
yáng ròu chuàn
  • shish kebab;lamb skewer;mutton kebab;lamb shashlik
羊肉串 [yáng ròu chuàn]
  • [kabob] 用洋葱、蕃茄或其它蔬莱与腌泡过的方块肉(如羔羊肉),尤其是放在串肉扦上者

  1. 坚持一个简单的鸡肉烤羊肉串,你不能出错。

    Stick with a straightforward chicken shish kebab and you cannot go wrong .

  2. 羊肉串配方及加工工艺研究

    Study on the Formula and Processing Technology of Mutton Shashlik

  3. 师傅说了这羊肉串要不停地翻烤,让它们受热均匀。

    Our host said the shish-kebabs should be turned repeatedly to let them heated evenly .

  4. 正宗新疆羊肉串,脍炙人口,香溢四方。

    Authentic Xinjiang mutton keBabs ( kaboBs ) win universal praise and their fragrance spreads all around .

  5. 我喜欢吃羊肉串。

    I like barbecued mutton .

  6. 听说你特别爱吃羊肉串儿,一次能吃五十串儿。

    I heard you really like mutton skewers and that you can eat 50 at one time .

  7. 烤羊肉串的辛香和蜜制蛋糕的甜香扑面而来。

    The acrid smell of lamb kebabs and the sweet smell of cakes soaked in honey predominate over everything else .

  8. 烤羊肉串摊点对乌鲁木齐市农贸市场空气质量的影响

    The Influence of Roast Lamb Meat Stall on Air Quality in Farm and Trade Market and the Level of HbCO in Blood of Sellers

  9. 现在,收税员小傅和纳税人大宝,一个卖羊肉串的小贩将为您展示这非常之变化。

    Now , the tax collector , Xiaofu , and the tax payer Dabao , a vendor selling Yangrouchuan will show you the very change .

  10. 如果你喜欢吃肉类,有凤爪、鸡头、翅中、脆骨、排骨串、羊肉串、羊腿、蹄筋等;

    There is a great supply of meat & chicken feet , chicken wings , gristles , spare-ribs , lamb kebabs , lamb legs , and tendons .

  11. 像羊杂汤、爆炒羊头肉、烤羊排、羊肉串等等,都是蒙古民间食谱中珍品之作。

    Yangza like soup , Bao Chao sheep 's head meat , lamb row , the string of mutton and so on are all non-diet in Mongolia for the treasures .

  12. 超过临界点的饮酒量和高脂肪食物如薯条、烤羊肉串、披萨和汉堡等,会让人多摄入6940卡热量。

    The extra drink after this point , combined with fatty food such as chips , kebabs , pizzas and hamburgers , leads to him packing away an extra 6,940 calories .

  13. 在一个建筑工地扛沙袋,在街上卖羊肉串,最后她落得在一家公共澡堂,当了一位女按摩师,每月赚60美元。

    After stints carrying sacks on a construction site and selling lamb kebabs in the street , she ended up as a masseuse in a public bathhouse earning $ 60 a month .

  14. 我看到人们在人民广场跳华尔兹舞,年轻人玩滑板直至深夜。几乎每个人都在享受烤羊肉串的美味,要么坐在餐馆里慢慢品味,要么坐在街头大排档大快朵颐。

    I saw couples waltzing in people 's square , youngsters skateboarding late at night , and pretty much everyone enjoying skewered barbecued lamb in restaurants and from street vendors throughout the city .

  15. 接触史:在牲畜屠宰、销售过程中或加工进食羊仔和羊胎盘及嗜食路边烧烤牛、羊肉串,与畜及畜产品有直接或间接接触史的占85.71%;

    With respect to the mode of transmission , 85.71 % had direct or indirect contact with animals and animal products through livestock slaughtering and sales , processing and consuming of lamb and sheep placenta and indulging in roadside barbecued beef and lamb balls .

  16. 何帆列出的购物长单上有产自新疆维吾尔自治区的烤全羊、羊肉串,有广东的海鲜,有山西的酱牛肉,有浙江的酒糟鱼,还有湖北的酱鸭脖、鸭翅、鸭爪。

    Her lengthy shopping list includes roasted whole lamb and mutton skewers from Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region , seafood packages from Guangdong province , sauced beef from Shanxi province , liquor-marinated fish from Zhejiang province , and marinated duck necks , wings and feet from Hubei province .

  17. 简陋的街边烧烤摊上烤着的羊肉串、撒了辣椒和孜然,那股味道是北京夏天最令人神往的快乐之一。如果不是有这样一种廉价且诱人的奖赏,这里的夏天便只剩下难耐的酷热和刺鼻且厚重的空气。

    The scent of mutton skewers , dusted with chili pepper and cumin and roasting atop makeshift streetside grills , is one of the most cherished pleasures of summer in Beijing -- a cheap and seductive reward for suffering through a season otherwise marked by oppressive heat and pungent , chewable air .

  18. 此酒可单独饮用,也可搭配各式肉类菜肴,诸如辛辣风味羊肉、羊肉串、传统风味烤肉、牛尾以及烧烤牛排。

    Enjoy on its own or serve with meat dishes such as spicy lamb , souvlaki or kebabs or traditional roasts , oxtail and barbecued steaks .

  19. 出名的民族菜肴包括烧牛肉、羊肉火锅以及烤肉串。

    Famous ethnic dishes include roast beef , sliced mutton hot pot and shashliks .