
  • 网络cable network;Cable Television;catv;CNN;HFC;Cable Modem
  1. VOD在有线电视网的实现

    Realizing VOD over CATV Network

  2. 用1550nm光技术构建城域有线电视网

    Building CATV Network Using 1 550 nm Optical Technology

  3. 有线电视网与Internet的连接

    Connection of Cable Television Network and Internet

  4. 有线电视网的增值业务&宽带IP电话技术

    The Value-Added Service of CATV Networks-Broadband IP Network Telephone Technology

  5. 面向有线电视网的WLAN协议研究

    Research on MAC Protocols for WLAN Based on CATV Network

  6. EPON在校园有线电视网中的应用

    The Application of EPON in CATV on Campus

  7. 数字通信技术的发展使得各种通信应用呈现出相互融合的趋势,比如电话网、有线电视网与Internet的三网合一趋势。

    The trend of convergence seems among several communication applications such as the " Three networks in one " of telephone , cable TV and Internet along with the development of digital communications .

  8. 例如,有线电视网公司可以将一个web网站专用于转播受到高度关注的拳击赛,利用负荷平衡器处理比赛期间对该网站大量点击造成的拥挤。

    For example , a cable network company can devote a web site to the high-profile boxing matches it broadcasts and use load balancers to handle the crush of site hits during the fights .

  9. 同轴电缆接入网是对传统的有线电视网进行HFC的双向改造,进行宽带接入。

    Coaxial cable access network is a HFC tow-way transformation of traditional cable television for broadband access .

  10. 并且VoIP技术符合未来三网融合(电信网,有线电视网,互联网)的发展方向。

    And VoIP technology meets the triple play ( telephone network , cable television , Internet ) development direction .

  11. 双向HFC宽带有线电视网改造中汇集干扰及汇集均衡问题的研究

    The research on transforming assemble jamming problem and assemble balance problem for two-way wide band cable television network

  12. 在这里,以有线电视网为背景,讨论了地理信息系统的发展现状,地理信息系统的组成,GIS系统在有线电视网络管理中的必要性和优越性。

    This paper discuss the developments , components of GIS , the necessity and superiority of GIS in the cable television management by the background of cable television management system .

  13. 随着信息通信技术(InformationandCommunicationTechnology,简称ICT)的快速发展,电信网、计算机网和有线电视网不断相互渗透,融合步伐日益加快。

    With the rapid development of ICT ( Information and Communication Technology , referred to as ICT ), telecommunications networks , computer networks and cable networks continue to penetrate each other , accelerating the pace of integration .

  14. 随着HFC宽带接入技术和宽带IP网络技术的飞速发展,现代有线电视网正不断向宽带综合业务网络平台演进。

    With the fast development of HFC broadband access and broadband IP network technology , modern CATV network is developing to a broadband integrated service network plant .

  15. MUDS是建设农村有线电视网的发展方向

    MUDS is the Developing Trend for Countryside Cable TV Network

  16. VOD技术不仅可以应用在电信的宽带网络中,同时也可以应用于有线电视网和计算机网络中。

    VOD can be applied not only in the wide bandwidth of telecommunication , but also in the CATV and computer network .

  17. 介绍了利用电缆调制解调器和有线电视网来连接Internet网的方式,并详细阐述了该方式的特点、工作原理以及发展趋势等内容。

    A new method of connecting Internet by utilizing cable modem and cable television net is introduced in this paper . Meanwhile , the characters , the working principle and the developing trends about this method are discussed in detail .

  18. 奥普拉·温弗瑞(OprahWinfrey)计划于周四宣布将在她的新有线电视网主持一档夜间节目。

    Oprah Winfrey plans to announce Thursday that she will host an evening show on her new cable network .

  19. Vice自称全数字网络,可你已经说过,你有其他一切渠道,包括在美国有线电视网HBO上播出的一档节目。

    Vice describes itself as an all-digital network , yet as you have just said , you have all these other channels , including a show on HBO .

  20. 1.10月份创立的Fusion是针对更年轻的千禧一代的有线电视网和数字网络,致力于用年轻观众期待的方式讲述和传递新闻。

    Fusion was created in October as both a cable network and a digital network aimed at a younger , so-called millennial audience and is committed to telling and delivering the news in ways that a young audience expects .

  21. 本文介绍对传统校园有线电视网进行单向HFC改造方案,同时提出适合多园区校园有线电视网建设的一些建议和经验。

    This paper introduces CATV reconstruction solution which is based HFC network , then gives some suggestions and practices that are apt to the several areas campus .

  22. 使有线电视网的资源充分发挥了应有的作用,也为有线电视网络的经营者创造很好的经济效益和社会效益,因此,使用EOC技术方案是实现广电HFC网络三网融合的最佳接入方案。

    Therefore , the use of radio and television EOC technology program is to achieve the best integration for HFC network access solution .

  23. 同轴电缆接入网是把同轴电缆作为传输介质的接入网,是基于有线电视网(CATV)的一种接入技术。

    Coaxial cable access network is the coaxial cable as a transmission medium access network , and is a access technologies based on the cable television networks ( CATV ) .

  24. 因此,WLAN和有线电视网的集成网络可以实现这两种技术的优势互补,将两者的优点相结合是近年来研究的一个热点,为用户提供价格低廉的、快速的、无所不在的业务。

    So the integrated WLAN and CATV can combine the advantages of the two technologies , and it can provide the customer with cheap , ubiquitous wireless services with high data rates .

  25. 为满足用户需求,大量电话网、有线电视网和计算机网络(如Internet)已逐渐演变成为业务融合的网络,融合的信息网络环境可以通过统一的传输系统支持不同种类业务的传输。

    In order to satisfy the demand , telephone networks , cable television network and computer network ( e.g. Internet ) are evolved to a traffic-integrated network : broadband services integrated data network . This integrated information network could provide multiple different services via the same transmission system .

  26. IPTV与目前的3个运营网(有线电视网、Internet和电信网)及其业务直接相关,但不同运营商对IPTV业务有不同定位。

    IPTV is directly related to three operation networks ( the cable TV network , Internet and telecom network ) and the services they offer . However , different network operators have varying expectations for IPTV services .

  27. 从市场情况来看,电信业的竞争正在加剧,PSTN(公共交换电话网络)、CATV(有线电视网)、ATM和IP(数据网)都在相互窥视对方的传统市场。

    According to the circumstances of the market , the competition of the telecom vocation is intensifying , the operators of PSTN , CATV , ATM and IP networks are peeking at others ' traditional markets .

  28. 迪士尼其他业务,包括美国电视公司家庭频道(ABCFamily)、ESPN体育频道等有线电视网以及主题公园和电影制片厂,营收和利润都达到或超过了预期。

    The rest of the company , which includes its cable networks , like ABC Family and ESPN , as well as its theme parks and movie studios , met or beat revenue and profit expectations .

  29. 它包括开发数字业务机会,增加原创节目,扩大国际业务,缩减电视电影业务的开支,其中也包括特纳有线电视网(Turnercablenetworks)和华纳兄弟电影公司(Warnerbros.filmstudios)。

    That strategy includes exploiting digital business opportunities , increasing original programming , expanding international business and cutting costs across its television and film properties , which also include Turner cable networks and Warner Bros. film studios .

  30. C-SPAN是为公共事务提供24小时服务的有线电视网。

    C-SPAN is a cable television network that provides twenty-four hour coverage of public affairs .