
chuàng zào zhě
  • Creator;former;father;author;inventor;architect
  1. 我一直认为花园的灵魂是与其创造者共存亡的。

    I have always believed that a garden dies with its creator .

  2. 在两者关系上,传统PC属于内容的创造者,而平板电脑则是内容的消费者。

    The relationship between the two , the traditional PC is the creator of the content , while the tablet is the content consumers .

  3. 人民是历史的创造者。

    The people are the makers of history .

  4. 人民是历史的创造者,是真正的英雄。

    The people are the true heroes , for it is they who create history .

  5. XML允许创造者定义自己的标签和自己的文档结构。

    XML allows the author to define his own tags and his own document structure .

  6. 哈利伯特的创造者,J。

    The creater of Harry Potter , J.

  7. AppleTV+聚集了全球众多极具创意的故事创造者,持续不断推出更多载誉无数的节目。

    Apple TV + is a home to the world 's most creative storytellers , and continues to expand with award-winning programming .

  8. 实际上,您所做的就正好是MUD的创造者们经年来一直在做的事,也就是说去模拟生活。

    In essence you just did what MUD creators have been trying to do for years , to simulate life .

  9. 当我参加IBM会议时,我从产品创造者那里获得了最好的信息和见解。

    When I attend our IBM conferences , I know I get the best information and insight from the people who created the products .

  10. 电视系列节目“美国偶像”(americanidol)的创造者富勒,已经让一位出色的右前卫变成一个伟大的品牌。

    Mr Fuller , creator of American Idol , the television series , has turned a very good right-half into a great brand .

  11. 但spdrgoldtrust的创造者世界黄金协会(worldgoldcouncil)背后的各大矿商却被它们所创造的这只基金抛在了后面。

    But the creators of the SPDR gold trust , the miners behind the World Gold Council , are being left behind by their creation .

  12. 这就是为什么EDI的创造者主要关注的是消息的大小。

    This is why the creators of EDI were mainly concerned about the size of their messages .

  13. 注:根据模仿对象的创造者所说,它应该在其validate()方法内部执行自己的所有验证。

    Note : According to its inventors , a mock object is supposed to perform all of its own validation inside its validate () method .

  14. 处于鼎盛时代的资本主义是我们所知道的最好的财富创造者:对于CEO该拿多少钱这样的棘手问题,它也需要令人满意的答案。

    Capitalism at its best is the best generator of wealth we know : it too needs good answers to hard questions about how much its CEOs are paid .

  15. 2006年,《时代》杂志的年度人物是“你”(You),以YouTube和博客为代表,传达了所有人都是互联网上内容创造者这一概念。

    In2006 , the magazine chose'You'for the idea , represented by YouTube and blogs , that ordinary people now had power to create content online .

  16. 几十年前,芭比的创造者RuthHandler看到一个瑞士的叫做Lilli的玩具,穿着艳丽,脚踩高跟鞋。

    Several decades ago , Barbie 's creator , Ruth Handler , saw a Swiss doll called Lilli , voluptuous and wearing heels .

  17. 其中一种可能的情况是,在一个运用Scrum敏捷方法的团队中,产品所有者也将是这个文档思想的创造者。

    As one possibility , in a team using a Scrum Agile approach , a product owner would be an ideal owner for the creation of this document .

  18. 创造者神经系统称其“4D裙子”,因为像织物一样,这件打印的衣服可以从一件被压扁的物件展开成你想要的形状。

    Creators Nervous Systemcall it a ' 4D dress " as , like fabric , the printed garment can go from a compressed object to its intended shape .

  19. 上个世纪术,美国斯特恩管理咨询公司(EVA品牌的创造者)率先提出了经济增加值(EVA)的概念,并将其成功应用于全球300多家企业。

    Since the previous century 's end , stern & Stuart consulting company ( EVA brand inventor ) firstly proposed the concept of EVA , and successfully applied EVA more than 300 enterprises in the global .

  20. 这个词的创造者,美国BGCFinancial投资公司首席全球策略师、金融衍生工具研究主管迈克尔•普尔夫斯解释说,跟牛和熊相比而言,狼的体型更小,但动作迅速,决断果敢。

    Its coiner , Michael Purves , chief global strategist and head of derivatives research at BGC Financial said a wolf is clearly a smaller animal than a bull or a bear , but it 's very quick and decisive .

  21. 瑜伽空间的总监、WIN放松法的联合创造者曼迪•杰哈迈特补充道:“内心的忧虑会反映在身体上,带来肌肉不适与紧张。这可以通过专注力训练搭配简单有效的拉伸动作来缓解。”

    Mandy Jhamat , director at Yogasphere and co-creator of the WIN Sequence , added : ' Internal worries manifest themselves in the physical , causing discomfort and tension in our muscles . By matching mindfulness exercises with basic but effective stretches that can be . '

  22. 《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)在2014年刊发的一篇调查文章误认为多利安·中本聪(DorianSatoshiNakamoto)是比特币的创造者。

    A Newsweek investigation in 2014 incorrectly identified the Bitcoin creator as Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto , a physicist living with his mother in Southern California .

  23. 在电动载具电池方面三星和博世&这个世界最大的汽车零部件供应商以及动力和引擎管理技术的创造者强强联手,组建了三星非常重视的合资公司SBLiMotive。

    In electric-vehicle batteries Samsung has joined forces with Bosch , the world 's biggest supplier of car parts and a fount of expertise on power-and engine-management .

  24. 盖比特是皮诺丘的创造者,他通过P3K微处理器令皮诺丘拥有想像力。

    Geppetto creates Pinocchio , a super-robot equipped for imagination thanks to the P3K microprocessor .

  25. 但是,《我的世界》的创造者马库斯·佩尔松(MarkusPersson)不会留在公司,亲眼看着它发生变化。

    One person who will not stick around to see what changes lie in store for the game , however , is Minecraft 's creator , Markus Persson .

  26. 中国古代士人,是精神文化的创造者、传播者、接受者。

    The ancient scholars are cultural creators , disseminators and receptors .

  27. 你是所见事件的脚本编写者和创造者。

    You are the scripter & creators of your event horizons .

  28. 创造者本身告诉我们不要如此容易的受欺骗!

    Creator himself tells us not to get tricked so easily !

  29. 我们是这个我们生存的世界的共同创造者。

    We are the co-makers of this world we live in .

  30. 你想同别的机遇创造者在一起。

    You want to go where the other change makers are .