
  1. 君子之道不仅绝对必须,还不可避免。

    The liberal arts are not merely indispensable ; they are unavoidable .

  2. 君子之道:走向传统儒家的理想人格

    The Way to the Gentlemen Personality : Walk Up to Ideal Personality of Confucianism

  3. 这种内圣外王的仁者君子之道,为个人主义和人道主义在中国的发展找到了一个契合点,并对仁进行了崭新的诠释。

    The gentlemanlike benevolence , moral inside while strong outside , agrees with the development of individualism and humanitarianism in China , also endows benevolence with a new sense .

  4. 它主张的忠信治民的君子之道,有道家思想的影响。信是写在一张格纸上,字写得很吃力,铅笔印子抠得深深的。

    Its thought of ruling people by the Dao of loyalty and faith includes the fluence of the Daoists . The letter was written laboriously on a paper into which the pencil lines had cut deeply .