
  • 网络Boule De Suif;Ball of Fat
  1. 可第二天早上他们继续前往勒阿弗尔时,这些“德行的代表”却疏远羊脂球,只尖酸刻薄地瞥了一眼这位年轻女子。

    However , as they continue on their way to Le Havre the next morning , these " representatives of virtue " ignore Boule de Suif and glance scathingly at the young woman .

  2. 《羊脂球》与《月牙儿》的女主人公形象比较

    The Heroine Image Comparison of BALL of FAT and CRESCENT MOON

  3. 心灵激荡:《羊脂球》的人物世界

    PERSONAGE Surging in the Mind : The Spheres of the Charcters in the Novel Doule de Suif

  4. 以《羊脂球》四个中文译本为实验样本,实例验证了本文建立的中文文本写作风格统计分析模型的有效性和实用性。

    Four Chinese versions of French masterpiece Ball-of-Fat by Guy de Maupassant are chosen as experimental samples . The case results verified established model of statistical analysis on Chinese text writing style , and illustrated the practical application of the model . 3 .