
dī yīn tí qín
  • double bass;contrabass;string bass
  1. 许多爵士三重奏小姐由钢琴、吉他和低音提琴组成。

    Many jazzz trios consist of a piano , guitar and double bass .

  2. 她查明是杰克弄坏了低音提琴,非常气恼。

    She found out about Jack busting the double bass and was very annoyed .

  3. 另一位著名的低音提琴演奏家罗恩·卡特改编了这些歌曲。

    The songs were arranged by another well-known bass player , Ron Carter .

  4. 他给我买了一把低音提琴,非常便宜。

    He got me a bass dirt cheap .

  5. 是的,音乐图书馆被烧了,三四把低音提琴烧毁了。真是太不幸了。

    Yes , the music library burned , three or four double basses burned . It 's just unbelievable .

  6. 我厂是深圳专业生产制作高档、中档小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴的企业

    We are manufacturer of high-and medium-end violins , violas , cellos and basses .

  7. 巴西低音提琴演奏家PatriciadaSilva身高虽不过五英尺(1.52米),但却因手稳且平易近人脱颖而出。

    Patricia da Silva , a Brazilian double-bass player who is no more than five feet tall , stood out for her steady hand and warm personality .

  8. daSilva就在她的脸谱上发状态说道“今天发生了不可思议的事:我和柏林爱乐乐团首席低音提琴手一起演奏了。这太让人难以置信了!”

    As Ms da Silva posted on Facebook : " The unthinkable happened today : I played with the principal bassist of the Berlin Philharmonic . I still can 't believe it ! "

  9. 低音提琴手DonPalma从1972年团队成立时就加入了,他认为传统乐队和Orpheus的工作方式差距很大。

    According to double-bass player Don Palma , a member since the group 's founding in1972 , the difference between working in Orpheus and working in a traditional orchestra is dramatic .

  10. 只会钢琴、吉他、小号、鼓和低音提琴

    Just piano , guitar , trumpet , drums and bass .

  11. 双簧管与低音提琴的音色不同。

    The double bass and the oboe have different timbres .

  12. 其中的一个低点搬到塔斯马尼亚岛和低音提琴海峡。

    One of these lows will move across Tasmania and the Bass Strait .

  13. 库谢维茨基和他的低音提琴协奏曲

    Serge Koussevitzky and His Double - Bass Concerto

  14. 这一段可以用三部古低音提琴或者低音提琴来演奏。

    This passage could be performed by three bass viols or even a double bass .

  15. 鼓与低音提琴通常组成爵士乐队的节奏乐器组。

    The drums and double bass usually form the rhythm section of a jazz group .

  16. 我厂是深圳专业生产制作高档、中档小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴的企业。

    We are manufacturer of high-and medium-end violins , violas , cellos and double basses .

  17. 带上你的低音提琴!

    Come with your double bass !

  18. 我弹爵士乐时主要用的就是那把低音提琴。

    I play bass-guitar too , but mainly use the double bass when I play jazz .

  19. 用调低了的弦拉小提琴低音提琴的琴弦要远比吉他、电贝司或是小提琴的琴弦贵得多。

    Double bass strings are much more expensive than guitar , electric bass , or violin strings .

  20. 在其中一场演奏会上,他认识了安妮&一位弹奏低音提琴的康州金发美女。

    And at one of those gigs , he met Ann & a pretty blonde from Connecticut who played bass .

  21. 乐队里的弦乐乐器是小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和低音提琴。

    The string instruments in the orchestra are the violin , the viola , the cello , and the bass .

  22. 我上过一些音乐课,而且我会拉低音提琴。所以也许那值得考虑,

    Well , I have taken some music courses and I do play the double bass.So maybe that 's something to think about ,

  23. 乐队混合采用弦乐、风琴、低音提琴以及重音吉他等乐器,以独一无二的强有力的方式阐释他们的故事。

    By incorporating strings , organ , double bass , and heavy guitar they are able to portray their message in a unique and powerful way .

  24. 此外,钢琴、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴、长笛的不同组合势必将为爱乐者展现一场丰富多彩的声乐大餐。

    We believe , the different combinations of piano , violin , viola , cello , violone , flute will show a splendid concert for music lovers .

  25. 低音提琴是提琴家族重要的成员之一,它在低音声部发挥重要的作用,在交响乐团的演奏中,低音提琴作为低音声部中重要的乐器,为音乐情感的表达发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    Double bass is an important instrument in symphony orchestra , especially in the bass part . The double bass plays an important role in music emotional expression .

  26. 钢琴的琴键受击时,琴弦就会震动。弦乐器主要有小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和低音提琴。

    The strings of a piano vibrates when the keys are struck . The string instruments mainly are the violin , the viola , the cello and the bass .

  27. 低音提琴通常被算作提琴类,定弦为第四级音,颈部倾斜和背平是低音提琴的特点。

    The double bass , usually considered a member of the violin family , is tuned in fourths and has the sloping shoulders and flat back characteristic of the viols .

  28. 第二章是低音提琴民族化的教学与演奏,对中国音乐文化的包容性进行概述,探索低音提琴民族化的可行性。

    The second chapter is the teaching and performance of bass nationalization , which presents an overview of the inclusiveness of the Chinese music culture and explores the feasibility of bass nationalization .

  29. 在云杉有悠久的历史传统乐器:小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,低音提琴以及今天的更昂贵的电吉他,有深厚的爵士乐云杉上衣。

    Spruce has a long history in classical musical instruments : The violin , viola , cello , double bass as well as today 's more expensive electric jazz guitars all have solid spruce tops .

  30. 对我国低音提琴中国作品的创编、教材建设,课程建设,以及北京国际低音提琴音乐节、中国低音提琴学会在低音提琴民族化教学与演奏方面所作出的贡献进行了全面的回顾与梳理。

    This chapter will also review the composing , teaching materials compiling and courses designing of Chinese bass , the Beijing International Bass Music Festival , the contribution made by the Chinese Bass Society in terms of bass nationalization teaching and performance .