在固体表面实现了DNA有限状态自动机反应。

    Second , DNA finite automata reaction is achieved on solid surface .

  5. 这为进一步研究Fuzzy有限状态自动机和Fuzzy正则语言奠定了基础。

    This is a foundation for deep researches on fuzzy finite-state automaton and fuzzy regular language .

  6. 对一类特殊形式的Fuzzy正则语言作了一定的讨论,得到了两个重要定理,为进一步研究Fuzzy正则语言与Fuzzy有限状态自动机的关系奠定了基础。

    Some properties of a special kind of fuzzy regular sets are discussed , two important theorems are obtained .

  7. BPEL中基于有限状态自动机的Web服务自动组合

    Automatic Web Service Composition Based on Finite State Machine in BPEL

  8. 基于逻辑层次的离散事件系统建模工具包括有限状态自动机和Petri网。

    In logical aspects , its models include finite state machine and Petri nets .

  9. 接着,分别从通信模块,有限状态自动机,Java多线程以及数据库处理四个方面阐述了系统具体实现的过程。

    Afterwards , the four aspects , which are corresponding module , Automata theory , Java multithreading and database processing , are defined to implement the system .

  10. 本文采用有限状态自动机的方法对制造自动化协议(MAP)的关键部分MMS的程序调用服务进行了形式化的描述。

    This paper gives a formal description to the program invocation-the key part of Manufacturing Automation Protocol with finite state automaton .

  11. 为保证程序的稳定执行,兼考虑到程序在执行速度以及效率上的要求,因此使用有限状态自动机理论和Java多线程技术来解决该问题。

    Ensure the program execute stabilization , then considered the requirement of execute speed and efficiency of the procedure , it use Automata theory and Java multithreading technology .

  12. 通过对服务需求合约文档的解析,自动构建针对合约文档的有限状态自动机,生成测试数据,为Web服务的自动测试数据生成和测试过程自动化提供了可行的方法。

    Finite State Machine for contract document would be constructed automatically through analyzing contract document of service requirements . It also enables the testing data generated , which make the automatically test process executable .

  13. 基于有限状态自动机理论,建立异步Web服务的形式化模型。

    The relative timed and data constraints can be indicated by XYZ / RE . ( 2 ) We build the formal model of asynchronous Web service on the basis of finite automata theory .

  14. 本文在Benenson提出的DNA有限状态自动机模型的基础上做了一些技术上的改进。

    We make some technical improvements based on the Benenson DNA finite automata model .

  15. 提出了一种基于自主计算思想的网络故障诊断系统的自愈模型,并将Petri网和有限状态自动机理论相结合,对自愈策略的实施过程进行建模。

    An self-healing model of network troubleshooting system based on automatic computing theory is put forward . The model of software working process is built by Petri net and finite-state automata .

  16. 通过对Fuzzy正则语言与Fuzzy正则文法的关系的讨论,得到了二者的等价关系,这是进一步研究Fuzzy正则语言与Fuzzy有限状态自动机的一个起点。

    In this paper , the relationship between fuzzy regular languages and fuzzy regular grammars is discussed . It is proved that they are equivalent in sence . It is a start of further study of fuzzy languages and fuzzy finite automata .

  17. 该模型采用高效的进程组织结构和层次化,模块化设计思想,结合元数据,有限状态自动机,XML,动态链接库等技术,使得协议转换更灵活,网关处理能力更强。

    It adopts an effi-cient process architecture and modularize idea , makes use of technologies like meta data , finite state machine , XML , dy-namic link library etc to enhance the flexibility of protocol transform and the processing ability .

  18. 第三章对应于一般的推广化自动机,新建立了关于推广化模糊有限状态自动机FGA的概念;

    In Chapter 3 , we establish some concepts in fuzzy generalized automata ( FGA ) .

  19. 并从协议分析出发,以协议分层的设计思想为理念,以协议工程学的方法为指导,充分利用有限状态自动机的工作方式,在LINUX平台上用ANSIC语言开发实现了这两个协议。

    Based on the analysis results , from the protocol layered point of view , under the guidance of protocol engineering method , taken full use of the mechanism of finite state machine , the thesis implemented the two protocols on Linux platform in ANSI C.

  20. 在战术规划层中,将BFM规划看作是一个时序控制问题,建立了BFM的有限状态自动机模型。

    In tactic planning layer , we consider the BFM planning as a time sequence control problem and model the BFM by the finite state machine technique .

  21. 与传统短信方式的移动梦网相比,本文通过有限状态自动机理论和Java多线程技术,设计开发的USSD移动梦网业务更具优势,该系统能涵盖绝大部分移动梦网文字交互类服务。

    The paper gives the design and implementation of Monternet business based on USSD , by Automata Theory and Java Multithreading Technology . Compare with SMS Monternet , the system is more preponderant and provides most text alternate services about Monternet .

  22. 本文通过对通用浏览器及FTP代理服务器工作过程的分析,给出了通用浏览器与FTP代理服务器通信机制的有限状态自动机模型,并在此基础上,提出一个支持通用浏览器的FTP代理服务器的实现方案。

    After analysing the communication process between general browsers and the FTP proxy server , this paper presents a finite state machine model of the communication mechanism between them , and gives an implementation scheme for the FTP proxy server to support general browsers .

  23. 有限状态自动机识别过程的一个图论描述及算法

    A Graph Theory Description and Algorithm of Recognition Process of FSA

  24. 有限状态自动机中几种概念的泛化定义及探讨

    Generalized Definition and Discussion of Some Concepts in Finite State Automata

  25. 系统首先对待切分词使用有限状态自动机进行分析。

    A service composition model based on finite state automata ;

  26. 基金会现场总线功能块的有限状态自动机模型

    The Finite State Automata Model of FF Function Block

  27. 基于时间有限状态自动机的事件重建推理算法

    Event reconstruction algorithm based on timed finite state machine

  28. 基于分层有限状态自动机的一致性测试生成

    Automatic test generation based on hierarchical finite state machines

  29. 有限状态自动机的移动进程演算模拟

    Simulation of Finite Automata by Mobile Process Calculi

  30. 基于有限状态自动机的高容错数字分接算法

    High error-resilient digital demultiplexing using finite state machine