
  • 网络Creativity;Creative activities;inventive activity
  1. 美在消解客体世界必然性的重荷和畸形的同时通过人的主动的创造性活动建构了自由的世界。

    When beauty de-constructs the necessity of the world , and constructs the free world through people active creativity .

  2. 数学思想方法是研究数学发现、发明、创新和其他创造性活动的规律和方法的一门数学学科。

    Mathematical thinking method is a branch of Maths , it studies mathematical finding , invention , creating and other creativity movable law and method .

  3. 实验教学的本质是一种创造性活动;

    Secondly , experimental teaching is essentially one of creative activities ;

  4. 批判性思维是创造性活动和创造性思维过程中不可缺少的因素,是创造性思维的前提和基础。

    Critical thinking is the premise and foundation for creative thinking .

  5. 包装设计是在多种条件限制下的创造性活动。

    The package design is a creative activity under many restrictive conditions .

  6. 人类的社会实践是能动的创造性活动,它充分地体现着真、善、美的统一。

    Human being 's social practice is creative activity of dynamic role .

  7. 家具设计是-项关于家具文化的创造性活动。

    Furniture design is a creative activities about furniture culture .

  8. 一个人个性的表现(通常通过创造性活动)。

    The expression of one 's individuality ( usually through creative activities ) .

  9. 具有良好的人格特征是开展创造性活动必不可少的心理保障。

    Good personality character is the necessary mental safeguard to develop creative activity .

  10. 长期以来,翻译都被视为一种模仿性的活动,而非创造性活动。

    Translation has long been regarded as a derivative rather than creative activity .

  11. 自主需要的状况是影响创造性活动的核心因素;

    The need of self-determination is a core factor ;

  12. 建构主义从本质上规定了学习是一种创造性活动。

    Constructionism defined learning as a creative activity from the nature of it .

  13. 自主与胜任需要的满足是创造性活动的核心内容;

    The satisfaction of self-determination and competence is the core of creative activity ;

  14. 声乐演员在舞台上的歌唱是听觉形象与视觉形象有机结合的一种创造性活动。

    Singing is a kind of creative activity that hearing is combined with vision .

  15. 从事所有能从事的创造性活动。

    and pursue whatever creative endeavours are available .

  16. 电视编辑是一项艺术性很强的创造性活动,有着其自身的规律和适用章法。

    As a creative artistic work , TV editing is governed by its own laws .

  17. 翻译,是一种限制下的创造性活动。

    Translation is a creation under limitation .

  18. 教师具备创新教育观念、创新能力和创新人格,热爱创造性活动,是培养学生创新意识的前提和保证。

    Teachers with innovative spirit are prerequisite and guarantee to cultivate students ' innovation ideology .

  19. 创新人格是新世纪开展创造性活动的基础,它具有鲜明的个性特征。

    Originative character is the basis to the development of creative activities in new century .

  20. 创造性活动是人能动的真、善、美相统一的活动。

    Creative activities are the integration of human truth , good and honesty , and beauty .

  21. 换句话说就是创造性活动可以是保持大脑健康的一项运动。

    In other words , creative activities may act as exercises that keep the brain fit .

  22. 写作是一种创造性活动,它离不开想像。

    Writing is a kind of creative activity , it can 't be separated from imagination .

  23. 右脑的这些特点符合人们在创造性活动中的思维创新。

    So the function the right Hemisphere of is related with creative thinking in creative activities .

  24. 摘要高校图书馆现代参考咨询服务的工作过程是高智能化的创造性活动。

    The process of the modern reference service in university libraries is more intelligent and creative .

  25. 文化是人类的本质显现,是人类创造性活动的总和,文化从本质上讲是人化、人文化。

    Culture is a human innate character to present , it is a total human creative activities .

  26. 创新作为人们改造世界的创造性活动,它促进了人的自由全面发展;

    Innovation as a creative activity of human transforming the world prompts human freedom and all-around development ;

  27. 创新人才就是能够以创造性活动,创造出新的物质和精神成果的人。

    Innovative talents are those who can take creative activities to create new materials and spiritual achievements .

  28. 发展作为一种有意识的自我创造性活动,必须以一定的发展观为理论支撑。

    Development as a conscious self creative activity must be in a certain development as a theoretical support .

  29. 城市景观艺术设计是以艺术设计的新视角对城市景观环境进行设计的一种创造性活动。

    City landscape artistic designing is a creative work on city landscape because it focuses on artistic designing .

  30. 创新思维训练课程的教学本身就是一种创造性活动,没有固定的模式和一成不变的方法。

    The ITT course itself is a kind of creative activity , without any fixed mode and unchangeable method .