
piāo fú wù
  • float;floater
  1. 漂浮物在江面上时上时下地浮动。

    The float bobbed up and down on the river .

  2. 通常是由软木制成的小的漂浮物;联系在吊丝上。

    A small float usually made of cork ; attached to a fishing line .

  3. 负责牵头多国搜索行动的澳大利亚空军上将休斯敦(AngusHouston)周一表示,搜寻队员将在三天内完成对漂浮物的搜寻。

    Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston , who is leading the multinational search , said Monday that within three days , search crews will complete the search for floating material .

  4. 结果还表明OSSS具有不壅高水位,无需处理漂浮物,工程量小的优点。

    The experiment showed that the OSSS had following advantages : 1 . there was no need to block water to high level , 2 . there was no need to eliminate floating debris , 3 . the engineering project was smaller in comparing with others .

  5. 库区漂浮物运动过程矢量化及运动规律研究

    Research on motion vectorization and law of floating debris in reservoir

  6. 三峡漂浮物处理方案探讨

    Research on Processing Scheme of Floating Debris in Three Gorges Hydropower Station

  7. 飞鱼会将卵产在海中的漂浮物上

    Flying fish will spawn onto debris in the water

  8. 从液体的表面除去漂浮物的动作。

    The act of removing floating material from the surface of a liquid .

  9. 三峡水库漂浮物问题研究初探

    Preliminary study on the problems of the floating debris of Three Gorges Reservoir

  10. 关于成品食醋出现浑浊及漂浮物的检验报告

    Examination report about vinegar 's muddy and floating material

  11. 象山港海域中定点漂浮物的大型海藻演变

    Change of Macroalgae in Fixed Floats in Xiangshan Bay

  12. 越冬池水面设置漂浮物;

    Water surface of the overwintering pool setting floats ;

  13. 水电站漂浮物堆积形态的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the floating-debris ′ accumulation form in front of the hydropower station

  14. 马航失联飞机的搜救人员在海面发现漂浮物。

    Searchers looking for the missing Malaysian jetliner have spotted objects floating in the water .

  15. 漂浮物漂浮的物品或材料;漂浮物。

    Floating objects or material ; flotsam .

  16. 团队在这片垃圾带还发现了其他的永久漂浮物。

    The team has also found more permanent fixtures in the garbage patch 's landscape .

  17. 海面上越来越多的漂浮物

    With more floaters on the sea ,

  18. 支持水上飞机的漂浮物。

    A float supporting a seaplane .

  19. 捕鲸者也从被捕的鲸鱼体内或从海面上的漂浮物获得它。

    It may wash ashore or be found floating or in the bodies of slaughtered whales .

  20. 石油和漂浮物。

    Oil and floating material .

  21. 好吧,你想问谁呢?问那个漂浮物吗?这里没有鱼可问!

    Fine , who do you want to ask , the speck ? There 's nobody here !

  22. 该产品适用于清除河道、湖泊、水库中的水面漂浮物,净化环境。

    The product is suitable for cleaning aquatic floaters of rivers , lakes and reservoirs to purify environment .

  23. 紧紧抓住漂浮物保持头部高于水面,游一段距离。

    Over grasp the front of the float and keep your head up . Practice a length like this .

  24. 布兰的心怦怦狂跳,他推开一堆齐腰的漂浮物,奔至兄长身旁。

    Bran 's heart was thumping in his chest as he pushed through a waist-high drift to his brothers'side .

  25. 然而到目前为止,被打捞上来的漂浮物都被证明与失踪飞机无关。

    But items fished out of the water so far have turned out to be unrelated to the missing plane .

  26. 雌性飞鱼会将卵产在海面上,让其依附在漂浮物上,雄性飞鱼再让鱼卵受精。

    Females will deposit their eggs on the surface , attached to flotsam , and males will fertilize the eggs .

  27. 前言:针对原富马酸重结晶过程中,漂浮物太多,产品粒度太小,导致重结晶收率低;

    The old technology of recrystallization of fumaric acid has some shortages : more suspention , finer product , lower yield .

  28. 有时日本的渔业漂浮物甚至僧侣的木屐都会被冲上西北太平洋的海岸。

    To this day Japanese fishing floats andeven monks ' wooden sandals are washed up on the shores of the Pacific Northwest .

  29. 换句话说,像藤壶、海葵这类动物都可搭乘垃圾漂浮物这台“顺风车”从近海出发抵达远海。

    In other words , creatures like barnacles and anemones are hitching rides from the shore to the middle of the ocean .

  30. 他们把热敏感卫星和许多直接测量不同深度的海水温度的漂浮物结合起来。

    They use a combination of heat sensitive satellites and thousands of floats that directly measure the temperature of ocean water at various depths .