
dī wā dì
  • low-lying land;flat
  1. 这场骤雨有可能把低洼地淹没。

    The torrential rain may flood the low-lying land out .

  2. 低洼地杨柳扦插育苗技术

    Cutting Technique of Poplar and Willow in Low-lying Land

  3. 这地区大部分是低洼地。

    Much of the region is lowland .

  4. 低洼地和湿地提供鲜嫩而且多汁的植物。

    Lowlands and wetlands provide tender and juicy vegetation .

  5. 修复和重建低洼地生态系统;

    Immediate reconstruction of soft palate Repair and rebuild low marsh land system ;

  6. 低洼地种稻增产灌溉技术试验研究

    Research of irrigation technique for paddy planting and product increase in low land area

  7. 城市近郊低洼地利用&以山东省聊城市为例

    Utilization of Lowland in City Outskirts & A Case of Liaocheng , Shandong Province

  8. 有一年春天,我在一片容易被淹的低洼地过早种下了玉米,邻居们都为此嘲笑我。

    One spring I planted corn too early in a bottomland so flood-prone thatneighbors laughed .

  9. 论安徽沿淮低洼地的景观型生态开发

    Landscape Type Ecological Development of Low Marsh Land Along the Huai River in Anhui Province

  10. 把(土地)用作牧场我将利用低洼地放牧。

    To use ( land ) as pasture . I shall graze the bottom field .

  11. 我将利用低洼地放牧。

    I shall graze the bottom field .

  12. 七要整合资源,发展沿淮低洼地生态观光农业。

    The seventh is to integrate the resource for the development of ecological tourism agriculture .

  13. 东莞市郊低洼地农业生态系统模式的研究

    Lowland agroecosystem models in Dongguan suburbs

  14. 小火山口一种底部平坦、大致呈圆形的火山爆发后形成的盛满水的低洼地

    A flat-bottomed , roughly circular volcanic crater of explosive origin that is often filled with water .

  15. 但是,它们总是在几乎没有遮护的低洼地里面产蛋。

    But it lags eggs in shallow depressions in the sand with very little protection around them .

  16. 他说河水越涨越高,漫过河岸,淹没低洼地。

    He says the river rises higher and higher , breaks the bank and is filling all low places .

  17. 我在低洼地里到处游荡,不时被灌木绊倒,跌进沙坑。

    And in the low ground where I wandered I kept tripping among bushes and rolling into sandy pits .

  18. 地面上有许多的小低洼地,人的脚陷进去就很容易摔坏腿。

    The ground was covered in little hollows which could easily break the leg of anyone whose foot got caught .

  19. 生长在美国南部沼泽地和低洼地的皂荚,有椭圆形的短荚,;出产硬而坚韧的木材。

    Honey locust of swamps and bottomlands of southern United States having short oval pods ; yields dark heavy wood .

  20. 九、避免低洼地、陡坡、易崩塌地或其他环境敏感地。

    Low-lying lands , steep slops , lands where landslip is likely to occur , and other environment-sensitive lands shall be avoided .

  21. 在一个多年荒废的低洼地,一锄挖下去,突然翻出一堆小石块。

    Abandoned for many years in a low-lying land , a hoe and digging down , suddenly pulls out a pile of small stones .

  22. 中部地区协调水平普遍低于东部和西部,形成协调发展的低洼地。

    The harmonious standards of the central areas were generally less than east and west , which formed the coordinated development of the low-lying areas .

  23. 并从水资源日益匮乏和低洼地土地资源条件分析,阐明了旱稻生产有一个较大的发展空间。

    It was explained in this article of the prospect of upland rice extension by analyzing the water resources decreasing and the using of downfold .

  24. “好奇号”目前在火星一处叫作盖尔陨石坑的低洼地上,洼地的中间有一座小山,人们喜欢叫它“夏普山”。

    Curiosity is sitting in Gale Crater , a round depression in the Martian surface with a peak , nicknamed Mount Sharp , in the center .

  25. 传统而言,建在同一片低洼地上的村庄,不得不就建造防波提达成共识,否则大家都会被淹没。

    Traditionally , villages occupying the same " polder " , or tract of low-lying land , had to agree about constructing sea-defences or all would drown .

  26. 重盐碱地的改造及建植草坪的研究&以河西走廓中部重盐碱低洼地的草坪建植为例

    Study on Improvement of Severe Saline-alkali Land and Turf Plant & A Case Study on Plant Turf in the Sever Saline-alkali Lowland in the Middle of Hexi Corridor

  27. 在山地黄壤和山地黄棕壤的分布地带内,尚有石灰土及低洼地的山地沼泽土和水稻土。

    In the area distributed with mountain yellow carth and mountain yellow-brown earth , there is limestone soil , and mountain marshy soils and paddy soils in smaller depressions .

  28. 结果表明,以平缓低洼地上梭梭群落的植物种类最丰富,其次是平缓沙地,半流动沙丘上的植物种类最少。

    The results showed that the species of H.ammodendron community was the richest on low-lying land , the second on slow and gentle desert , and the least on semi-mobile dune .

  29. 水土流失、风蚀以及低洼地水分不平衡引起的土地退化等问题已得到社会各界的广泛关注。

    The problems of arable land degradation , such as soil and water loss , soil erosion by wind and soil water disequilibrium , attract attention of all walks of life .

  30. 随灌溉水进入灌区的盐分约有13排入塔里木河,其余排向灌区内、外的湖泊和低洼地。

    One third of the import salt in the irrigation water drains to the Tarim River and others discharges to the lake or the bottomland inside or outside of the irrigation district .