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yī tǒng
  • unify;unite;integrate;unitary;unify a country
一统 [yī tǒng]
  • [unify a country]统一[国家]

一统[yī tǒng]
  1. 刍议宋朝没有一统华夏的经济因素

    On Economic Factors that the Song Dynasty Failed to Unify China

  2. 在智能手机市场上,ARM一直是一统江山的霸主。

    Arm Holdings ( armh ) rules the smartphone market .

  3. 阜平片麻岩和湾子片麻岩的单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄&阜平杂岩并非一统太古宙基底的年代学证据

    TIMS U-Pb Single Zircon Ages for the Orthogneiss and the Paragneiss of Fuping Complex : Implications for Existence of the Palaeoproterozoic Supracrustal Rocks in the Central Basement of North China Craton

  4. 以太网以其成本低、灵活等明显的优势成为了各种数据业务的首选,而SDH因为具有同步复用、标准光接口和强大的网管功能等核心特点一统了电信传输网的天下。

    Ethernet has become the first choice in various data business because of its obvious advantage of low-cost , agility , etc. At the same time , SDH control the telecom transmission for its core characteristics , such as synchronized duplication , standard optical interface and mighty management function .

  5. 随后,AltaVista和Inktomi基于简单的搜索框建立了搜索引擎,接着谷歌横空出世、一统江湖。它首先推出了更好的搜索框,然后又不断对其进行改进。

    Then AltaVista and Inktomi built search engines based on the simple search box , and Google cleaned up , first by building a better search box and then by continually improving it .

  6. 但若我们无法一统海岛?

    when we cannot rule the whole of our own island ?

  7. 是汉文化由多元到一统的生动体现。

    That is the vivid expression of Han culture developed from multi-elements to unifications .

  8. 依赖时间效应的流变变形被加入这一统一力学特性的模型中。

    The time dependent creep deformation has also been incorporated in the unified model .

  9. 在这个一统的世界里,大阴走的是不同的方向。

    In the integrated world ," The Great Mystery " goes in an opposite direction .

  10. 李清照的横空出世,改变了男子一统文坛的传统格局。

    Her prominence in the Southern Song Dynasty unprecedentedly changed the male-dominated field of poetry .

  11. 一统中亚各部落后,成吉思汗将注意力转移它处。

    Having united the tribes of Central Asia , Genghis Khan turned his attention elsewhere .

  12. 真是一个伟大的、自成一统的国家。中国的一部分地区是平原,旅行便利,为游览胜地。

    There is a China of the plains , easily travelled , a tourist delight .

  13. 资本一统下的纷纷江湖&文化、地域建筑与空间生产

    The Colorful Underworld Uni ed by Capital : Culture , Regional Architecture and Spatial Production

  14. 要不了多久,糖果安迪将一统糖界天下。

    And pretty soon , Candy Andy will rule the world of sweets and treats .

  15. 这一统计数表明实际上大赢家只是少数,而吃亏者却不乏其人。

    In practice this statistic suggests a few very large winners and a great many losers .

  16. 其三,与元、明《一统志》进行了比较。

    In the third chapter this book is compared with Yuan and Ming Dynasty National Chorography ;

  17. 于是一切耀眼光中上升的破片都汇成一统。

    Then crystal scraps of all these rising in the dazzling beams added to their sum .

  18. 项羽想要成为一统全国的皇帝。

    Xiang Yu had the intention of becoming an emperor with control over the entire country .

  19. 中国天下一统观念发端于老子的一元论世界观。

    The unification of China could be traced back to the world view of Monism by Laozi .

  20. 天人合一观念,深深地影响着汉赋的创作,一是表现为汉赋作家大力宣扬对帝王的一尊和一统的思想;

    The concept of Heaven and Man into One deeply influenced the creativity of the Chinese rhyme prose .

  21. 为避免作业混乱,仅允许上列两位代表人之一统一代表分会领取资料。

    Only either of above representatives will be allowed to pick up the Spring Conference Materials and Gift .

  22. 生而为王,它将吸收宇宙所有辐射,一统神界。

    Born to be the King , he will absorb all the nuclear radiation , dominate the universe .

  23. 中华文化多元一统。匈奴人民与中原人民共同创造了伟大祖国的光辉历史和灿烂文明。

    The Xiongnu people and central plains people together create the magnificent history and culture of our great country .

  24. 越南《皇黎一统志》与中国《三国演义》之比较

    A comparison between the reunion of the kingdom of Vietnam and the story of the Three Kingdoms of hina

  25. 在一统诺森德大陆之后,巫妖王准备着手执行他真正的任务。

    Left to rule his kingdom unopposed , the Lich King began preparing for his true mission in the world .

  26. 元朝的天下一家思想及其政治文化一统

    The idea of " all under heaven are one family " in Yuan dynasty and the political and cultural unification

  27. 汉唐国家通过漕仓集中运用经济资源,来巩固政治军事权力,加强一统。

    Government made use of the warehouses to consolidate the political and military authority , and to enhance the unification .

  28. 模仿论、表现论、形式论,都有其敏锐的发现,也都存在明显的局限:归于一统怕是不可能的。

    Imitate theory , performance theory and the form theory , have sharp discovery , and there are obvious limitations .

  29. 雅各在她的坟上立了一统碑,就是拉结的墓碑,到今日还在。

    And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave : that is the pillar of Rachel 's grave unto this day .

  30. 所以,世界如果不能一统和平,想想您的后代亲人们将会过什么样的生活吧。

    So , world peace , think if they can 't integreted your offspring relatives will have what kind of life .