
  1. 浅谈沂蒙文化的重要资源&银雀山汉简的文化价值及利用

    On the Important Resources of Yimeng Culture Analyzing the cultural value and usefulness of bamboo slips from the tombs of the Han Dynasty

  2. 银雀山汉简对于我国军事史、哲学史、文字学、古简册制度等研究,均有重要的价值。

    The Han bamboo slips from Yinque Mountain are of great importance for the study of Chinese military history , philosophy history , philology and the system of ancient bamboo slips as well .

  3. 第六章是银雀山汉简《六韬》词汇研究在辞书编纂上的价值,我们从增补义项、提前始见书、增补例证、补充新词等几个方面加以说明。

    Chapter VI is YHL on the terms of the value of the lexicography , we add to the meaning of items , see the example in advance , add the example and new words to illustrate several aspects .