
  • 网络Pritzker Architecture Prize;the Pritzker Prize;Pritzker
  1. 他的孩子们都取了中文名字。1983年他赢得普利兹克奖(PritzkerPrize)时,用10万美元奖金为中国的建筑学生设立了一个奖学金。普利兹克奖被普遍视为在世建筑师能获得的最高荣誉。

    His children were all given Chinese names , and when he won the Pritzker Prize in 1983 , widely viewed as the highest honor a living architect can receive , he used the $ 100000 award to establish a scholarship fund for Chinese architecture students .

  2. 周二,德国建筑师弗雷·奥托(FreiOtto)因其轻盈通透的帐篷式建筑结构,以及其他独树一帜的工程作品被授予普利兹克奖,这项决定是在他去世后迅速公布的。

    In an announcement abruptly moved up after his death , the German architect Frei Otto on Tuesday was named the winner of the Pritzker Prize in recognition of his airy tentlike structures and other inventive feats of engineering .

  3. 获得普利兹克奖(Pritzkerprize)的中国建筑师王澍说,他的同胞们花了30年时间毁坏自己的传统城市。

    Wang Shu , Pritzker-prize-winning Chinese architect , says his compatriots have spent 30 years destroying their own traditional cities .

  4. 这位建筑师便是亚历杭德罗·阿拉维纳(AlejandroAravena),他是首位获得普利兹克奖的智利人,与此同时,不少其他智利建筑师亦因采用本地材料建造独特的建筑而受到赞赏,其中佩德罗·阿隆索(PedroAlonso)和雨果·帕马洛拉(HugoPalmarola)

    The architect , Alejandro Aravena , the first Pritzker laureate from Chile , received the honor at a time when his fellow architects have been recognized for designing distinctive buildings with regional materials .

  5. 今年的普利兹克奖(Pritzker)由一位智利建筑师获得,他的职业生涯致力于建造低成本社会福利房,以及自然灾害后的城市重建。

    A Chilean architect who has focused his career on building low-cost social housing and reconstructing cities after natural disasters has been named the winner of architecture 's highest prize , the Pritzker .

  6. 阿拉维纳的作品“为穷人和自然灾害的受害者提供了经济机会,减少了能源损耗,提供了友好的公共空间”,赞助普利兹克奖的凯悦基金会(HyattFoundation)主席兼董事长汤姆·普利兹克(TomPritzker)在声明中说。

    Mr. Aravena 's work " gives economic opportunity to the less privileged , mitigates the effects of natural disasters , reduces energy consumption , and provides welcoming public space , " Tom Pritzker , chairman and president of the Hyatt Foundation , which sponsors the prize , said in a statement .

  7. 解读获普利兹克奖的三位日本建筑师

    Analysis of three Japanese architects & Winners of the Pritzker Architecture Prize

  8. 王澍将于5月25日在北京举行的普利兹克奖颁奖晚会上被正式授予这项殊荣。

    Wang will be formally honoured at a Pritzker Prize gala in Beijing on May 25 .

  9. 普利兹克奖是建筑师的最高荣誉,通常授予尚在人世的建筑师。

    The Pritzker is regarded as architecture 's highest honor and usually goes to a living architect .

  10. 然而,获得普利兹克奖肯定会令阿拉维纳获得更多关注。

    With the Pritzker , however , Mr. Arevena is bound to become the subject of more attention .

  11. 颁奖礼仍将按计划进行,届时将有往任普利兹克奖获得者进行关于奥托的生平与作品的讲演。

    That will proceed as scheduled , with past Pritzker laureates speaking there about Mr. Otto 's life and work .

  12. 普利兹克奖由海亚特基金会建立,每年基金会授权的评审团评选并授予一位在世的建筑师此荣誉。

    Nouvel , 62 , is the second French citizen to take the prize , awarded annually to a living architect by a jury chosen by the Hyatt Foundation .

  13. 到了2003年,杰恩仁重85岁时得到了同行的认可,获得了著名的普利兹克奖。这个奖被认为是建筑界的诺贝尔奖。

    In2003 , at the age of85 , Joern Utzon was recognised by his peers and awarded the prestigious Pritzker Prizer Prize , regarded as the Nobel Prize of architecture .

  14. 到了2003年,杰恩·伍重85随时得到了同行的认可,获得了著名的普利兹克奖.这个奖被认为是建筑界的诺贝尔奖.

    In 2003 , at the age of 85 , Joern Utzon was recongnised by his peers and awarded the prestigious Prizker Prize , regarded as the Nobel Prize of architecture .

  15. 无论她的建筑设计,工业设计,或时尚,2004年普利兹克奖得主叫绝我们与她已在她的事业提出了设计的。

    Whether she 's designing architecture , industrial design , or fashion , the2004 Pritzker Prize winner has wowed us with all of her designs which have been presented throughout her career .

  16. 王澍是首位在中国从事建筑设计工作的普利兹克奖得主,他在一个汇聚历届得奖者和本土建筑师的论坛上表示,中国的城市已基本上被剥夺了昔日的独特性格与美丽。

    Mr Wang , the first China-based Pritzker winner , told a forum of previous laureates and local architects that Chinese cities had been largely stripped of their past distinctive character and beauty .

  17. 她也是2010建筑学最高荣誉“普利兹克奖”的获得者。比起平时设计的静态建筑,她对此次设计感到异常兴奋。

    The winner of the prestigious 2010 Pritzker Architecture Award , says she is excited at the prospect of creating something that will move through different environments , as opposed to designing a stationary building .

  18. 阿拉维纳尽管不是“明星设计师”,但也在行业内获得了声望:他是今年威尼斯建筑双年展的总监,亦是普利兹克奖评审委员会的前成员。

    Though not a " starchitect , " Mr. Aravena has gained prominence in the profession : He 's this year 's director of the Venice Architecture Biennale and a former member of the Pritzker jury .

  19. 普利兹克奖评委、该奖曾经的得主——英国建筑师理查德·罗杰斯在一份写于奥托生前的声明中写道,奥托的设计受到“从鸟儿的头骨到肥皂泡和蜘蛛网等自然现象”的启发。

    He was inspired by " natural phenomena - from birds " skulls to soap bubbles and spiders " webs , " the British architect Richard Rogers , a member of the Pritzker jury and a past laureate , said in a statement prepared before Mr. Otto 's death . Mr. Otto 's work has been widely recognized .

  20. 今年,建筑界的最高奖项,普利兹克建筑奖授予了伊东丰雄。

    The biggest prize in architecture , the Pritzker has been given this year to Toyo Ito .

  21. 体育场的设计由普利兹克建筑奖获得者赫尔佐格和德梅隆与中国建筑设计研究院合作完成。

    The stadium is designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog de Meuron collaborated with China Architecture Design Research Group .

  22. 英国广播公司报道,中国建筑师王澍获得今年普利兹克建筑奖,他是首位获此殊荣的中国人。

    Chinese architect Wang Shu has won this year 's Pritzker Architecture Prize , becoming the first Chinese citizen to receive the prize , BBC reported .

  23. 中国建筑师王澍,凭借其与周围环境以及当地文化相和谐的可持续化城市建筑设计,获得了今年的普利兹克建筑奖。

    Chinese architect Wang Shu , praised for creating sustainable urban design in harmony with its surroundings and local cultures , is the latest winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize .

  24. 2001年伊东丰雄设计出了日本仙台市精美先进的图书馆,也是仙台市的媒体中心,自那以后他就成为了普利兹克建筑奖的有力争夺者。

    Toyo Ito has been a contender for the Pritzker Architecture Prize ever since he designed a beautiful cutting-edge library or a mediatheque in the Japanese city of Sendai , in 2001 .

  25. 世界互联网大会的永久场馆——乌镇互联网国际会展中心由中国首位普利兹克建筑奖得主、中国美院教授王澍领衔设计。

    The Wuzhen International Internet Convention Center , a permanent home for the World Internet Conference , was designed by Wang Shu , a professor at the China Academy of Art , winning a Pritzker Architecture Award .