
  • 网络Network Communication;internet communication
  1. 论网络传播学

    On Network Communication Theory

  2. 本文探讨了网络传播学的任务、研究对象、学科属性和相关学科,概述了网络传播学的研究现状并进行了前瞻。

    The research object , research actuality and future of the network communication theory have been discussed in this article .

  3. 网络视域下传播学研究方法嬗变新探

    On the Changes of Research Methods of Communications in the Network Horizon

  4. 这是网络文学和传播学研究新的探索空间和热点课题。

    This is the hot topic for the network literature and disseminations to .

  5. 当前,关于微博的研究多集中在网络技术、传播学或营销学等领域,甚少有人将微博作为一个虚拟社区而对其用户所进行的网络互动进行考察和研究。

    However , few researchers have ever considered micro-blog as virtual community and studied micro-blog users by their online interactions .

  6. 而将网络论坛置于传播学框架下分析其结构和公共属性发现单从理论上网络论坛确实具有向公共领域方向发展的潜力。

    In the theoretical frame of communication , this thesis analyzes the structure and public property of Internet Forum to find theoretically that Internet Forum does have the potential for the development to the direction of the public sphere .

  7. 信息网络传播权利限制的学理分析

    Theoretically Analyze the Limitation on Right of Spreading Information by Network

  8. 网络受众已成为传播学研究的重要概念。

    The network audience has become an important concept in mass communication studies .

  9. 网络信息传播已经成为学界、政府部门、社会公众等关注与研究的焦点。

    Internet information communication has already become the focus of attention of the academic realm , the government sector and the public .

  10. 本文以网络创意新闻小品《山寨新闻》为例,从网络传播学的角度试对其做几点思考。

    This web creative news pieces " cottage News ", for example , from the perspective of network communication to do their Reflection trial .