
  • 网络bel ami;Bel-Ami;Ami
  1. 要是她把她的漂亮朋友带过来我们肯定赚钱

    And we will when she brings in all her good-looking friends , too .

  2. 因为罗新斯的生活实在单调无味,他很想要有点调剂,而且柯林斯太太的这位漂亮朋友更使他十分喜欢。

    any thing was a welcome relief to him at Rosings ; and Mrs. Collins 's pretty friend had moreover caught his fancy very much .

  3. 倒是费茨廉上校见到他们好象很高兴;因为罗新斯的生活实在单调无味,他很想要有点调剂,而且柯林斯太太的这位漂亮朋友更使他十分喜欢。

    Colonel Fitzwilliam seemed really glad to see them ; any thing was a welcome relief to him at Rosings ; and Mrs. Collins 's pretty friend had moreover caught his fancy very much .

  4. Alice有些漂亮的朋友。

    Alice has some pretty friends .

  5. 嘿Joey,我漂亮的朋友。

    Hey , Joey . My bonny boy .

  6. 比我稍大,是个漂亮的朋友。他发现了水源。

    Little older than me , and friend was he smart .

  7. 他从自己漂亮的朋友那儿得到灵感创作了许多诗歌。

    His beautiful friend inspired him to write many poems .

  8. 也没有漂亮女朋友。

    He didn 't have a pretty girlfriend .

  9. 劳拉:这条裙子真漂亮。朋友:多少钱?劳拉:标签上没有标价。我们问问售货小姐吧。

    Laura : this dress is really nice . friend : how much is it ? Laura : there 's no price on the label . let 's ask the salesgirl .

  10. 也许,你和你漂亮的新朋友能做个裁决?

    Maybe you and your fine new friend here can referee ?

  11. 如果我有勇气,我会有一个漂亮的女朋友。

    If I were brave , I Iwould have beautiful girl friend .

  12. 你知道他有一个非常漂亮的女朋友吗?

    Do you know he has a very beautiful gf ?

  13. 你离开你那漂亮的女朋友?好可惜。

    You left that beautiful girlfriend of yours ? What a shame .

  14. 他有个挺漂亮的女朋友。

    He has a knockout of a girlfriend .

  15. 你应该收。我敢肯定你有一个年轻漂亮的女朋友需要你来宠爱。

    You could . I 'm sure you have a pretty young girlfriend who needs to be spoiled .

  16. 最好先确认他有没有一个英国血统的漂亮黑妞女朋友

    Hey , better make sure he doesn 't have a girlfriend who 's beautiful , black , and British .

  17. 甚至我漂亮的年轻朋友苏菲,也没在街头碰上这种事,可是从前这些白白净净的瑞典女孩总是被骚扰得很严重。

    Not even my lovely young friend Sofie gets harassed on the streets , and those milkmaid-looking Swedish girls used to really get the worst of it .

  18. 有些人只喜欢和漂亮的人做朋友。

    Some people are only interested in having a relationship with someone who is very good-looking .

  19. 就烛光下见到的情况看来,好像布置得很漂亮,我的朋友克里斯托弗·杰克逊给你们干得不错。

    It appears a neat job , however , as far as I could judge by candlelight , and does my friend Christopher Jackson credit .

  20. 因此人们喜欢和漂亮的人们做朋友、做情人有生物学上的道理:前者,美丽的人是优秀的盟友;后者中,美丽的人能是优秀的配偶。

    It therefore makes biological sense for people to prefer beautiful friends and lovers , since the first will make good allies , and the second , good mates .

  21. 讲一口漂亮的英语比有一个漂亮的女朋友更能让男人找到成就感。

    For a man , speaking good English is more satisfying than having a beautiful girlfriend .