
yī zài
  • repeatedly;again and again;time and again;over and over again;many times
一再 [yī zài]
  • [many times;time and again;again and again] 一次又一次地

一再[yī zài]
  1. 我党一再三令五申领导干部要走群众路线。

    Our Party warned time and again that leading cadres should follow the mass lines .

  2. 他们一再探问此事。

    They inquired about the matter time and again .

  3. 我老走神,一再回想起我们上次在一起交谈的情景。

    My mind kept straying back to our last talk together .

  4. 那次袭击的恐怖景象在他的梦中一再重现。

    In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack .

  5. 我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。

    I 've told you time after time not to do that .

  6. 我一再告诉过你别干那种事。

    I 've told you again and again not to do that .

  7. 他们一再否认进行非法交易的说法。

    They have persistently denied claims of illegal dealing .

  8. 我一再跟你讲不要再那么做。

    I 've told you over and over again not to do that .

  9. 反对派一再要求总统辞职。

    The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president 's resignation .

  10. 我一再查看所有的门都锁好后才出的门。

    I made doubly sure I locked all the doors when I went out .

  11. 他一再向她道歉,很快便消解了她的怒气。

    He disarmed her immediately by apologizing profusely .

  12. 这个问题会一再出现。

    The problem would be repeated ad infinitum .

  13. 自入队以来他一再受伤。

    He 's been hit by a succession of injuries since he joined the team .

  14. 她一再申明自己是无辜的。

    She protested her innocence .

  15. 我们一再告知城市规划者在诸如M40之类的高速公路旁建服务站是必不可少的。

    We have repeatedly told planners that services are vital on a motorway like the M40 .

  16. 热情的女招待会一再推荐,最后点的餐多到吃不下!

    Jovial ladies chivvy you into ordering more than you can eat !

  17. 人群一再呼喊:“我们支持你。”

    The crowd chanted ' We are with you . '

  18. 医生提出异议,但皮尔西却一再坚持。

    The doctor demurred , but Piercey was insistent .

  19. 他们一再拒绝撤走美国部队的要求。

    They consistently rejected the demand to remove US troops

  20. 他一再试图向上级投诉,但都被挡了回来并置之不理。

    His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored .

  21. 我一再道歉,但丝毫没有奏效。

    I apologized repeatedly , but to little avail .

  22. 我并不是要一再批评他对工作的专注。

    I don 't mean to keep criticising his devotion to his job .

  23. 他一再读错单词,而且说话含含糊糊的。

    He repeatedly mispronounced words and slurred his speech .

  24. 这一行动是对一再声明表示关注的政府的嘲弄。

    This action makes a mockery of the Government 's continuing protestations of concern

  25. 一再的否定和批评可能会对信心造成严重打击。

    Persistent disapproval or criticism can be highly demoralizing .

  26. 如果火车一再晚点,持铁路季票的人会得到退款。

    People with rail season tickets will get refunds if trains are persistently late .

  27. 这些说法被部长们一再否认。

    The allegations have been persistently denied by ministers

  28. 两个人都一再否认指控。

    Both men have repeatedly denied the allegations

  29. 他一再批评西方教会过于世俗,消费主义观念过于顽固。

    He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism .

  30. 我一再安慰他们,但在内心深处我知道我们没有任何希望。

    I kept reassuring them but deep in my heart I knew we had no hope