- 网络Low velocity zone;LVZ;low velocity layer;LVL

Conventional methods that are on basis of refraction arrival time or microlog cannot yield proper LVZ velocity or static quantities in areas with complex near surface conditions .
The influence of LVZ velocity and lateral change of thickness on time-to-depth inversion was described by theoretical records , the stack velocities also change when the lateral structures of LVZ have larger variation , so the influence of LVZ on stack velocities should be considered in time-to-depth inversion .
The asthenosphere corresponds approximately to the low-velocity zone .
The difference is that the low Q zones have a wider range than the low velocity zones .
Expounded that the RG values in common-used two-step static corrections method represents the statics of relatively fixed datum in equivalent LVZ ;
The zero point of t 0 value corresponds to top interface of equivalent LVZ after application of the high-frequency components of statics to seismic data ;
For this reason , shallow refraction survey with SH waves has been conducted prior to the combined acquisition of the compressional and shear waves and the velocity and thickness of the low velocity zone are obtained from the SH-wave refraction data .
Our result shows that crust thickness of transantarctic mountains is 45 km . In depth of 55 ~ 75 km there are clear layers of low velocity . It displays deep fused magma .
An inversion formula for a mantle structure with low velocity zone
The asthenosphere or low-velocity layer is a HACONS-fluid-concentrated layer .
An approach to the correction of low velocity zones : SH-wave shallow refraction survey
Inversion of near surface low velocity zone parameter
The Effect of Source Depth on the Characteristics of Seismic Wave Propagation of Weathering Area
The key to statics is to know the velocity and thickness of the low velocity zone .
P-wave and S-wave velocities , elevations , and layer thickness of the low velocity zone are derived .
If the condition is allowable , the best way is to bury the geophone beneath the weathering belt .
Rayleigh surface wave data in seismic exploration is used to inverse near surface low velocity zone thickness and velocity .
The layer of slower flow of a fluid past a surface . The asthenosphere corresponds approximately to the low-velocity zone .
Authors put forward an effective method which achieves long-wavelength static correction by deriving the low-velocity layer structure from refraction first breaks .
This paper presents an approach that derives LVZ velocity and static correction values from the arrival time of first break by using tomography technology .
Besides , for ad hoc complex topography , to use block observation system design of Klseis system is advised to make-up deficiency from regular observation system .
The stack velocity calculated on the floating datum depends on the velocity of medium underlying the low velocity layer and is independent of topography and low velocity layer .
The statistical analysis indicates that , for the turbulent boundary layer flow over riblets surfaces , both the non dimensional low speed streaks and the non dimensional high speed streaks obey the normal log distribution .
Cross-hole seismic has been applied in project extensively because of many advantages , such as multi-wave receiving , high accuracy , high resolution , short of energy propagation length , approach detecting object , avoiding low speed zones .
The deep and large faults in upper crust are often accompanied with low velocity layer stretching from several hundreds meters to several thousands meters in deep underground , which plays an important controlling role in hydrocarbon accumulation and migration or wreck of reservoir .
The concrete shows are that the spread length of shallow refraction is too short to trace the top interface of high-velocity bed when the thickness of low velocity layer is large , inadequate interpretation algorithm of shallow refraction data and insufficient depth of uphole survey .
By means of building the conjunction of processing project to gathering project , datum , replacement velocity , controlling points of low velocity layer , surface model and T-D curve , and to the other processing projects , a reliable set of regional closure controlling method is put forward .
Velocity structure obtained from 3-D inversion suggests that there exist two low velocity zones , one trending NNE and the other NNW , below the depth of 12 km .
In the horizontal profile at the depth 90 km , a low velocity stripe from Myitkyina , Myanmar to Donghai , Vietnam seems to be related to Honghe fault belt .
From depth of 100 km to 250 km , a giant low velocities belt within the width about 250 km to 400 km and length about 8000 km are showed in the eastern part of East Asia and West Pacific marginal sea .