
  1. 具有房地产开发一级资质。

    A qualification with real estate development .

  2. 尤其是铝合金门窗幕墙部分具有中国建设部颁发的装饰装修一级资质证书、甲级设计证书。

    Especially , the aluminum doors , windows and curtain walls have the first level certificate of quality and first level design certificate approved by China construction administration .

  3. 主营业务包括:工程承包业,设备制造业,外经外贸业;并具有港口与航道工程、公路与桥梁工程总承包特级资质和多项工程总承包一级资质。

    With the Special Class Certificate for general contracting of port and waterway projects , and road and bridge projects , as well as several Class A Certificates for general contracting , its main business scope include project contracting , equipment manufacturing and foreign trade .

  4. 建筑业:该公司是淄博市仅有的拥有两个一级总承包资质的企业。

    Architecture industry : it is the only enterprise in Zibo city with two first grade contract qualification .

  5. 并具有公路、市政、水利水电、房屋建筑工程的施工资质和一级对外承包资质。

    It has road , municipal administration , water conservancy and hydropower , housing and building construction qualification and a qualification of foreign contract .

  6. 中石油第二建设公司是一个拥有炼化施工一级资质的石油化工工程建筑安装企业。

    The Second Construction Corporation of CNPC has qualification grade A of general contracts on chemical-petroleum engineering construction .

  7. 重庆远望建筑工程有限公司是一家有40多年历史的老企业,具有房屋建筑施工总承包一级、市政公用工程总承包一级等多种建筑资质。

    Yuan Wang Chongqing Construction Co. , Ltd. is a 40-year-old enterprise , with housing construction general contracting level , the municipal public works general contracting , and so on a wide range of construction quality .