
piāo liú
  • drift;floated;wander;drift about;sag;rove;lead a wandering life;be driven by the current
漂流 [piāo liú]
  • (1) [be driven by the current;drift about]∶漂浮流动

  • 随波漂流

  • (2) [rove;wander]∶漂泊,行踪无定

  • 漂流四方

漂流[piāo liú]
  1. 凯瑟琳对这个安排似乎并无异议,而对我来说确实也很方便,然而我必须提防的是,假使我在世间漂流太久,某天很可能成为家庭怪人。

    Catherine seems to be fine with this arrangement , and it 's certainly convenient for me , but I 'm wary of the danger that if I drift about this world randomly for too long , I may someday become The Family Flake .

  2. 一叶孤舟,因冰冷的水而漂流一生。

    A lonely boat , lead a wandering life with the cold water .

  3. 他们把原木沿河漂流至城镇。

    They float the logs down the river to the towns .

  4. 他们漂流的时候,波浪越来越汹涌了。

    The waves became rougher as they drifted .

  5. 我们继续向河流的上游漂流。

    We proceeded to drift on up the river

  6. 《鲁宾逊漂流记》是一本世界名著。

    ' Robinson Crusoe ' is one of the most famous books in the world .

  7. 我们把他放在那里,让他随波漂流,并且告诉他要沿着海岸线走。

    We left him there to float off with the tide , and told him to follow the coast .

  8. 那条船在海上漂流了6个月后找到了。

    The ship was found after drifting on the ocean for six months .

  9. 小船沿河漂流。

    The boat floated down the river .

  10. 船只随风漂流。

    The ship drifted before the wind .

  11. 木头沿河漂流到纸厂。

    The logs float down the river to the paper factory .

  12. 海上冰山的漂流危及船只的安全。

    The drift of the icebergs in the sea endangers the ships .

  13. 除了南极洲协议,开采这些贲源的巨大障碍仍然存在,例如,漂流的冰川可能会危机海上平台。

    Beyond the Antarctic treaties , huge obstacles persist to tapping these resources , like drifting icebergs that could jeopardize offshore platforms .

  14. 大多数专家认为第一部小说是1719年的《鲁滨逊漂流记》,所以小说写作的历史已经有一个世纪了,但是没有人愿意专业地去写小说。

    People had been writing novels for a century — most experts date the first novel to Robinson Crusoe in 1719 — but nobody wanted to do it professionally .

  15. 图书的“漂流”与交换有多种形式,包括将图书随意留存在公共场所,或者与网站读者直接交换图书,等等。

    The ' crossing ' or exchanging of books may take any of a number of forms , including wild-releasing books in public , or direct swaps2 with other members of the websites .

  16. 《少年派的奇幻漂流》(TheLifeofPi)的导演李安获得最佳导演奖。

    Ang Lee woin the best director prize for The Life of Pi .

  17. 豫西大峡谷漂流旅游SWOT分析及其对策探讨

    A SWOT Analysis of Drifting Tour in Grand Canyon of Western-Henan and the Countermeasures

  18. 为了制作出《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中的场景和表演,这些技术精湛的特效师们和辛勤工作的协调人、制作人花了成百上千个小时。

    It took hundreds of hours from skilled artists and hard-working coordinators and producers to craft the environments and performances in Life of Pi .

  19. Ekman漂流是上层海洋普遍存在的一种运动形式。

    Ekman flow is a prevalent movement in upper ocean .

  20. 在1904年和1906年期间,研究洋流方向的观察员ParkerBidderGeorge在北海丢了几个漂流瓶。

    Between 1904 and 1906 , researcher Parker Bidder George for the exploration of deep ocean flow direction in Beihai lost some drifting bottles .

  21. 在2006年因同性恋牛仔的电影《断背山》,他成为第一个获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的亚洲人,七年后他带着3D奇幻电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》再次获得该奖。

    He was the first Asian ever to win an Oscar for directing , in 2006 for the gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain . Seven years later he has done it again with 3D fantasy Life of Pi .

  22. 分别用Ekman有限深海风漂流计算公式,普林斯顿海洋模式(POM)数值计算了南黄海风漂流。

    Wind-induced currents in southern Yellow Sea in summer were computed by Ekman formula and Princeton Ocean Model ( POM ) .

  23. 曾经的白糖和香蕉仓库被改造为时尚咖啡厅、商铺和数字动画公司的办公场所,包括参与制作奥斯卡(Oscar)获奖影片《少年派的奇幻漂流》(LifeofPi)的一家公司。

    Former sugar and banana warehouses have been turned into chic caf é s , shops and offices for digital animation companies , including one involved with the production of the Oscar-winning film Life of Pi .

  24. Argos表面漂流浮标在黑潮区的若干观测结果

    Observations of Argos satellite-tracked drifters in the Kuroshio area

  25. 本文研究无Pn-联结的非线性双极半导体漂流扩散模型的消失Debye长度极限(即粒子中性极限)问题。

    The limit of vanishing Debye length ( charge neutral limit ) in a nonlinear bipolar drift-diffusion model for semiconductors without pn-junction ( i.e. with a unipolar background charge ) is studied .

  26. 直到2015年某天,退休邮递员MarianneWinkler在阿姆鲁姆岛度假,这个漂流瓶才结束了百年之旅。

    Its journey finally ended when Marianne Winkler , a retired postal worker on holiday on Amrum Island , found it in 2015 .

  27. 在《少年派的奇幻漂流》的续集预告中,主角Psy被困海上,身边只有一只老虎和一个一直放他自己的歌曲《江南Style》的印象。

    The Life of Pi sequel shows Psy as the protagonist stranded at sea with just two things , a tiger and a boombox which only plays his hit song Gangnam Style .

  28. 波浪对于潮流的影响主要可以归结为:波浪辐射应力,波浪产生的表面和底部的边界层,Stokes漂流与Coriolis波浪应力。

    Wave effects on tide can be decomposed into five aspects : wave radiation stress , wave-induced surface and bottom boundary layer , Stokes drifts and Coriolis wave stress .

  29. 美国总统奥巴马于本周一称,目前他正在和他11岁的女儿玛丽亚读《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》这本畅销书,不过他在读到这本书的最后几页时可能会大惊失色。

    President Barack Obama may be in for a nasty surprise when he reaches the final pages of the best-selling book Life of Pi , which he said on Monday he was reading with his11-year-old daughter Malia .

  30. 运用由垂向位移方程解得的振幅与参数β的关系式可证明经典Stokes漂流公式可以看作是新漂流公式在特定坐标系下的特定垂直断面处的结果。

    It is proved that the classical Stokes drift formula can be regarded as a special case of the new drift formula at a special vertical section in a special coordinate system .