
dī yā cáo
  • trough
  1. 低压槽延伸约1,000公里。

    The trough of low pressure extended over about 1000 kilometres .

  2. 夏季最强的一次降雨过程(7月15~20日)是高空低压槽前的持续性暴雨。

    The most severe successively heavy rainfall event in the summer 2004 was caused by upper-level trough on 15 & 20 July .

  3. 干热低压槽犹如抱窝的母鸡赖着不走。

    A hot , dry thermal sat there like a brooding hen .

  4. 低压槽、副热带高压在夏秋季对API影响较大。湿度、云量与API呈相反走势,而温度则与API相关性不大。

    In summer and autumn low pressure ridge , subsidiary tropic high pressure affect API greatly , and the relation of humidity and amount of cloud with API show contrary trend , the temperature has little relation with API .

  5. 结果表明,MCC发生在较弱的斜压环境里,对流层低层有明显的天气系统如切变线、中尺度低涡,中层可以没有低压槽参与,高层则出现在反气旋环流里。

    Results demonstrate that the MCC develops in a weak baroclinic environment , a 850 hPa horizontal wind shear line with a vortex dominated in the low levels and an anticyclone in upper levels , without baroclinic wave trough accompanying in midlevels .

  6. 某些急流其最大风速中心常发现位于深低压槽的底端。

    Individual jet maxima are frequently found at the tips of deep low-pressure troughs .

  7. 这类高空的低压槽在低层对流层大气中表现不很清楚,但在高层对流层中却表现很显著。

    But in the lower troposphere these troughs are very obscured over the plateau .

  8. 梅雨锋西端高空低压槽前持续性暴雨分析&1981年7月四川大暴雨

    Analysis of Persistent Heavy Rainfall in the font of Upper Trough Associated the Meiyu Front & the Case over the Sichuan Basin during July 1981

  9. 春季华南在冷空气垫上空南支西风中低压槽东移时的天气过程分析

    Analysis of the weather process of the eastward moving troughs in the South Branch of westerlies over the cushion of cold air in South China in spring

  10. 结果指出,与中β尺度雨团相对应的地面气压场上是中尺度低压槽或闭合的中低压系统;

    It shows that a system connected to meso - β - scale rain cluster is a mesoscale trough or a mesoscale low pressure on the surface .

  11. 在高空平直的西风环流下,沿南支西风急流带,有低压槽在冷空气垫之上东移,地面高气压区域中常有低压槽和锋生出现。

    At this time if a trough in the south branch of the westerlies moves eastward over this cold cushion , then there offen appears a trough and frontogenesis in the region surface high .

  12. 当暖气团在锋面处受到冷气团的作用时,就会形成雷暴雨。梅雨锋西端高空低压槽前持续性暴雨分析&1981年7月四川大暴雨

    Thunderstorm form when a warm air mass is forced by a cold mass at a front . Analysis of Persistent Heavy Rainfall in the font of Upper Trough Associated the Meiyu Front-the Case over the Sichuan Basin during July 1981

  13. 三维后向轨迹计算表明,尽管代表臭氧次峰的气团可以追溯到中亚地区,但是明显的气团向下输送则发生在新疆、青海间的高空低压槽内。

    Dimensional trajectory calculations imply that the air parcels of ozone peak around 7 km may be traced to the middle Asia region , but the distinguished downward transport from stratosphere to troposphere induced was over the region from Xinjiang to Qinghai .

  14. 亚欧中高纬环流形势为两脊一槽型,亚洲中部为一低压槽;夏季最强的一次降雨过程(7月15~20日)是高空低压槽前的持续性暴雨。

    Europe-Asia circulation position between middle and high latitudes , is two ridges-one trough , there is a low trough in the middle of Asia . The most severe successively heavy rainfall event in the summer 2004 was caused by upper-level trough on 15 & 20 July .

  15. 低压母线槽CAD系统的研究

    Research on Busbar Trunking CAD System

  16. 基于AutoCAD2000开发的低压母线槽CAD系统,综合应用了面向对象技术、工程数据库技术和二次开发技术等,提高了设计效率。

    Object oriented as well as engineering databases and secondary development technique is integrated into Busbar trunking CAD system based on AutoCAD 2000 , in order to improve the working efficiency .

  17. 高效规整填料及新型塔内件在低压闪蒸槽中的应用

    Use of High-Efficiency Structured Packings and New Type of Internals in Low-Pressure Flash Tanks

  18. 对低压母线槽的绝缘特性,分析计算了单相对地耐压和相间耐压两种情况的静电场,形成了参数化的电场计算模块。

    For insulated capability of busway , the static electric field of single phase to earth and interphase withstanding voltage is calculated and analyzed .

  19. 高低压中心、槽线识别的初步试验

    A Test of Recognition of Centres of High and Low Pressure and Trough-Line

  20. 台风低压与西风槽结合及结合点位置,对鲁西南暴雨的形成均很重要。

    The situation of the conjunct locus of the typhoon depression and the westerly trough is very important for the forming of the rainstorm in the southwest of Shandong province .

  21. 1台体积为50m3低压搪瓷泄料槽筒体和封头连接部位,由于搪瓷化过程产生非自由热变形区,对其应力状况进行了分析测试。

    The stresses at the non free thermal deformation zone of a 50 m 3 enamel vessel were tested . The deformation occurs in the joints of the shell and the head .

  22. 当冰岛低压的上游出现异常偏高的海温时,加强的蒸发对流活动可以在洋面上制造大量温暖湿润的空气,然后通过低压槽的输送给下游的地区带来大规模的降水。

    When there is high temperature anomaly above the upstream of Icelandic Low , the enhanced evaporation and convection make plenty of warm and wet air above the sea surface , which could be transported to the downstream by the trough resulting in a large scale of precipitation .