
yín hánɡ chénɡ duì
  • bank acceptance;banker's acceptance
  1. 这当中银行承兑汇票起到了至关重要的作用。

    Bank acceptance bill played essential function in this process .

  2. 银行承兑汇票使用中的问题及对策

    The Problems About the Bank Acceptance Bill in use and the Countermeasures

  3. 付款必须用英国银行承兑的汇票。

    Payment must be made by bank draft drawn on a UK bank .

  4. 随着市场经济和国际贸易的发展,特别是中国加入WTO以后,银行承兑汇票作为一种流通支付工具,其作用显得越来越重要。

    With the development of the market economy and the international trade , specially after China joined in WTO , the function of banker 's acceptance bill becomes more and more important as an instrument of payment and circulation .

  5. 浅谈对“银行承兑汇票”的管理

    Brief talking about the management of " bank accept draft "

  6. 银行承兑汇票纠纷若干法律问题研究

    The Study of Several Legal Issues in the Bank Accepted Bill Dissension

  7. 银行承兑汇票是营造企业资金空间的桥梁

    Bank 's accepted draft is the bridge to establish enterprise capital space

  8. 银行承兑汇票业务中存在问题的思考

    On the Problems Existed in the Bill Accept Business of the Banks

  9. 该远期汇票已被承兑银行承兑了吗?

    Has this bill been accepted by the acceptance bank ?

  10. 银行承兑票据;银行承兑汇票

    " Banker 's acceptance ; bank acceptance , bill "

  11. 我们要求该汇票由我们认可的一家银行承兑。

    We require the draft be accepted by a bank acceptable to us .

  12. 浅议银行承兑汇票的优点

    Discuss on the Advantages of Bank Draft for Honouring

  13. 我公司要求该汇票由一家我公司认可的银行承兑。

    We demand the draft be accepted by a bank acceptable to us .

  14. 可收受六个月内的银行承兑汇票。

    Can be received within six months of bank acceptance bills of exchange .

  15. 银行承兑汇票:定价管制、利率传导与市场波动

    Banker 's Acceptance : Price Ceiling , Interest Rate Influence and Market Fluctuation

  16. 银行承兑汇票风险及防范初探

    Discussion on Adventure & Protection of Bank Draft

  17. 请给我兑换这张汇款单双具名银行承兑汇票

    Can I have this money order cashed , please acceptances with two bank names

  18. 应收票据主要为销售商品或产品而收到的银行承兑汇票。

    Notes receivable represent mainly bank acceptance bill received for sales of goods and products .

  19. 双具名银行承兑汇票

    Has this bill been accepted by the acceptance bank ? acceptances with two bank names

  20. 因而,随着银行承兑汇票业务的快速发展,其风险也在不断增加。

    However , with the rapid development of bill businesses , the risk is also increasing .

  21. 一般情况下,议付行可以通过出售开证行的银行承兑汇票来融资。

    This is often achieved by selling the issuing bank 's bankers acceptance to other investors .

  22. 固定利率银行承兑汇票

    Fixed Rate Bankers ' Acceptances

  23. 他山之石&发达国家银行承兑汇票市场发展对我国的借鉴意义

    Experience of Developed Countries

  24. 换言之,当交易变成银行承兑票据,这项交易就变成了承兑银行的一种无条件的责任。

    In other words , when the transaction becomes a BA it becomes an unconditional obligation of the accepting bank .

  25. 同时,针对银行承兑汇票被人为滥用对我国彩电行业造成的种种弊端,笔者认为,问题的关键不在于该不该在彩电业中运用银行承兑汇票,而是如何有效地利用银行承兑汇票。

    Then the author further analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of applying bank acceptance bill in china 's color TV industry .

  26. 要改变目前的现状,必须在完善银行承兑汇票市场的基础上,开发商业票据市场。

    To change the present situation , commercial paper market must be developed on the basis of perfecting bankers ' acceptance market .

  27. 作为我国票据市场主要市场交易工具的银行承兑汇票业务,目前也存在不少问题。

    As banker 's acceptance bill business , our bill market 's main trade means , also exists in a lot of proble .

  28. 银行承兑汇票保证金已丧失保证金功能时,人民法院可以依法采取扣划措施。

    Where loss of function of bank acceptance deposits is caused , the people 's court shall take deduct measures in accordance with law .

  29. 从目前商业银行承兑汇票使用中存在的问题入手,对我国银行承兑汇票业务中应采取怎样的防范措施进行了探讨。

    Analysis is made on the problems about the bank acceptance of commercial bank during the economic activities , and the preventives are given .

  30. 票据市场是货币市场的重要组成部分,包括商业票据市场和银行承兑汇票市场。

    The Bill Market is an essential part of the Currency Market , including the Commercial Bill Market and the Bank 's Acceptance of Bill Market .