
wù zī xiāo hào
  • Material consumption;consumption of materials
  1. 针对煤炭企业传统物资消耗预测中存在的不足,以及影响煤炭企业物资消耗的因素复杂等特点,建立一种基于自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)的物资消耗预测模型。

    Established prediction model of consumed material in coal enterprise based on adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference systems ( ANFIS ) network , which analyzed deficiency of traditional consumed material prediction , and complex factor affecting consumed material .

  2. 二是物资消耗成本的控制。

    Secondly , it is the cost control of material consumption .

  3. 试论物资消耗定额在煤炭行业中的管理作用

    Discussion on Material Consume Ration Manage in the Coal Enterprises

  4. 实施跟踪管理降低物资消耗

    Adopting the tracking management to reduce the consumption of goods and materials

  5. 建设工业集团物资消耗管理流程的设计与应用

    Design and its Application of Consuming Material Management Procedure in Construction Industry Groups

  6. 物流已经成为企业在降低物资消耗,提高劳动生产率以外的第三利润源泉,在企业运营管理中具有极其重要的地位。

    Logistics plays an important role in the running and development of enterprises .

  7. 建设工业集团物资消耗定额管理的问题及对策

    The Problems and their Countermeasures of Consuming Material Quota Control in Construction industry Groups

  8. 加强企业管理,降低物资消耗,是企业经营管理的重要内容和手段。

    Strengthened enterprise management and lower material consumption were the enterprise managing main contents and means .

  9. 发展农产品物流,是降低物资消耗、提高劳动生产率以外的第三利润泉。

    It has become a third profit source except reducing the cost of material and improving productivity .

  10. 该内容主要是:抗击灾害所需要的物资消耗,在抗灾过程中的各个阶段是不同的。

    The mainly are : anti-disasters material resources needed at all stages of the process is different .

  11. 积极推广降低粮食生产成本的技术,减少物资消耗,提高粮食生产效益。

    Technologies will be actively popularized to lower grain production costs , reduce the waste of materials and improve grain production efficiency .

  12. 现代物流业被认为是降低物资消耗、提高劳动生产率以外的重要利润源泉。

    Modern logistics industry is considered as the main source of profit besides reducing the consumption of material and improving the labour productivity .

  13. 分析了物资消耗定额在煤炭行业中的管理作用,并就大同煤矿集团公司四老沟矿实行定额管理的情况,提出一些建议。

    The paper discusses on material consume ration management in the coal enterprises and puts forward some advice and expectation for the future .

  14. 物资消耗与工资总额挂钩浮动理论初探&略论平果铝业公司降低物资消耗对策

    DISCUSSION THE FLOAT-CONCERNED THEORY ABOUT ENTERPRISE 'S CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS AND TOTAL WAGES ── About Pingguo Aluminum Industry Corporation 's Countermeasure of Reduce Consumption of Materials

  15. 我们现在达到的地步,我们必须仔细研究推定联系我们水平的福祉和水平的物资消耗。

    We are now reaching the point where we must carefully examine the presumed link between our level of well-being and the level of material goods consumed .

  16. 系统包括装备保障态势显示、装备状态实时查询与统计、物资消耗需求与预测、人员与物资的调配方案辅助规划等。

    The system includes equipment support situation awareness , real-time statistics of equipment technical state , analysis on materials consumed and required , support scheme aided planning of people and material .

  17. 但是,在我国经济快速发展的同时,我们也应当看到,经济发展中存在的问题,尤其是过于依赖第二产业,过于依赖物资消耗,经济增长方式很不合理。

    However , fast economic development is attended by some problems , especially over dependence on the secondary industry and material consumption , which in turn leads to unreasonable economic development pattern .

  18. 以系统工程理论为指导,探讨了企业消耗管理流程的意义,结合建设工业集团生产的实际,提出了企业物资消耗管理的构建框架及实施中的几点建议。

    Taking foe theory of system engineering as guidance , probe into the meaning of setting consuming material management procedure , give the outline and suggestion of consuming material management procedure in construction industry groups .

  19. 现场调查每所县级医院,收集医院的基本情况、科室设置、信息系统接口、药品物资消耗、人员、面积、工作量等基础条件信息,了解医院成本核算现状;(5)实证研究。

    Collect information of each county hospital about department settings , information system interface , drug & material consumption , personnel , area , workload and other basic conditions . ( 5 ) Empirical research .

  20. 现代高技术局部战争,各种新式武器装备纷纷投入战场,军事物资消耗急剧增加,对仓储的依赖性日益增强。

    In the modern high-tech local wars , a variety of new weapons and technical equipments are all put into place and the consumption of martial materials increases quickly which brings a stronger reliability of storage .

  21. 并在给定相应的赈灾物资消耗曲线情况下,验证所建模型的合理性以及算法的有效性;五是建立了基于多目标数学规划的赈灾物资运输模型。

    In a given material consumption curve case , the outcome verifies the rationality of this proposed model and the effectiveness of the algorithm ; Fifthly , this study brings forth the model for transportation of relief supplies lay on multi-objective mathematical programming .

  22. 物流配送被认为是除降低物资消耗和提高劳动生产率两大利润源以外的第三利润源,它能为企业和社会带来巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    Logistics distribution is considered as " the third profit source " except the two existent sources of profits , including the reduction of material consumption and the increase of labor productivity , which can bring the enterprise and society a great economic and social benefits .

  23. 物流己成为企业在降低物资消耗(第一利润源),提升劳动生产率(第二利润源)之外的第三利润源,第三方物流行业也迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    In addition to the reduction of materials consumption ( the first source of enterprise profit ) and the improvement of labor productivity ( the second source of enterprise profit ), logistics has become the third source of enterprise profit . The third party logistics faces unprecedented opportunities and challenges .

  24. 进行有效的成本管理,不仅可以降低产品成本,而且还可以节约材料物资的消耗量。

    Effective cost management , not only can reduce product cost , but also saving the consumption of materials .

  25. 最后利用该模型对军械物资的消耗量进行了预测,结果表明预测精度较高。

    At last , a practical example about the ordnance material consumption forecasting illustrates the high accuracy of the proposed model .

  26. 文章从生产效率、物资和能源消耗、专业化生产诸方面探讨了我国船舶工业和世界先进造船业的差距。

    Discrepancies between shipbuilding industries of China and the world foremost countries , including labor productivity , cost of raw materials and energy , specialization of production are discussed .

  27. 因此,探索当前矿山企业的物资管理对降低物资消耗,提高企业的生产率和市场竞争力有着显而易见的作用。

    Good material management helps lowering down of material consumption so as to improve enterprise productivity and market competition .