
xiāo fánɡ yònɡ shuǐ
  • Fire water;fire demand
  1. 辽河滩海油田消防用水设备的可行技术方案研究

    Viable plan for fire - water facility of Liaohe offshore oilfield

  2. 控制水池内消防用水不作他用的新方法

    A New Way to Make the Fire control Water to be Specially Used

  3. 探讨采用降低消防用水冰点达到防冻效果的可能性。

    The feasibility to reduce the ice point of firewater for freezing protection is discussed .

  4. 在制定农村建筑规划时,怎样考虑消防用水?

    When making a country build a program , how does consideration fire control use water ?

  5. 为保证消防用水的需要,应修建通向水源的车道和吸水设施。

    Use the need of water to assure fire protection , should build an upriver driveway and bibulous establishment .

  6. 靠不同的颜色条。例如,蓝色表示冷却水,红色表示消防用水,黄色表润滑油。

    By different color tapes . For example , blue means cooling water , red for fire fighting , yellow for lubricating oil etc.

  7. 供水对象为城镇和农村居民的生活用水、畜禽饲养用水、城乡工业用水、公共建筑用水、城镇区环境用水、消防用水以及少量的庭院灌溉用水。

    The objects of water supply are the living water of urban and rural , livestock and birds , the using water of urban and rural industrial , public architecture , environment , fire protection and little yard irrigation .

  8. 输水管道的腐蚀坏直接影响着石化企业的生产用水、消防用水及生活用水等方面;此外,输水管道的腐蚀漏水还会对管道地基及管道的主题结构的稳定性等造成影响。

    The corrosion of the water pipe bad directly affect the petrochemical enterprise production water , water and fire water for living , etc ; In addition , the corrosion of the water pipe leakage on the pipeline and the theme of the pipeline foundation structure stability of the influence .

  9. 因为紧急着陆的时候飞机的油箱是满的,机长必须在跑道上全力刹车使其慢下来,消防队员不得不用水冷却轮子,专家说。

    Since the airliner 's fuel tanks were filled at the time of the emergency landing , the captain had to use full brakes to slow it down on the runway and firefighters had to cool down the wheels with water , experts said .

  10. 经六年来的运行实践证明,设计中考虑施工用水与永久性生产、消防、生活用水结合,按功能分系统设置管网和选用不同管材等都是经济合理的。

    Six'years ' performance proved that it was rational and economic to integrate construction water supply system with the permanent one which includes production , fire protection and drinking water supply , and the pipe networks and materials varied according to the function of the pipes .

  11. 水泵开动了,消防队员们开始用水灭火。

    The pumps were started and the crew began to douse the fire with water .

  12. 广泛适用于工业给水、消防供水及生活用水管网系统。

    It is widely used in the network system of the water supply , fire water supply and life water supply .

  13. 答:有条件的村镇应引入市政消防管网,农村消防用水还可以利用水井、池塘、河流等天然水源。

    Answer : conditional bourg should introduce municipal fire control to manage a network , rural fire control still can use the natural source of water such as well , pond , river with water .

  14. 文章通过理论推导方法探讨了补水量合理计算的问题,并推导出补水量的计算公式,简化了水力计算,既可减少消防水池容积,又可满足火灾时消防用水的需要。

    The problem of reasonable calculation of supplementary water capacity is approached in theory , and a calculating formula for supplementary water capacity is deduced . Such calculation method can simplify hydraulic calculation , and help decrease the volume of fire cisterns while maintaining sufficient water capacity for fire fighting .