
  1. 你要加入哪个教会家庭作一个有功用的成员?

    To which church family will you be joined as a functioning member ?

  2. 你看看它们的鳍有什么功用。

    But watch what they can do with their fins .

  3. 那儿除了有治疗功用的寂静之外,没有任何危险的东西。

    No hazards there , nothing but the healing sound of silence .

  4. 那这个插槽是有什麽功用呀?

    B that this slot is to has what effect ?

  5. 对有特殊功用的某小型汽油机进行了高原恢复功率的研究。

    A study on power recovery is performed for a small gasoline engine with special function on plateau .

  6. 检察官说,他们相信该案件仍有法律功用,但是调查已被无可挽回地玷污了。

    The prosecutors said they believed the case still had legal merits , but the investigation had been irreparably tainted .

  7. 山竹是一种热带水果,在东方自远古时代起就被作为一种有治疗功用的食物源。

    Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that has been used in the East as a source of healing since ancient times .

  8. 苏格拉底倒底想干吗,那个隐喻,那个核心隐喻是啥,它在本书中有啥功用?

    What is Socrates trying to do here , and what is that metaphor ,? that central metaphor ,? what function does it serve within the work ?

  9. 作者认为,高素质创造型人才植根于素质教育和创造教育的土壤之中,既要重视素质教育,又要体现创造教育,两者各有其功用。

    The author thinks that the high quality talents with creativeness are rooted in the quality education and creativeness education . So the colleges should not only take the quality education seriously but also value the creativeness education , because each has its function .

  10. 律法有三个功用:教导、民事、和规范。

    There are three uses of the Law : the pedagogical , the civil and the normative .

  11. 通过比较分析我们可以看到,观察点、叙述者、称谓在研究文学作品时,各有自己的功用,也有它们各自的适用范围。

    By analyzing we can see that there are different functions and bound for the observation-point , appellation and narrator in the study of works .

  12. 为什么表面上的适应可能是选择其他特性的副作用的另一个原因是,在不同发育时期或者身体的不同部位,基因可能有不同的功用。

    Another reason why apparent adaptations can be side effects of selection for other traits is that genes can have different roles at different times of development or in different parts of the body .

  13. 罩杯顶部的弹力花边看似只是一种点缀,实则也是有其实际功用的:当胸部的尺寸与文胸大小不是完全一致时,有了这个花边,看起来也会比较合身。

    Stretch lace at the top of the cup looks decorative , but it has a function as well : It ensures a smooth fit even when a woman 's breasts aren 't exactly the same size .

  14. 义素分析法在词语解释、同义词辨析、反义词对比、修辞分析中有特殊的功用,特别是对当今有些看似错误的特殊的语言现象通过义素分析,可以窥见语言发展的新动向。

    Componential analysis performs a special function in vocabulary definition , synonym distinction , antonym comparison and rhetorical study . With the aid of componential analysis , the tendency in language development is disclosed through the analysis of seemingly mistaken language phenomena .

  15. 民俗文化在犯罪学中有著重要的功用。

    The culture of folk-custom was of great importance n criminology .

  16. 友谊底第二种功用就在它能卫养并支配理智,有如第一种功用之卫养并支配感情一样。

    The second fruit of friendship , is healthful and sovereign for the understanding , as the first is for the affections .

  17. 他认为实用文具有广泛的社会功用,实用文写作是人们在社会经济发展、社会生活进步中必须掌握的一种写作技能。

    He thought the pragmatic writing , as a writing skill people must master in the social economic development and life advancement , had widely social function .

  18. 古代柳文学的民俗文化内蕴及佛经文化渊源民俗文化在犯罪学中有著重要的功用。

    The Cultural Meaning of Willow Literature in Ancient China and its Cultural Sources in the Sutra ; The culture of folk-custom was of great importance n criminology .

  19. 亲属称谓在一种语言或方言中属于使用频率很高、稳定性很强的基本词汇,在表情达意上有其独特的功用及情感色彩。

    Kinship are basic vocabulary that commonly used in a language or dialect with very high stability , which has unique function and intense effect ion in communication .

  20. 罗十二4正如我们一个身体上有好些肢体,但肢体不都有一样的功用;

    Rom.12:4 For just as in one body we have many members , and all the members do not have the same function .

  21. 晚间,有各种追逐式循环彩灯或彩色射灯等,以衬托大厦、通讯塔的外型,并有美化夜景的功用。

    Evening , a variety of chasing lights or colored spotlights circulation , so as to set off buildings , communications towers in the shape , and beautify the night of the function .