
  • 网络subsistence security system
  1. 最后,结合我国为提高低收入人群福利而实施的低保制度的现实状况,本文特别讨论了负所得税,其中包括税率问题和不同收入范围内的最优转移支付问题。

    Finally , combing the reality of subsistence security system to improve benefits of low_income groups , this paper especially discuss the negative income tax including the tax rate and the optimum transfer payment style in different earning ranges .

  2. 农村低保制度建设中的参与和赋权:贵州省K乡的案例研究

    Participation and Empowerment in Building Rural Subsistence Security System : Taking K township of Guizhou province as the case

  3. Q镇农村低保制度体现了我国农村低保制度的基本特征,但由于Q镇处于苏南发达地区,也呈现出自己的特点。

    Q Town rural subsistence allowances system embodies the basic characteristics of the system of rural residents in China , but due to Q Town in developed areas , it presents its own characteristics .

  4. Q镇位于江苏省苏州市吴江区,对Q镇农村低保制度的调查和研究,可以在一定程度上反应苏南发达地区农村低保工作的整体情况。

    Q Town is located in Wujiang District , Suzhou City , Jiangsu Province , the investigation of Q Town rural subsistence allowances system can react developed areas in the south of Jiangsu rural residents in a certain extent .

  5. 城市低保制度、可持续生计与资产建设

    Urban Minimum Living Standard Scheme 、 Sustainable Livelihoods and Asset Building

  6. 河北省城市低保制度运行中的问题及对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures on Urban Minimum Living Security System of Hebei

  7. 发展县域经济是实施农村居民低保制度的物质保证;

    Developing economics around counties is the material guarantee ;

  8. 参与低保制度的实施过程,作政策与政策对象的调解人;

    Participating the implementation process of minimum living standard security system as mediator ;

  9. 凌源地区农村低保制度完善与发展研究

    Study on Improve and Develop the Rural Minimum Security System in Lingyuan City

  10. 论城市居民低保制度运行机制的完善

    Improving the Operation Mechanism of Urbanite Lowest-Life-Security System

  11. 全面推行农村低保制度的障碍分析

    Analysis of the Impediments to All-round Introduction of the Rural Minimum Living Standard Security System

  12. 少数民族地区低保制度研究&对恩施自治州的调查与分析

    A Study of System of Guaranteeing the Lowest Living Standard for Citizen in Minority Areas

  13. 全面推进农村低保制度的障碍性因素分析

    Obstacles to Establishing Rural Minimum Living Standard

  14. 但是目前包头市的城市低保制度在运行中仍然存在着许多问题。

    However there are lots of problems in running the lowest life guarantee system in Baotou City .

  15. 第二,低保制度实行后农民的福利意识发生了哪些变化?

    In second , the minimum system after the implementation of farmers ' welfare consciousness has changed ?

  16. 试论中国城市低保制度实践的延伸效果及其演进方向

    A Discussion on the Unintended Effects of the Urban Supplemental Minimum Security Income and Its Developmental Trend

  17. 具体而言,第一,低保制度实行前农民的福利意识有哪些特点?

    Specifically , a first , low system before the introduction of farmers ' welfare consciousness which features ?

  18. 首先,现行农村低保制度忽视了针对低保边缘群体的救助。

    First , the present minimum life security system ignores the aid for the minimum assurance marginal group .

  19. 在我国民政福利体系的改革过程中,最引人注目的是低保制度的出台。

    The enactment of minimum living standard security system is most noticeable in the civil administration welfare system reform .

  20. 第三,低保制度实践与农民社会福利意识变化的之间的关系是什么?

    In third , the minimum system practice and farmer social welfare consciousness change what is the relationship between ?

  21. 我国已初步建立了农村低保制度,并取得一定成效。

    Up to now , our country has initially established the Minimum Living Security System and achieved some effectiveness .

  22. 从城乡低保制度对比中看农村低保制度发展障碍

    Research on the Obstacle of Minimum Living Standard Guarantee System in Rural through Contrasting the System between Urban and Rural

  23. 建立义务教育财政低保制度的目的是促进义务教育均衡的发展,体现公共教育财政的公共性。

    The aim to set up this system is to improve public educational equilibrators and embody public educational finance communal .

  24. 城市居民低保制度在保障城市居民基本生活权益方面正发挥越来越大的作用。

    The urbanite lowest-life-security system is getting more and more important in securing the basic rights and interests of urbanite .

  25. 中国西部中小城市低保制度存在的问题及对策

    The Main Problems and the Solutions to the Lowest Urban Life Security System in the Middle and Small Cities of Western China

  26. 我们将要开始的实行覆盖城乡的低保制度也要用法制保障。

    And we will develop a legal framework for the system of urban and rural basic cost of living allowances to be established .

  27. 但各地自行探索的农村低保制度在实践过程中日益暴露出许多突出问题,目前正面临着各种困境,严重制约着制度的高效运行。

    However , the Rural Minimum Living Security System that is self-exploration in different areas has exposed many outstanding problems in practical process .

  28. 近年来,城市低保制度在减缓改革冲击、维护社会公平与稳定方面发挥了重要作用。

    In recent years , urban minimum living security system plays an important role in relieving reforming pressure , maintaining fairness and social ability .

  29. 得知低保制度受经济发展水平的制约,各地区发展水平不一致,各种问题也在实践中暴露出来。

    System by the low level of economic development constraints , the level of development of different regions , the problems are exposed in practice .

  30. 在多年的实践中,我国现行的低保制度的缺陷逐渐地显露出来。论城市居民低保制度运行机制的完善

    In China there gradually appear some defects in lowest living security system of city residents in practice . Improving the Operation Mechanism of Urbanite Lowest-Life-Security System