
  • 网络Water diversion system;water conveyance system
  1. 由于水轮机特性的强非线性、工况的时变性以及引水系统的水击效应所导致的水电系统数学模型的不确定性,采用智能控制理论设计水电机组GPSS较常规设计方法更为合理。

    The intelligence control theory is more reasonable than conventional methods to design the hydro-generator unit GPSS because of the uncertainty of mathematical model of hydro-electricity system caused by intense nonlinear character and time-variant operating mode of hydro-turbine and water-hammer effect of hydraulic system .

  2. 电站引水系统由进水口从调节池中引水到厂房,主要建筑物包括进水口、引水隧洞、调压井、压力竖井和平洞,全长约3.5km。

    The water diversion system of the hydropower station will convey water from regulation pond to the power house through water inlet . The main buildings include water inlet , water diversion tunnel , surge tank , pressure shaft and adits with the total length of 3 . 5km .

  3. 莲花水电站引水系统优化设计

    Optimization design of water diversion system in Lianhua water power station

  4. 明溪县渔塘溪二级水电站引水系统方案选择

    Diversion Scheme Choice at Yu-tang-xi Secondary Hydropower Station in Mingxi County

  5. 泵站引水系统非恒定流计算研究

    Study on One-dimensional Unsteady Flow Model in Water Diversion System of Pumping Station

  6. 抽水蓄能电站引水系统经济直径的探讨

    Research on economical diameter sequence of power tunnel for pumped storage power plants

  7. 含气垫式调压室的引水系统小波动稳定性分析

    Analysis on Small Fluctuations Stability of Water Diversion System with Air-cushion Surge Chamber

  8. 大型复杂引水系统运行调度仿真模型研究

    Study on Operating and Scheduling Simulation Models of Big Complex River Diversion Project

  9. 带有气垫式调压室和溢流式调压井的引水系统的水力计算

    Numerical Algorithm for Diversion System with Air Cushion Chamber and Overflow Surge Shaft

  10. 抽水蓄能电站引水系统设置气垫式调压室探讨

    Application of Air-cushioned Surge Tank in Water Conveyance Systems of Pump-Storaged Power Plants

  11. 粒子群算法在水电站引水系统优化方面的应用

    Application of Particle Swarm Algorithm in the Diversion System Optimization of Hydropower Station

  12. 气垫调压室与常规调压室双室引水系统的计算

    Calculation of water diversion for air cushion surge chamber and conventional surge chamber

  13. 安砂水电站有压引水系统模型试验及原型观测

    Model Test and prototype Observation of pressure Diversion System at Ansha Hydroelectric Power Station

  14. 水电站引水系统模型试验研究中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion of Model Experiment of Hydropower Pressure System

  15. 有压引水系统非恒定流模型相似比尺的分析与选择

    Analysis and Selection of Similarity Scales of Unsteady Flow Model in Pressure Diversion System

  16. 碧口电站压力引水系统非恒定流的分析与计算

    Calculation and Analysis of Unsteady Flow in Pressure Diversion System for the Bikou Hydropower Station

  17. 广州抽水蓄能电站二期工程上游引水系统充排水试验

    Initial Filling and Emptying Tests on Headrace System of Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station Phase II

  18. 有泄洪支洞的压力引水系统中的非恒定流分析

    THE HOLE Analysis of unsteady flow in pressure diversion system with a flood discharge branch tunnel

  19. 电站由浆砌石拱坝、引水系统和电站厂房三大部分组成。

    Utility by the masonry arch dam , diversion system and the powerhouse three major components .

  20. 明渠引水系统和城市排水系统是明渠水系的两类重要系统。

    Open diversion canal and urban sewer network are two important systems of open water systems .

  21. 具有复杂引水系统的龙滩电站调节系统小波动分析

    Analysis on small Disturbance in the Regulation System of Longtan Hy-dro-power Plant with Complex Conduit Systems

  22. 试验成果对该水电站压力引水系统设计有指导意义,对类似水电站设计有参考价值。

    The result is useful for the design of the pressure diversion system , and other similar engineerings .

  23. 水电站引水系统钢岔管在动态水压作用下的应力分析与测试

    Stress Analyses of Steel Branch for Water Power Station Diversion System under Action of Dynamic Water Pressure and Tests

  24. 调压井阻抗对水电站引水系统小扰动稳定性影响研究

    A study of the effect of surge tank resistance coefficient on stability of hydropower diversion system under small oscillation

  25. 浅谈佳能水电站引水系统方案比选深山峡谷地区水电站主变压器型式的优化比选与实践

    The Optimized Compare and Choice and Practice of the Main Transformer 's Structure Type in Deeply Mountains Hydropower Projects

  26. 挡水建筑物为浆砌石拱坝,引水系统为有压引水,厂房为地面式厂房。

    Retaining structure of masonry arch dam , diversion system for pressurized water diversion , plant-plant to the ground .

  27. 如何设计有效的边界控制方案保证蓄水水位的稳定,成为解决明渠引水系统用水效率问题的关键。

    How to design proper boundary control to guarantee the water depth to be stable has become the key point .

  28. 本文结合某水电站压力引水系统水力学模型试验,研制了一套有针对性的计算机数据采集系统。

    In conjunction with model experiments for water diversion system with pressure , a specialized data collection system is developed .

  29. 本文对碧口水电站压力引水系统的非恒定流情况进行了分析计算,同时得出了引水系统指定断面的压力变化过程;

    The unsteady flow regime of the complex pressure diversion system for the Bikou Hydropower Station is calculated in this paper .

  30. 结果表明,电站增容后引水系统完全能满足有关规范和设计的要求。

    The results show the water diversion system can satisfy the requirement of specification and design after the power plant capacity enlargement .