
chuàng zuò
  • create;produce;write;creative work;creation;composition;compose
创作 [chuàng zuò]
  • (1) [create;produce;write]∶创造文学艺术作品

  • (2) [creation]∶也指文艺作品

  • 文艺创作

创作[chuàng zuò]
  1. 丙烯颜料可用来创作单一色调的大幅图块。

    Acrylic paints can be used to create large , flat blocks of colour .

  2. 这些艺术家创作的音乐非常令人惊叹。

    And the music these artists create is pretty amazing .

  3. 莫扎特在创作出他最后一部歌剧后不久便去世了。

    Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died .

  4. 作为作家,他似乎缺少创作激情。

    As a writer he seemed to lack creative spark .

  5. 这个展览表明她的创作有几个新动向。

    The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work .

  6. 她在艺术创作上是个纯粹的个人主义者。

    She 's a complete individualist in her art .

  7. 他创作了乐曲,但我不知道谁填写的歌词。

    He wrote the music but I don 't know who wrote the words .

  8. 从她的作品中可以识别出许多不同的创作手法。

    It is possible to discern a number of different techniques in her work .

  9. 所有作品都是在约翰∙威廉斯的指导下由学生创作完成的。

    All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams .

  10. 向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂的作品的作者们祝贺。

    The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work .

  11. 最后一节规定,此后为公司创作的一切作品均为该公司所有。

    The final section provides that any work produced for the company is thereafter owned by the company .

  12. 20年前创作型歌手约翰·普林发行了他的第一张专辑。

    Twenty years ago singer-songwriter John Prine released his first album .

  13. 他倾向于创作高度试验性而且风格奇异的音乐作品。

    He tends to write bizarre and highly experimental pieces of music

  14. 身为作曲家的他证明了自己在创作大型戏剧方面驾轻就熟。

    As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms

  15. 他很久以来一直都想创作一部关于约翰·保罗·琼斯的传记作品。

    A life of John Paul Jones had long interested him .

  16. 在许多方面,安妮塔·卢斯看着都不像是从事剧本创作这一行的。

    Anita Loos was in many respects untypical of the screenwriting trade

  17. 艺术创作旨在陶冶情操。

    Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit .

  18. 叶卡捷琳娜大帝赞助过各种艺术创作和科学研究。

    Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences .

  19. 在南非的那些年是他创作最旺盛的时期。

    The South African years were his most creative period .

  20. 在他的创作生涯中,他写下了50多部剧本。

    During his career , he wrote more than fifty plays

  21. 所有参赛者必须保证其参赛作品完全是自己创作的。

    All entrants must warrant that their entry is entirely their own work

  22. 她那几个月里创作的画作备受推崇。

    The paintings she produced in those months won undivided admiration

  23. 他开始用英文创作大量的文学作品。

    He began to churn out literary compositions in English .

  24. 这些剧作是按照其创作的先后顺序安排的。

    These plays are arranged in their order of composition .

  25. 创作并发表这首诗是一个大胆越轨的举动。

    To write and publish this poem was a daring , transgressive act .

  26. 对他来说,这个十年所余下的时间是一段创作空白。

    For him , the rest of the decade was a creative write-off .

  27. 他最近所创作的都是些精雕细琢的作品,少有鲜明的政治内容。

    His recent productions have been beautifully crafted works with little overt political content

  28. 我在学生时代创作过很多管弦乐作品。

    I had written quite a lot of orchestral music in my student days

  29. 尼科尔森始终坚持创作纯粹简单的艺术,从未动摇过。

    Nicholson never swerved from his aim of making pure and simple art .

  30. 莎士比亚笔下的女性角色在创作之初是打算由男性来扮演的。

    Shakespearean women 's roles were originally written to be played by men .