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jūn zǐ
  • gentleman;a man of noble character;honorific title to others
君子 [jūn zǐ]
  • (1) [gentleman]∶对统治者和贵族男子的通称

  • 彼君子兮。--《诗.魏风.伐檀》

  • 君子不齿。--唐. 韩愈《师说》

  • 君子寡欲。--司马光《训俭示康》

  • 君子多欲。

  • (2) [a man of noble character]∶古代指地位高的人,后来指人格高尚的人

  • 不亦君子乎。--《论语》

  • 君子有不战。--《孟子.公孙丑下》

  • 君子博学。--《荀子.劝学》

  • 花之君子。--清. 周容《芋老人传》

  • (3) 对别人的尊称 [honorific title to thers]

  • 君子书叙。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  • 君子登山。--明. 顾炎武《复庵记》

  • 同社诸君子。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • 君子之后。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

君子[jūn zǐ]
  1. 为了实现仁者爱人的目标,《论语》中提出了道德建设的理想人格是君子,规定了成为君子的道德标准和要求。

    To achieve the aim of the kindheartedness , the book puts forward a view that a man of noble character is the ideal moral character , It also provides the moral standard and moral demands .

  2. 大家都喜欢我父亲——他是真正的君子。

    Everyone liked my father ─ he was the perfect gentleman .

  3. 他们想要成为君子,虽然离这个理想还差得很远。

    They aspired to be gentlemen , though they fell far short of the ideal .

  4. 君子坦荡荡。

    A gentleman is open and poised .

  5. 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。

    A gentleman is open and poised ; a petty man is unhappy and worried .

  6. 我主张君子动口不动手。

    It 's my position that gentlemen should reason thing out rather than resort to force .

  7. 君子宽而不慢。

    Gentleman should be tolerant and generous but not unresponsive .

  8. 君子成人之美。

    A gentleman is always ready to help others attain their aims .

  9. 倘若他真是君子,他会付这笔钱的。

    If he is anything of a gentleman , he will pay the money .

  10. 君子喻于义,小人喻于利。(《论语》)

    The gentleman understands what is moral , the small man what is profitable .

  11. 希仁人君子慷慨解囊,共襄义举。

    Public-spirited people are requested to make generous contributions in support of this nonprofit undertaking .

  12. 进一步熟悉之后,我发现他是一位名副其实的君子。

    On closer acquaintance I found him a gentleman in the true sense of the word .

  13. 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。(《论语》)

    The gentleman is easy of mind , while the small man is always full of anxiety .

  14. 让这位诚实君子自己说说,他处在这种美妙的场合会怎么做。

    Let the honest fellow say what would have been his own conduct at such a delicate juncture .

  15. 君子求诸己,小人求诸人。

    The demands that a gentleman makes are upon himself ; those that a small man makes are upon others .

  16. 不知道如何装扮成一个君子的人无法赢得尊重。

    He who knows not how to dissimulate , can not reign .

  17. 他是一个真正的君子。

    He is a real gentleman .

  18. 忽然,他“哎呀”一声,后悔地说:“不好,我失误了。君子知错就改,为时不晚。”

    All of a sudden , he exclaimed with regret : " Too bad ! I have erred4 ! But a gentleman corrects his error as soon as he is aware of it , and it is not too late yet . "

  19. 六君子加减方对胃溃疡大鼠胃黏膜愈合及胃组织6-酮-前列腺素F1α的影响

    Influence of adjusted Liujunzi formula on concrescence of gastric mucous and 6-keto-PGF1 α of gastric tissue in rats

  20. 大鼠胃内注入0.2NNaOH可引起胃粘膜损伤,小柴胡汤、香砂六君子汤10g/kg预先灌胃给药对胃粘膜有明显的保护作用。

    Injury of the rat gastric mucosa was induced by gastric perfusion of 0.2 N NaOH . The gastric perfusion of Minor Bupleurum Decoction and Xiangsha Six Gentlemen Decoction in advance with a dosage of 10 g. / kg .

  21. CAMALI精心打造的书写工具,每一款的设计灵感都源自君子做人处事的高尚情节。

    CAMALI is a well-build writing tool , each type designed from a noble gentleman in dealing with the circumstances .

  22. [目的]观察六君子加减方对Okabe溃疡模型大鼠胃黏膜愈合及胃组织6-酮-前列腺素F1α(6-keto-PGF1α)的影响。

    [ Objective ] To observe the effect of adjusted Liujunzi formula ( ALF ) on concrescence of gastric mucous and 6-keto-PGF1 α of gastric tissue in rats and illustrate its mechanism of protecting the gastric mucous .

  23. 嘉能可(Glencore)打算支付高于预期的溢价,以敲定其觊觎已久的与斯特拉塔(Xstrata)的合并,此举意在平息斯特拉塔投资者对于两家公司首席执行官可能达成君子协议的担忧。

    Glencore is set to pay a larger premium than expected to seal its long-coveted merger with Xstrata , a move designed to defuse concerns among Xstrata investors about a cosy deal between the chief executives of the two companies .

  24. [结论]六君子加减方能减小溃疡面积和溃疡指数,降低黏膜肌层缺损宽度,提高再生黏膜厚度,提高大鼠胃组织6-keto-PGF1α,提高溃疡大鼠胃黏膜愈合程度。

    ( P0.05 ) [ Conclusion ] ALF could decrease the area and index of ulcer , reduce the absent width of gastric mucous , increase the thickness of regenerated mucous and level of 6-keto-PGF1 α, and improve the degree of concrescence .

  25. Underhill和Zukin指出,尽管一些像《绅士季刊》和《君子》这样的杂志刊登了许多关于购物的文章,但吸引哪些年轻男士眼球的还是电视。

    And although men 's magazines such as GQ and Esquire have long had shopping articles , it 's TV that has the eye of young male shoppers , say Underhill and Zukin .

  26. 记住:君子报仇十年不晚(复仇是一盘精心准备的冷菜)

    Remember this : revenge is a dish best served cold .

  27. 君子重德不重衣。

    It 's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman .

  28. 君子在德不在衣。

    It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman .

  29. 君子从来不会动手打女人。

    A gentleman would never lift his hand against a woman .

  30. 加味六君子汤治疗慢性阻塞性肺病缓解期32例

    Revised Liujunzi Tang Treat Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease in Alleviating Period