
  • 网络wired network;cable network;CATV
  1. 在PC时代,数字化学习是基于个人电脑和有线网络的。

    In PC era , E-Learning is based on personal computer and wired network .

  2. 网络编码(NC,Networkcoding)通过允许网络的中间节点编码来提升网络吞吐量,其最初应用在有线网络。

    Network coding can improve network throughput by allowing the coding operate on intermediate node . It has been always applied in wired network .

  3. 我们廉价、超可靠的有线网络使得通过电话的信用卡认证能顺利进行。

    Our cheap , ultra-reliable wired networks made credit - card authentication over the phone frictionless .

  4. 网络:指的是无线和有线网络以及通信协议,无线和有线网络是Internet的一部分。

    The network : This refers to the wireless and wired networks , part of the Internet , and the communication protocols .

  5. 利用蓝牙网关可使得用户通过局域网访问有线网络上不具有固定IP地址的蓝牙设备。

    When the bluetooth gateway is used , the customs can access the device without fixed IP address by LAN .

  6. 本文研究了在有线网络和无线网络环境下Web传输的性能优化的问题,提出了为不同优先级类用户提供区分服务的算法。

    This thesis studied the web performance enhancement in wire and wireless network , proposed new admission control and scheduling algorithms to provide differentiated QoS for different classes .

  7. 传统TCP是一种针对有线网络而设计的传输控制机制,它在Internet上获得了很大的成功。

    Traditional TCP widely used in the Internet , which was designed for the wired network , has achieved a great of successes .

  8. EPON技术在有线网络宽带数据业务中的应用

    Application of EPON Technology in Broadband Data Service of Cable Network

  9. CATV有线网络前端系统建设与调整

    Construction and Adjustment of CATV Front-end System

  10. IPTV在有线网络和手机的应用

    IPTV in Cable and Mobile Applications

  11. WAP网关起着无线和有线网络间协议的转换。

    The WAP gateway is very important for the protocol conversion between the wireless and the Internet .

  12. 在有线网络中,研究人员从P2P资源共享系统的拓扑架构,搜索算法等方面进行研究,已经取得一些显著成果。

    In wired networks , researchers focused on the topology structure , search algorithms of P2P resource sharing systems , and have seen some gratifying accomplishments .

  13. IEEE802.11系列标准被用于支持无线局域网(WLAN)中的数据传输,而在其上层工作的传输控制协议(TCP)还是为传统有线网络传输设计的,所以TCP的性能必然会受到影响。

    IEEE 802.11 protocols were applied to data transmission in WLAN . However , TCP was designed for wireline network so the performance of TCP may be influenced .

  14. 但是adhoc网络不同于有线网络,具有无线传输带宽受限、网络拓扑结构动态变化、节点处理能力有限、传输误码率较高、传输环境干扰强等问题。

    However Ad Hoc network is different from wired networks , because of the characteristics of limited bandwidth and processing capacity , dynamic network topology and high transmission error rate .

  15. 开放式的数控技术发展趋势必然导致智能化与网络化的要求,传统的解决方案往往是基于专用PC、采用有线网络与通信技术的方式来解决。

    The development of open NC technology will inextricably result in the requirement for intelligent and network . The traditional method based on the special PC depends on the wire communication and Network technology .

  16. 传统的TCP协议是针对有线网络设计的,它认为数据包的丢失皆是由网络拥塞造成,从而启动拥塞控制过程。

    Traditional TCP protocol 's design was just concerning about wire network . It contributes the loss of data package to network congestion and employ congestion-control process to solve the problem .

  17. 提出了适用于无线P2P网络的最优文件持有节点选择标准,即始终协调最优准则,代替传统有线网络中使用的最小跳数准则。

    Proposing the optimal files holder selection criteria used in wireless P2P files sharing systems , always-optimally-coordinated rule ( AOC ), to replace the traditional min-hops rule designed for wired networks .

  18. 尤其在移动adhoc网络下的组播密钥管理比在有线网络和一般无线网络的组播密钥管理更加复杂,这是由移动adhoc网络的特点决定的。

    The multicast key management on the mobile Ad hoc networks is more complex than the wired networks and the general wireless networks , this is determined by the characteristics of mobile Ad hoc networks .

  19. 但由于adhoc网络自身的这些特点,它更容易受到攻击,并且许多依赖于固定有线网络的安全技术(如防火墙等)在这种新的环境中并不适用。

    According to its ability , Ad Hoc network is more vulnerable to attack , and many security technologies ( such as firewalls , etc. ) applied on cable network is not suitable for this network .

  20. 与传统的有线网络相比,移动ad-hoc网络有很多特性使得它在各个层上存在安全问题而容易受到攻击。

    Compared with the traditional wired networks , Mobile ad-hoc networks have many characteristics which make it has security questions in each layer and easily be attacked .

  21. WiMAX不但可以作为有线网络接入的无线扩展实现边远地区的网络连接,而且还可以实现无线城域网的接入。

    WiMAX as a wired network can not only expand wireless access to achieve network connectivity in remote areas , but also access the wireless metropolitan area network .

  22. 由于adhoc网络自身特殊的特征,传统的固定有线网络和蜂窝移动网所使用的协议无法被直接使用,因此需要为它专门设计。

    For the inherent topology structure of the Ad hoc network , the conventional protocols of cable network and cell mobile network are not applied directly . It is necessary to design a new protocol to suit the network .

  23. 虚拟现实(virtualReality,简称VR)及其衍生技术是基于计算机和有线网络的,它们正在极大地改变着人类的生活和工作方式,代表了下一代计算机交互界面的发展方向。

    ABSTRACT : Virtual Reality ( VR ) and its derivative technologies are based on computer with network , and they are influencing hugely humankind to change their working and life styles . They have also become the next generation human-computer interface .

  24. 目前,针对建筑的节能建设及既有建筑的节能改造,多采用基于有线网络的楼宇自动化系统(BAS),通过对空调系统、照明系统等的控制实现建筑节能。

    Nowadays , most buildings adopt the Building Automation System ( BAS ) based on wired networks to save energy by controlling the HVAC system and lighting system .

  25. WISP要负责处理有线网络中的所有复杂问题,以及特定于无线环境的一些问题。

    A WISP is subject to all the complexities of a wired network , along with other complications that are specific to the wireless environment .

  26. 移动IP的引入解决了终端的移动性接入问题,但又使得入侵者既可以在有线网络部分进行攻击还可以通过无线方式发起攻击。

    Mobile IP is introduced for solving mobility access of terminals , Mobile IP communication through both wireless links and wired links , so that attackers may not only attack network in wired part of it , but also make an attack on it through wireless way .

  27. 由于有线网络的QoS选路算法不能直接用于自组网,基于预测机制,提出了一个时间约束的最小代价分布QoS路由协议。

    Routing in ad hoc network is more complex than that in wire line network , so a wire line routing cannot be directly used in ad hoc network . Based on prediction , a time-constrained least cost QoS routing algorithm is studied .

  28. 因此,传统的应用于有线网络中的TCP协议不能够直接移植到无线网络中。本文首先对已有的拥塞测度方法进行了分类和详细介绍,并对主流拥塞测度方法进行了分析和比较。

    Therefore , the TCP applied in traditional wired networks can not directly be transferred to the wireless network . Firstly , this paper introduces and classifies the existing congestion detection methods , and then the main of them are analyzed and compared .

  29. 由于无线Mesh网络(WMN)在拓扑、传输和业务上的特性,传统的用于有线网络的分层协议设计方法已不能保证其服务质量(QoS)。

    Due to the characteristics of wireless mesh network ( WMN ) in terms of topology , transmission link and traffic , the conventional layered protocol design methods for wired networks can not guarantee the QoS performance for WMN .

  30. 介绍网络仿真平台NS(NetworkSimulation)仿真原理、仿真方法和一般过程,结合基于MobileIP模型的无线网络与有线网络间的仿真实例,给出利用NS进行网络仿真的方法。

    Introducing the simulation principles , simulation ways and the general process of the network simulation platform-NS ( Network Simulator ), this paper gives a method of network simulation on NS by a simulation example between a wired network and a wireless network based on the module Mobile IP .