
  1. 北京一位分析家侯宁(音)说,农村里那些非法放贷者放出不安全的高利贷来助长农民进入股市。

    Hou Ning , a Beijing-based analyst , says that in the countryside unlicensed moneylenders have been helping farmers into the markets with unsecured high interest loans .

  2. 我国目前的放贷人体系主要由金融机构类放贷人、非金融机构类放贷人、非法人型放贷人这三个层次的十种主体构成。

    The lenders system is including financial institutions lenders , non-financial institutions lenders and unincorporated lenders .

  3. 金融机构类放贷人的市场退出,宜采用行政与法院相结合的二元主导模式;非金融机构类放贷人以及非法人型放贷人的市场退出,宜采用法院主导模式。

    The withdrawal of financial institutions should adopt the dual-led model of combination of administration and court , the withdrawal of non-financial institutions lenders and unincorporated lenders should adopt court dominant mode .