
wǎng luò liú liàng
  • Traffic;network traffic;network flow;Netflow
  1. 基于多Agent的网络流量管理方法

    Multi-Agent Approach for Network Flow Management

  2. IP网络流量监控数据图形化的实现方法

    Implementation of graphing IP network flow monitoring data

  3. 桑德伯格离开谷歌时,已经没人怀疑谷歌将网络流量转化为收入的能力。

    By the time Sandberg left Google , there were no more doubts about that company 's ability to turn Web traffic into cash .

  4. 复杂适应系统Internet中的网络流量仿真研究

    Study on network traffic simulation of a complex adaptive system-Internet

  5. 增加的Internet网中的网络流量,对骨干网的硬件提出了挑战。

    This increase in the Internet network traffic challenges the hardware on the backbone network .

  6. 一个移动Agent在IP网络流量监控中的应用

    An Application of Mobile Agent for IP Network Traffic Management

  7. IP网络流量测量技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on Traffic Measurement Technology in IP Network

  8. 高速IP网络流量捕获监测技术研究

    The Research on Traffic Capture and Monitor Techniques in High Speed IP Network

  9. Internet网络流量的分析、模型仿真以及流量的预测,在网络管理和设计中起着很重要的作用。

    Internet traffic analysis , models simulation and prediction play a very important part in the network management and design .

  10. 没有好的接入方案,则无法控制网络流量,也就无法提供QoS保障。

    It is impossible to control network flow and guarantee QoS .

  11. MPLS及IP网络流量工程的研究

    The Research of Traffic Engineering Over MPLS Networks and IP Networks

  12. Linux下网络流量统计的实现

    Realization of Network Flow Statistic on Linux

  13. ATM宽带网络流量与拥塞控制研究

    Study on Flow and Congestion Control for the ATM Broadband Network

  14. ATM网络流量控制的一种新的模糊监控算法

    A New Fuzzy Policing Algorithm for Traffic Control in ATM Networks

  15. 支持向量机在P2P网络流量检测中的应用

    Application of SVM in Detection of P2P Network Traffic

  16. IP数据网络流量分析模型的研究一直是通信网络性能分析中一个及其重要的问题。

    One of the focuses of any performance evaluation of IP data networks is their analytical Modeling of traffic source .

  17. 报文抽样技术是高速网络流量测量和网络QoS管理中使用的一项关键技术。

    Packet sampling measurement is a key technique in high-speed network traffic measurement and QoS monitoring .

  18. 本文对网络流量采集技术进行了分析和研究,提出了一个基于数据挖掘的多Agent分布式网络流量采集模型。

    Network traffic collection technology is analyzed and explored in this thesis and a Data Mining-based Multi-Agent Distributed Network Traffic Collection Model is presented .

  19. E-mail的入户操作和节约网络流量及快捷发送的技巧

    E-mail ' Register and some Skills of Saving Network Fees and Quick Sending by Using E-mail

  20. 随着Internet规模的日益扩大,各种应用以及网络流量迅猛增长,需要网络设备提供更高的带宽和数据分类处理能力。

    With the rapid development of Internet , various network traffics are emerging , this requires the network device to provide wider bandwidth and quicker process ability .

  21. 基于ARMA的IP网络流量建模方法研究

    ARMA based IP Network Traffic Modeling

  22. 介绍了利用Java语言及ASP技术开发IP网络流量费用统计和基于Web的账单查询系统。

    Developing the system of cost statistic of IP network flows and tab searched based on web by Java and ASP are illuminated .

  23. 通过改变IP数据包的速率,分析了MPLS标签机制对网络流量的影响。

    By varying the IP packet rate the paper analyzes MPLS label scheme 's effect on the network traffic .

  24. 该方法通过Web预取技术对现有的Web链接数据库进行演化更新,可以在减少网络流量的同时获得接近现有网络爬虫系统的效果。

    The method updates the current Web link database by the Web prefetch technique , and shows the effect close to the current network crawler systems when reducing the network flow .

  25. 网络流量测量和预测是网络QoS管理和流量工程中一个重要的组成部分,尤其是对于为了保证网络QoS而引入的一些实时方法,比如接纳控制,资源预留等。

    Traffic load measurement and prediction is an important component of network Quality of Service ( QoS ) management and traffic engineering .

  26. 考虑创建一个模糊层(obfuscationlayer)来更改事件存储的时间,降低网络流量分析的效率。

    Consider creating an obfuscation layer to change the stored time of events to reduce the effectiveness of traffic analysis .

  27. 作者采用基于冰山查询的关联规则挖掘方法,对网络流量与各IP之间的联系进行关联分析,取得了较好的效果。

    Authors propose association rules mining approach based on iceberg queries for analyzing the corelation between net flow and each IP address , and acquire quite good results .

  28. 但是,它可能对黑客攻击产生误报,把正常的网络流量当成黑客流量,引起网络阻塞,虚报正常的IP地址。

    However , it may make false alarms that misjudge normal traffic as hacking traffic and cause network problems to block the normal IP address by false alarms .

  29. 故运用NP架构处理网络流量成为一种合理,高性能的解决方案。

    Therefore , the use of NP framework for dealing with network traffic became a reasonable , high-performance solution .

  30. 自相似网络流量可预测性及其在AQM中的应用

    Traffic Predictability in Self-similar Network and Its Application in AQM