
  • 网络low level jet;low-level jet;llj
  1. 中国西南低空急流活动的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis on the South-Westerly LLJ in China

  2. 在南方的锋生过程中,西南低空急流起了重要作用,其作用表现在两个方面:(1)低空急流向北的暖湿输送;

    The southwesterly low level jet plays important roles in the frontogenesis process , these roles are : ( 1 ) northerly warm wet transportations in the low level jets ;

  3. 6月中旬后,索马里地区低空急流建立,东非越赤道气流成为主要的影响系统,并经常与105°E的越赤道气流共同作用影响我国或东亚地区的低空急流。

    Established , it becomes the main flow together with the cross-equatorial currents , near 105 ° E to influence the low-level jet over East Asia .

  4. 用48h三维轨迹分析和物理量诊断分析相结合的方法研究了1991年7月上旬的一次大暴雨过程及其与高低空急流的联系。

    A case of heavy rain in July 1991 was diagnosed with 48-hour three dimensional trajectory of air parcel associated with the high and low level jets .

  5. 凝结加热通过对MCS发展过程的影响从而也影响了MCS环境场中尺度低空急流、高层辐散等中尺度结构特征的形成。

    By affecting the MCS development processes , condensation heating also influences the formation of MCS mesoscale environment structure features such as low-level jet ( mLLJ ), upper-level divergence ;

  6. 高、低空急流和低层辐合流场对MCC的生成和发展具有重要的作用。

    The conver gence stream field of the upper level jet stream and low level jet stream play an important part in the emergence and development of the MCC .

  7. MCC在低空急流中心前方的风速梯度区中形成并发展;MCC形成阶段,中层出现暖中心并且气旋性涡度增大,辐合辐散运动随高度交替出现,量级相当,上升运动的层次较厚。

    The warm core occurs , the cyclone vorticity increases and the divergence alternates with height in the middle-level at the forming stage of MCC , and the levels of ascending motion are thick .

  8. 其触发机制是冷空气从近地层楔入暖空气中,在高、低空急流、层结不稳定等诸多有利条件下,由几个小尺度对流云团合并发展成1个中尺度对流复合体(MCC)。

    And its trigger condition is cold air near ground join warm air , then develop a MCC by several small scale convective cloud under condition of upper and low level jet 、 stratification instability 、 etc.

  9. 结果表明:高、低空急流耦合区中西南低涡及MCC特征云团的形成和维持是造成此次特大暴雨的直接影响系统。

    The results show that the event is directly affected by the formation and evolution of southwest vortex and MCC cloud cluster which locate in the intersection region of the upper-level jet and the low-level jet .

  10. 通过分析我们发现了正的相对螺旋度中心与850hpa低空急流的演变过程是一致的。

    The positive storm-relative helicity center is accompany with low-level jet in 850-hpa isobaric surface fields .

  11. 700hPa图上有明显强劲的低空急流,有水汽输送带。

    Low level jet stream is strong in 700 hPa aerological diagram , and there is vapor transporting channel , too .

  12. 冷暖空气的激烈交锋、梅雨锋上的中尺度辐合线、700hPa、850hPa上的低涡、切变线以及稳定维持的高低空急流是导致这场暴雨的直接影响系统;

    The strong conflict of warm and cold mass , mesoscale convergence on Meiyu front , shear line , and stably maintaining of high and low jets make for the rainfall .

  13. 850hPa和700hPa低空急流的存在,一方面强劲的西南气流输送的暖湿平流加强了华北地区不稳定层结,另一方面急流附近的强风切变为飑线的产生提供了动力条件。

    The low-level jet at 850 hPa and 700 hPa brought warm and moist southwest air to North China and intensified the unstable stratification . The strong wind shear near the low-level jet provided dynamic conditions for the occurrence of the squall .

  14. 徐州冬季边界层低空急流的观测研究

    Observational study on boundary layer low-level jet at Xuzhou in winter

  15. 两类低空急流的流量学诊断

    Diagnoses of two kinds of low-level jets as viewed from energetics

  16. 低空急流对内重力波不稳定发展的作用

    The effect of low level jet on the stability of gravity waves

  17. 低空急流与暴雨相互关系的对比分析

    On the relation between the low level jet and rainstorm

  18. 西南低空急流的能量学分析

    Energetic analysis of the southwesterly low - level jet stream

  19. 中低空急流的能量平衡初步分析

    Energy Budget Analysis of Jet Streams in the Middle-Lower Troposphere

  20. 大、中尺度低空急流与暴雨

    Lower-Level Jet Streams of Large - and Meso-Scale Heavy Rain

  21. 对流层高、低空急流耦合作用的动力学分析

    Dynamical Analysis on the Coupling of Upper anb Lower Tropospheric Jet Streaks

  22. 边界层低空急流的数值研究

    Numerical study on the low level jet in the planetary boundary layer

  23. 梅雨暴雨中高低空急流与西南涡的活动低空西南急流与冷锋快速南移的关系

    The Relationship between Southwesterly Low level Jet and Fast Southerly Movement Cold Front

  24. 大尺度低空急流轴的移动预报

    Forecast of movement of large scale low-level jet stream

  25. 低空急流的单多普勒速度特征

    Single Doppler Velocity Signatures of Low - level Jets

  26. 丘陵山区低空急流特性分析

    The analysis of the characteristics of low-level-jet ( llj ) in Hilly Area

  27. 大尺度低空急流对边界条件的响应

    The Response of the Large Scale Low Level Jet to the Boundary Conditions

  28. 高低空急流对天津局地暴雨的影响

    The Influence of The Upper and Lower Jet in Local Torrential Rain in Tianjin

  29. 次天气尺度低空急流的形成

    The forming of subsynoptic scale low-level jet stream

  30. 东风低空急流暴雨是由中尺度回波团和中尺度复合体造成的;

    The heavy rain was directly produced by the meso-scale echo mass and complex ;