
  • 网络Innovation management;Management of Innovation
  1. 基于多Agent的高校科技创新管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Colleges and Universities Scientific and Technological Innovation Management System Based on Multi-Agent

  2. 基于xml的知识创新管理工具开发

    Development of XML-based Knowledge Innovation Management Tools

  3. 航展拾珍&从GE公司产品研发看技术创新管理

    Findings from Paris Air Show & The Technology Innovation Management of Product Development of GE Company

  4. 生物农药Bt产业发展的创新管理

    Innovation Management of Bt biopesticide Industry

  5. 针对企业的管理方式正从工业社会的生产管理向知识经济时代的创新管理和KM(知识管理)转变这一特征,着重分析企业人力资源管理的发展趋势。

    Because the management ways of enterprises are being transferred from production management of industrial society to the innovative management and KM , this text analyzes the development trend of enterprise 's human resources management emphatically .

  6. 一种新的技术创新管理工具&创新管理成熟度模型研究(IMMM)

    A New Technological Innovation Management Tool & Research on the Innovation Management Maturity Model ( IMMM );

  7. 国外石油公司科技创新管理体系浅析

    On the Management System of Technical Innovation in Foreign Oil Companies

  8. 企业创新管理系统的特征分析

    The Character and Mechanism Analysis of the Enterprise Innovation Management System

  9. 技术创新管理细化实现装置长周期运行

    Realization of long term continuous running by technology innovation and scientific management

  10. 大胆创新管理模式,积极培育质量文化

    Boldly Innovating Management Mode , Actively Cultivating Quality Culture

  11. 展现关键技术和创新管理技能。

    Emerge with critical technology and innovation management skills .

  12. 技术与创新管理,系统工程,数据、模型与决策。

    Technology and Innovation Management , System Engineering , Data Models and Decisions .

  13. 创新管理打造自身特色的核心竞争力

    To develop core competence with one 's own characteristics based on managerial innovation

  14. 企业业务流程创新管理能使企业绩效得到巨大改善。

    The business process innovation management can bring great improvement to enterprise performance .

  15. 前摄研究在分裂式创新管理中的应用

    The Application of Proactive Research in Disruptive Innovation Management

  16. 管理能力在不同环境因素上有着不同的差异性,领导能力和创新管理能力在所有的环境因素上都具有显著性差异;

    Managerial competence significantly differed on different demographic factors .

  17. 试述高校图书馆的发展与人力资源的创新管理

    The Development of University Library and the Innovative Management of the Human Resource

  18. 第四章是市场研究对创新管理的影响。

    The fourth chapter talks about the effect of market research on innovation .

  19. 复杂产品系统项目的组织与技术创新管理研究现状

    Review on the Organization and Technology Innovation Management of Complex Products and Systems

  20. 高校财务创新管理探析

    Studies on Innovation of Financial Management in Colleges

  21. 企业协同创新管理的高标准定位与审计

    Benchmarking and Audit of Enterprise Synergy Innovation Management

  22. 特别是对于高科技芯片设计公司,技术创新管理是这类公司管理的重中之重,如何做好技术创新管理是高科技公司最普遍关注的问题。

    Especially for high-tech chip design company technology innovation management is the top priority .

  23. 版权管理方面:重视网络版权管理,创新管理手段。

    Copyright management : pay more attention to network copyright management , innovation management .

  24. 创新管理体制和运行机制;

    Innovative management system and operational mechanism ;

  25. 加强企业技术创新管理。

    To enhance enterprise technical innovation management .

  26. 现实期权理论与方法在技术创新管理中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Real Option Theory and Method in Management of Technology and Innovation

  27. 加强企业内部模仿技术创新管理;

    To strengthen enterprises innovation management ;

  28. 第一部分,对制药企业技术创新管理的理论前提进行了研究,提出了制药企业技术创新管理的基本概念。

    This thesis discusses the management of technology innovation process on the standpoint of pharmaceutical enterprises .

  29. 创新管理模式;

    Innovate managing - model ;

  30. 其主要原因是企业内部的技术创新管理薄弱。

    The main cause of the problem is the weakness of the enterprises internal technology innovation management .