
  • 网络A collision;primary collision
  1. 在每一次碰撞之后几百年,这些碎屑又被重新俘虏。

    This debris was recaptured a few hundred years after each collision .

  2. 在非弹性碰撞中,总是失去动能,能否在一次碰撞中,动能增加?

    Always in inelastic collisions do you lose kinetic energy .

  3. 每一次碰撞都会释放出一股伽马射线暴和四处飞散的粒子。

    Each collision would release a burst of gamma rays and scattered particles .

  4. 要想阻挡全球化,我们需要一次碰撞。

    It would take a crash to stop it .

  5. 我能设计一次碰撞,使动能完全转化。

    I can arrange a collision so that all kinetic energy has been removed .

  6. 中西文化发生数千年来最为深切的一次碰撞。

    The most intensive collision had occurred between Chinese and Western cultures for thousands of years .

  7. 其中最大的一次碰撞解释了一种人们更加认可的月球形成学说——大碰撞说。

    The largest of these collisions accounts for one of the more popular theories of how our Moon came about .

  8. 从沙漠&海湾相、古亚洲定局到华力西最后一次碰撞事件;

    From a desert-bay-sound facies , through the finalization of the paleo-Asia , to the last collision event of Variscan orogeny ;

  9. 唤名反应从唤10次反应一两次到应答七八次。两种文化的一次碰撞

    Response to calling name was increased from 1 to 2 times to 7 to 8 times within 10 times . A Collision of Two Kinds of Culture

  10. 周四下午,美国在短道速滑比赛中摘得奖牌的希望似乎要落空。当时比赛中一次碰撞让美国队一度在短道速滑男子5000米接力半决赛中被淘汰。

    Earlier in the afternoon , U.S. medal hopes in short-track speedskating seemed to take a major blow when a crash took the team out of the men 's 5,000-meter semifinal .

  11. 碰撞使科学技术为艺术带来更多的媒介选择,每一次碰撞都带来了改变,并最终形成了符合时代发展规律和人类认知习惯的艺术表现形式。

    The collision of science and technology for art to bring more media choices , every collision can bring the change , and finally formed in accordance with the time development and human cognitive habit of art forms .

  12. 分布式虚拟环境中,由于实体和化身通常分布于不同的仿真节点,所以碰撞检测应具有完全性和唯一性,即碰撞双方对一次碰撞应做一次仅且做一次响应。

    Because entities and avatars belong to the different workstation , collision detection for distributed virtual environment has characteristics of completeness and uniqueness , namely that two sides of collision have once and only once response to a collision .

  13. 此外,在月球较远那侧如此巨大的一次碰撞应该迅速移动很多岩浆洋,然后在月球表面一直铺到近地侧,这就导致了月海的形成。

    Moreover , such a huge collision on the far side would have shifted much of the magma ocean that then underlay the moon 's surface to the near side , which led to the formation of the maria .

  14. “二次碰撞”是造成人体损伤的直接原因,但“一次碰撞”在很大程度上决定了“二次碰撞”的剧烈程度,因此“一次碰撞”对人体损伤有很大影响。

    " Second impact " gives efficient cause for passenger injury , but " first impact " decides on exquisite degree of " second impact " to a large extent , so " first impact " has a large effect on passenger injury .

  15. 死于去年新奥尔良一次汽车碰撞事故。

    Killed in a car crash last year in new orleans .

  16. 在1918101年人在田纳西的纳什维尔被在一次火车碰撞中死亡。

    In1918,101 people were killed in a train collision in Nashville , Tennessee .

  17. 我经常告诉自己这只是人生漫漫路途上的一次小碰撞。

    I always tell myself that it 's just a small bump on a long road .

  18. 在得出这个结果后不久,他在一次比赛碰撞中撞断了锁骨。

    Not long after those results came in , he crashed during a race , snapping his collarbone .

  19. “中国礼仪之争”是清初中国文化与基督教文化的一次大碰撞。

    The " Chinese Rites Controversy " is a great hit of Chinese culture and Christian culture in the early days of Qing dynasty .

  20. 假设当台球以同样的方式在下一次发生碰撞时,根据相关法则的描述,是否会出现相同的情况呢?,这样的解释对我来说是否合理呢?

    Does that give me a good reason to supposing that the next collision of billiard balls will work in the same way , will operate according to some descriptive rules .

  21. 感光制版技术的引进和创新是现代科技与版画创作的又一次良性碰撞,是科学技术在当今社会创造的新的版画创作形式。

    The introduction and innovation of Photographic plate technology is another succession of combine modern technology and printmaking , also a new form of printmaking created by science and technology in contemporary .

  22. 基于经典模型的计算表明,在经过一次往返碰撞后,出射粒子的最高能量是平均入射能量的1.33倍。

    Preliminary calculations based upon a classical picture indicate that an energy boost of 0.33E_0 can be generated after once shuttle collision , E_0 is the mean incident energy per nu - cleon .

  23. 月球可能起源于一次大碰撞,这次碰撞是由一个火星大小的星球撞击原地球所引起的,撞击后的原星球残核以及溅射物质通过吸积作用形成了月球。

    Based on the most recent study , the Moon is the result of one big collision between the original Earth and another planet approximately to the Mars in size . Throuth the accretion , the remains of the planet and the splashed materials formed the Moon gradually .

  24. 爱情就是一次偶然的碰撞,开始了就永远不会停止!

    Love is an accidental collision , will start never to stop !

  25. 上一次的重大碰撞发生在6500万前,造成了恐龙的灭绝。

    The last big impact was 65 million years ago , and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs .

  26. 即便你有钱却没有时间,在接受者看来,用礼物回报善意,也像是他们的善意与你的钱包之间一次激烈的碰撞。

    Even if you are cash-rich and time-poor , rewarding kindnesses with gifts may seem to the recipient a crashing collision of their thoughtfulness and your wallet .

  27. 每一次在游戏中碰撞到物体就会等到积分奖励,不同的速度和冲击角度得分各不相同。

    I points are awarded for every collision with objects in the game , depending on the speed and angle of impact .

  28. 入仕后,儒家思想与现实发生了一次又一次的碰撞,使其在陶渊明思想体系中处于一种失衡的状态。

    After he became an official , his confucian ideas collided at times with reality so that he lost balance .

  29. 他们可能会一次又一次地发生碰撞,直到他们合并。

    They will probably collide again and again until they coalesce .

  30. 通过分析一次成功发送和一次碰撞持续的平均时间,找到网络饱和吞吐率与RTS门限的关系。

    Based on analysis of the average time in a successful transmission and a collision procedure , the saturation throughput of IEEE 802.11 DCF network in hybrid mode is expressed as a function of RTS threshold .