
yī qiáng zhī gé
  • be separated only by a wall;partition by a wall
一墙之隔[yī qiáng zhī gé]
  1. 这两家只有一墙之隔。

    The two families are separated only by a wall .

  2. 东西柏林人相距不过半个足球场,但其生活确有着天壤之别,仿佛这一墙之隔便是另一个世界。

    Berliners were separated by less than half a football field but were a world apart .

  3. 通常,个人敏感信息和犯罪分子之间仅有一墙之隔密码。

    Often , there is really only one thing standing between your sensitive information and criminals your password .

  4. 通常,个人敏感信息和犯罪分子之间仅有一墙之隔——密码。

    Often , there is really only one thing standing between your sensitive information and criminals - your password .

  5. 一墙之隔的两所学校,却仿佛在地球的两端一样遥远。

    The two schools separated by a wall , but it seems as remote as the two ends of the earth .

  6. 微软公司的一位发言人明确表示,他们计划把零售店开到现有苹果店铺的附近,甚至是近到和苹果只有一墙之隔的地方。

    Microsoft will open its retail stores near Apple 's existing locations , a company spokesperson confirms , possibly even as close as right next door in some instances .