
yín hánɡ dān bǎo
  • bank guarantee;banker's guarantee
  1. 我们的销售商,预期预计筹集MT760银行担保方面的价值,我们的交易,因为购买量和我们通常所涉及的款额付款。

    Our sellers are expected to raise an MT760 bank guarantee in respect of the value of our transaction because of the volume of purchase we normally make and the amount involved in payment .

  2. 尚无迹象显示爱尔兰政府试图滥用银行担保。

    There is no evidence that the government tried to abuse the bank guarantee .

  3. 基于Web的银行担保品管理信息系统

    Bank Collateral MIS Based on Web

  4. 但是银行担保我200万的贷款。

    But the bank had granted me a loan of two million .

  5. 因为这样有银行担保。

    Since then we have the guarantee of the bank .

  6. 银行担保金额应等于动员预付款的金额。

    Bank-guarantee shall be the same amount with mobilization payment .

  7. 瑞典推出了提供2000亿美元银行担保的计划。

    Sweden unveiled a plan that offers bank guarantees of $ 200 billion .

  8. 与如今不同,当时联邦政府并不为银行担保

    Unlike today , the federal government does not bail out the banks .

  9. 应该是有银行担保,开具的承兑汇票。

    Should be to the bank assures , opened accept bill of exchange .

  10. 并一般由当地银行担保。

    And possibly guaranteed by a bank locally .

  11. 为贸易信贷,投标保证金,项目保证金,银行担保等出口前及出口后的保证金。

    Pre and post-export guarantees for trade finance , bid bonds , performance bond , bank guarantees .

  12. 与此相反,担保债券的付款是由银行担保的,无论打包的贷款表现有多糟。

    In contrast , covered bonds have payments that are bank-guaranteed regardless of how poorly the packaged loans perform .

  13. (一)仅因为此类债券或证券是由银行担保而加以歧视;或

    ( I ) which discriminates against such obligation or security solely because it is guaranteed by the Bank ; or

  14. 由非金融机构发起,由银行担保付款的短期信用投资。

    A short-term credit investment which is created by a non-financial firm and whose payment is guaranteed by a bank .

  15. 他还宣布了一系列旨在帮助中小企业的举措,包括减税和银行担保。

    The premier also announced a series of measures to help small and medium-sized companies , including tax breaks and bank guarantees .

  16. 他们为银行担保是因为后者提供了一种社会效用:资金的安全港和支付系统。

    They guarantee banks because the latter provide a social utility : a safe haven for money , and a payment system .

  17. 先期付款保证:一种银行担保,保证雇主在破产或其他情况下,向承包人先期付款。

    Advance payment security : A Bank security guaranteeing the advance payment made by the employer to the contractor in case of Bankruptcy or other cause .

  18. 我方要求在签署技术转让协议时,贵方要向我方提供支付所有技术转让费用的银行担保。

    We require that at the signature of the technology transfer agreement , you will provide us with the bank guarantee for the transfer of all payments .

  19. 付款保证书被认为是可以转让的。信用证是一种支付工具,付款由银行担保。

    Bonds to pay were treated as negotiable . An LIC is a tool or instrument of payment , and the payment is guaranteed by a bank .

  20. 尽管中国造船上也要求同样买家预付同样比例的定金,但他们不要求国际银行担保,会接受那些财务状况并不稳固、实际上是空壳公司的企业所下的订单。

    Although Chinese shipyards demanded the same deposits , they did not require the guarantees , and accepted orders from what were effectively shell companies with weak finances .

  21. 多数理财产品在销售时都有某种形式的银行担保,导致许多投资者以为这些产品实际上是无风险的,尽管其承诺的收益率往往较高。

    Most wealth management products are sold with some form of bank guarantee , leading many investors to believe that the products are in effect risk-free , despite the often high promised yield .

  22. 以专利权为质押标的获得融资,对于缓解中小企业发展的资金压力,优化银行担保结构具有重要意义。

    With the patent rights for impawn mark , obtaining financing for alleviating the fund pressure of the small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) in developing , optimizing the bank guarantee structure has the important significance .

  23. 自从一个月前的上次会议以来,欧洲央行已经开始购买被称为担保债券的私营行业资产,也就是由发行债券的银行担保的、打包出售给投资者的银行贷款。

    Since it last met a month ago , the central bank has begun buying private sector assets known as covered bonds , bundles of bank loans packaged for sale to investors and guaranteed by issuing banks .

  24. 宽松货币政策必须回归正常的利率政策;相机抉择的财政刺激必须转向让政府预算走上可持续道路的政策;银行担保和政府股权必须退出。

    That is : monetary ease must return to normal interest rate policy ; discretionary fiscal stimulus must shift to putting government budgets on a sustainable path ; banks ' guarantees , and state-ownership stakes , must be withdrawn .

  25. 由于规避美国法律禁止开立银行担保的规定,备用信用证起源于美国,并且起初主要应用于美国,而欧洲基本上使用银行独立担保。

    Standby letter of credit origins in America for reason of circumventing the law , which prohibits bank issuing guarantees . At the beginning , standby letter of credit was mainly used in America and independent bank guarantee in Europe .

  26. 但现在对于中国发行人来说,一个大问题是来自替代固定收益投资的竞争更加激烈,比如财富管理和信托产品,其收益率达到8%到9%,并且有发行银行担保。

    But a big problem for Chinese issuers now is the tougher competition from alternative fixed income investments , such as wealth management and trust products , which offer yields of 8 or 9 per cent and are guaranteed by the issuing banks .

  27. 投资者和银行家纷纷转向安全资产,他们担心他们在乌克兰和东欧其它国家的利益处于一道金融铁幕的错误一方,银行担保在所谓的安全和风险资产之间树起了这道铁幕。

    There has been a flight to safety by investors and bankers who fear their stakes in Ukraine and elsewhere in the region are on the wrong side of a financial Iron Curtain that the bank guarantees have created between supposedly safe and risky assets .

  28. imf经济学家从直接支持(包括注资和资产购买)、银行融资担保以及非标准央行贷款三方面,对美国未来5年的复苏成本进行了研究。

    IMF economists looked at costs net of recoveries over five years on direct support ( including capital injections and asset purchases ) , bank funding guarantees and non-standard central bank loans .

  29. 显然银行为担保要收回一定费用。

    Obviously , the banks make a charge for their guarantee .

  30. 其三,银行对担保物的风险低估。

    Third , the bank underestimated the risk of collateral .