
zhàn lüè fǎn ɡōnɡ
  • strategic counterattack
  1. 这就是战略反攻阶段的全任务。

    This is the sole task in the stage of strategic counter-offensive .

  2. 这将是战略反攻阶段中的事业。

    That will be our task in the stage of the strategic counter-offensive .

  3. 整风运动发展与战略反攻相衔接。

    The connection of its development and the strategic counter attack on the Japanese .

  4. 战略反攻时,继续用歼灭达到消耗,以便最后地驱逐敌人。

    During the strategic counter-offensive , we should continue to employ the method of attrition through annihilation so as finally to expel the enemy .

  5. 由于圆满地完成了任务,战略反攻的时间提前了,比预定的不止提前一年两年。

    As that task had been accomplished on all fronts , we were able to start the strategic counteroffensive one or two years ahead of schedule .

  6. 战略反攻,则不但内容是主动的,形式上也放弃了退却时的被动姿态。

    Not only is a strategic counter-offensive active in content , but in form , too , it discards the passive posture of the period of retreat .

  7. 然后中国大体上将完成战略反攻的准备而走到实行反攻、驱敌出国的阶段。

    Thereupon , China will in general have completed her preparations for the strategic counter-offensive and will enter the stage of the counter-offensive and the expulsion of the enemy .

  8. 而且将于正规军举行战略反攻时,配合正规军击退敌军恢复整个的失地。

    They will also co-ordinate with the regular forces in driving out the enemy forces and recovering all the lost territories , when the regular forces launch the strategic counter-offensive .

  9. 中国须努力增加新式武器,以便在战略反攻阶段中能够充分地执行阵地攻击的任务。

    China must strive to increase her supplies of modern weapons so that she can fully carry out the tasks of positional attack in the stage of the strategic counter-offensive .

  10. 在第三阶段中,应该是战略的反攻战。

    In the third stage , we should launch the strategic counter-offensive .

  11. 所谓积极防御,主要地就是指的这种带决战性的战略的反攻。

    What is called active defence refers chiefly to this strategic counter-offensive , which is in the nature of a decisive engagement .

  12. 对联合登陆战役中反水雷作战的思考而且这讲的是战略的反攻,不是战役的反攻。

    Views on MCM Operations in Joint Landing Campaign What we are talking about is the strategic , and not the tactical , counter-offensive .

  13. 而且这讲的是战略的反攻,不是战役的反攻。进攻性现实主义与美国布什政府的进攻性战略

    What we are talking about is the strategic , and not the tactical , counter-offensive . The Offensive Realism and the Offensive Strategy of Bush Government of America

  14. 但是战略上的大举反攻时期,现在还没有到,现在是对于这种大举反攻作积极准备的时期。

    But the time has not yet arrived for an all-out strategic counter-offensive , and we are now at the stage of actively preparing for it .

  15. 这个阶段,战争已不是战略防御,而将变为战略反攻了,在现象上,并将表现为战略进攻;

    In the third stage , our war will no longer be one of strategic defensive , but will turn into a strategic counter-offensive manifesting itself in strategic offensives ;

  16. 十六字诀包举了反“围剿”的基本原则,包举了战略防御和战略进攻的两个阶段,在防御时又包举了战略退却和战略反攻的两个阶段。

    The sixteen-character formula covered the basic principles for combating " encirclement and suppression "; it covered the two stages of the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive , and within the defensive , it covered the two stages of the strategic retreat and the strategic counter-offensive .