
zhàn lüè hé wǔ qì
  • strategic nuclear weapon
  1. 防御性战略核武器系统

    Defensive strategic nuclear weapon systems

  2. 但另一方面,在战略核武器构成上,与强大的轰炸机力量相比,导弹数量微乎其微。

    But on the other hand , in the strategic nuclear weapon constitution , compares with the formidable bomber aircraft strength , the missile quantity was very little .

  3. 两国领导人同意继续签署核武控制协议,以取代1991年签署、将于今年12月到期的战略核武器削减条约(StartTreaty)。

    The two leaders agreed to work on an arms control pact to replace the 1991 Start Treaty expiring in December .

  4. 中国战略核武器的系统性扩张;

    Systematic expansion of China 's strategic nuclear weapons ;

  5. 巴基斯坦也具有设计和制造战术核武器和战略核武器的能力;

    Pakistan also has the ability to make both tactic nuclear weapons and strategic ones .

  6. 中美战略核武器互不瞄准对方

    Non-targeting strategic nuclear weapons against each other

  7. 从国家安全角度讲,美国在今年通过新的战略核武器消减条约是势在必行的。

    It is a national security imperative that the United States ratify the new START treaty this year .

  8. 中国担心美国的天基导弹防御系统会使得其战略核武器无用武之地。

    China worries that its strategic nuclear arsenal could be rendered useless by an American missile-defence system with space-based components .

  9. 该条约将美俄各自部署战略核武器数量的上限设在1550枚。

    It puts limits on the deployment of strategic nuclear arms by Washington and Moscow to no more than 1550 each .

  10. 美国和俄罗斯昨日承诺,将把战略核武器数量削减三分之一,并寻求加强双边关系。

    The US and Russia yesterday pledged to cut their strategic nuclear arsenals by a third and pursue closer bilateral ties .

  11. 印度可能认为--巴基斯坦公开宣称在巴自己的国土上,它可以使用战略核武器来对付印度地面部队--这是在吹牛。

    India might think Pakistan is bluffing in its professed willingness to use tactical nuclear weapons against Indian ground troops on Pakistani soil .

  12. 双方重申一九九八年六月二十七日作出的关于不把各自控制下的战略核武器瞄准对方的承诺。

    They reaffirmed their commitment made on 27 June 1998 not to target at each other the strategic nuclear weapons under their respective control .

  13. 我和克林顿总统决定双方不把各自控制下的战略核武器瞄准对方。

    President clinton and I have decided that china and the united states will not target the strategic nuclear weapons under their respective control at each other .

  14. 1972年,他访问了中国和俄罗斯,并缓解了与中国和苏联的紧张,并签署了限制战略核武器的条约。

    During visits in 1972 to Beijing and Moscow , he reduced tensions with China and the U.S.S.R. which led to a treaty to limit strategic nuclear weapons .

  15. 印第安纳州的参议员卢格是少有的几位支持批准这个新的战略核武器条约的共和党议员之一。他说,他同样支持核武库现代化。

    One of the few Republicans to support ratification of the New START accord is Indiana Senator Richard Lugar , who said he , too , supports nuclear modernization .

  16. 首先,在美俄之间通过谈判先后达成了限制和裁减战略核武器的协定,使得两个超级核武库的规模大幅度减小。

    First , by negotiating USA and Russia successively came to the agreements to restrict and reduce strategic nuclear weapons , which made the scales of this two super nuclear arsenal shrink dramatically .

  17. 中俄首脑联合发表了关于互不首先使用核武器、互不将各自的战略核武器瞄准对方的声明。

    The leading figures of China and Russia issued a joint statement on no first use of nuclear weapons against each other and on not targeting their respective strategic nuclear weapons at each other .

  18. 战略核武器的存在和持续发展与航天技术巨大成就和飞速进步交织在一起,使世界进入了天核重叠时代。

    The interweaving of the presence and continuing development of strategic nuclear weapons with the great achievement and rapid advance of space technology leads our world into an era of " space nuclear overlapping " .

  19. 但一项联合声明称,两国已对防止核扩散做出郑重承诺,并有意在符合国家安全需求和联盟承诺的前提下,将战略进攻核武器“尽可能缩减到最低水平”。

    But a joint statement here said the two powers are fully committed to non-proliferation , and intend to reduce their offensive strategic nuclear arsenals " to the lowest possible level " consistent with national security needs and alliance commitments .

  20. 第二部分着重介绍拿骚会议召开的导火索&1962年英美闪电危机。美国艾森豪威尔政府的闪电导弹研制计划无法满足灵活反应战略对核武器生存能力的要求,被肯尼迪政府终止。

    Part two expounds upon the " Skybolt Crisis " that erupted between Great Britain and America during the Nassau Conference in 1962 . The Skybolt missile designed by the Eisenhower government could not meet the survival capabilities of nuclear weapons stipulated by the " Flexible Response " strategy .

  21. 10多年来,美国一直表示,朝鲜面临着一项战略选择:放弃核武器或承担严重后果。

    For more than a decade the US has suggested that North Korea faces a strategic choice : denuclearise or accept the grave consequences .

  22. 我赞同约翰·肯尼迪和罗纳德·里根的远见,要求采取遏制这类武器扩散的战略,寻求没有核武器的世界。

    I 've embraced the vision of John F.Kennedy and Ronald Reagan through a strategy that reverses the spread of these weapons and seeks a world without them .

  23. 经过全面审议后,我确定,我们能够在确保美国和我们盟友的安全,并且保持强大和可靠的战略威慑的同时,将我们部署的战略核武器削减多达三分之一。

    After a comprehensive review , Ive determined that we can ensure the security of America and our allies , and maintain a strong and credible strategic deterrent , while reducing our deployed strategic nuclear weapons by up to one-third .