
zhàn mǎ
  • war-horse;battle steed
战马 [zhàn mǎ]
  • [war-horse] 训练后用来作战的马(主要供骑兵使用)

  • 战马嘶鸣

战马[zhàn mǎ]
  1. 就日本战时经济而言,如何解决该地区家畜的管理问题直接关系到能否满足战马及资源开发所需畜力和军用纤维资源等问题。

    As far as the Japanese economy in the war is concerned , to solve the problem of management of the livestock in the area was closely related to whether the requirement for battle steed and for horses for resource development and military fiber could be satisfied .

  2. 战马锃亮的蹄踏在地上;

    On burnish 'd hooves his war-horse trode ;

  3. 因此,我们作家、插图画家、故事作者还有家长、老师、出版商和销售商都必须继续发挥作用。其所著的《战马》(WarHorse)曾为最受欢迎的图书之一。

    So we writers and illustrators and storytellers , and parents and teachers , and publishers and booksellers , must continue to play our part , said Michael Morpurgo , whose novel War Horse was one of the most popular books cited .

  4. 底特律三巨头对沿用历史品牌和设计这种做法一直颇为低调,但福特野马(FordMustang)、雪佛兰科迈罗(ChevroletCamaro)和道奇战马(DodgeCharger)确实借鉴了早期车型的外形和设计思路。

    The Detroit Three have been somewhat less blatant in their appropriation of historic badges and designs , but the Ford Mustang , Chevrolet Camaro , and Dodge Charger all borrow shapes and cues from earlier models .

  5. 一般而言,领队马通常是一匹军用马或战马。

    Often the lead horse is a military or war horse .

  6. 这匹庄严的战马吸引了所有人的目光。

    The eyes of all were drawn to this magnificent one .

  7. 折了一匹战马,伤了一位骑士;

    For want of a horse , the rider was lost .

  8. 传说中,战死的骑士会轮回成伟大的战马。

    There is a legend that fallen Knights return as great horses .

  9. 你应该用你的战马保卫法兰西。

    You should 've defended France with your iron horses .

  10. 树林里停着大车和战马。

    In the wood stood the ambulance waggons and horses .

  11. 我恳请她能给我一匹战马,好让我踏平敌人的庄园,重返故土。

    And I begged her give me horses to trample down my enemies .

  12. 哦,女孩你能来牵住战马的缰绳,我强忍着哀伤。

    Oh let me rest here at your side .

  13. 他的战马把几个敌人踩倒在地。

    His horse stamped down some of the enemy .

  14. 但这只巨兽是由士兵、战马、利刃和长矛组成。

    But this beast is made of men and horses , swords and spears .

  15. 碑面上没有剑,没有战马,也没有著名将帅的雕像。

    It has no swords , no horses , no statues of famous generals .

  16. 霍比居骑兵骑乘当地战马,挥舞长矛和战斧进行作战。

    Riding their tough native horses , these soldiers carry spears and axes into battle .

  17. 让我们不要忘记,真正的尝试了战马固定利率贷款。

    Let 's not forget the tried and true warhorse of the fixed rate loan .

  18. 给马装饰的遮盖物,尤其(正式地)是为一匹战马。

    A decorated covering for a horse , especially ( formerly ) for a warhorse .

  19. 他跌下了战马他跌下来了

    He 's falling off the steed .

  20. 仿真胡子,手绘头雕,精细制作中国古装铠甲,配套1/6战马。

    Simulation beard , hand-painted head , Chinese armor , 1 / 6 scale horse .

  21. 我怀着更强烈的信念拥抱利剑、战马和坚盾。

    And with a stronger faith embrace a sword , a horse , a shield .

  22. 我不可能如您所期望的那样,瞬间变为一匹战马的。

    I cannot change back into a horse in an instant just because you want me to .

  23. 母马赫温在布里这样一匹了不得的战马面前怯生生的,它很少说话。

    Hwin the mare was rather shy before a great war-horse like Bree and said very little .

  24. 陀迦玛族用马和战马并骡子兑换你的货物。

    They of the house of Togarmah traded in thy fairs with horses and horsemen and mules .

  25. 这些亡灵战马与生前一样强壮,而且更加精力充沛。

    These undead steeds are as strong as they were in life , and far more resilient .

  26. 接着是三个并驾齐驱的人,两个人跨着战马,一个人骑着马驹子。

    Then came three people riding abreast , two on great chargers and one on a pony .

  27. 他们现在得到了战马和战车,那是希克索斯带给他们的。

    They had now acquired the war-horse and the war-chariot , which the Hyksos had brought to them .

  28. 这就是它,战马。它是希望、无尽胆量的象征。

    There he is , war horse . He 's a symbol of hope , and unfailing courage .

  29. 你却将他的战马投入深海,投入多水的沼泽中。

    Thou madest a way in the sea for thy horses , in the mud of many waters .

  30. 这是因为战马在比赛争需要比较多次的维护,特别是在高速竞赛中。

    That 's because the Charger needs a lot of nursing around turns , particularly at high speeds .