
  • 网络The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy;The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy;Guide to the Galaxy;The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy
  1. 目的就是为替《银河系漫游指南》写一本地球指南。

    so that he could write an entry about Earth for The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy ,

  2. 令人怀念的《银河系漫游指南》作者道格拉斯·亚当斯(DOUGLASADAMS)幻想出过很多漫画创作。

    DOUGLAS ADAMS , the late lamented author of " The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy ", dreamed up many comic creations .

  3. 上头有个像鸟一样的标志,还有一条口号,“《银河系漫游指南》MK2:宇宙中最最令人惊叹的奇观。即将在你的位面发售。”除此之外再没有其他信息了。

    There was a kind of bird-like logo on it , and a slogan which said ' The Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy Mk II : the single most astounding thing of any kind ever . Coming soon to a dimension near you . " No more information than that .

  4. 那是他过去那本《银河系漫游指南》。

    It was his old Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy .

  5. 说完他拿起《银河系漫游指南》开始打字。

    He picked up his Hitch Hiker 's Guide and started to type .

  6. 这是她父亲那本《银河系漫游指南》。

    It was her father 's copy of The Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy .

  7. 这三个问题是个无法无天又让讨人厌的小东西:《银河系漫游指南》。

    The third was an irritating and anarchic little device called The Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy .

  8. 亚当斯以深受世人喜爱的《银河系漫游指南》系列作品而闻名于世。

    Adams is best known for his " Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy " series , which was ground breaking .

  9. 而这本旅游指南恰恰是一本真书的一部分。而那本真书名字就叫《银河系漫游指南》。

    which is a travel book within the actual book , which is also called The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy .

  10. 科幻史上最帅的书本状数码装备,那个《银河系漫游指南》里头那本指南,可不就是一平板机么?

    The greatest literary device in sci-fi history , the actual Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy , was , in fact , a tablet .

  11. 在受人喜爱的小说《银河系漫游指南》中,一位叫福特·派法特的外星人为了混进人类世界假扮人类,

    Now , in the beloved novel Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy , an alien named Ford Prefect pretended to be human in order to blend in

  12. 福特任阿瑟自己去瞎琢磨,他掏出了自己那本老版的《银河系漫游指南》。

    Ford let Arthur get on with thinking things out for himself while he got out his old edition of The Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy .

  13. 过去(没错,“过去”这词儿说起来的确有些可笑),《银河系漫游指南》对于平行宇宙发表过蛮多的看法。

    The Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy has , in what we laughingly call the past , had a great deal to say on the subject of parallel universes .

  14. 是《银河系漫游指南》、《美丽新世界》、《哈利波特与凤凰社》还是《白鲸》?

    Is it the " Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy , " " Brave New World , " " Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix " or " Moby Dick " ?

  15. 就连《银河系漫游指南》在这儿也搞得好像中了风,所以他才不得不跑到这种地方来问这种问题。

    Even The Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy seemed to work only fitfully here , which was why he was reduced to making these sorts of enquiries in these sorts of places .

  16. 福特皱起眉头,“没印象。”他掏出自己破破烂烂的老版《银河系漫游指南》,把它打开,“有什么特别的拼写吗?”他问。

    Ford frowned . ' Don 't think so , " he said . He pulled out his own battered old copy of The Hitch Hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy and accessed it . ' Any funny spelling ? " he said .