
zhàn qū
  • war zone;theatre of operations
战区 [zhàn qū]
  • [war zone] 大规模战争中根据不同战情而划分的作战范围区

战区[zhàn qū]
  1. 他们正从战区撤出军队。

    They are pulling their troops out of the war zone .

  2. 援助机构正组织力量向战区平民运送食品。

    Aid agencies are organizing food drops to civilians in the war zone .

  3. 部队出发救助战区民众。

    The troops are on a mercy mission in the war zone .

  4. 我们飞越战区摄影。

    We overflew the war zone , taking photographs .

  5. 麦克阿瑟将军曾是太平洋战区盟军的最高统帅。

    MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific .

  6. 女性是不允许进入战区的,所以埃莉诺不得不留在后方。

    As women were not permitted in the war zone , Eleanor would have to stay behind

  7. 他们正把部队调离战区。

    They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone .

  8. 云南战区部队首次检出O(157)∶H7大肠杆菌

    Detection of O_ ( 157 ): H_7 E. coli for the first time in troops in Yunnan Province

  9. 某战区HIV初筛实验室检测质量管理现状与分析

    The current condition and analysis of the " HIV " Screening laboratory testing quality administration for certain military region

  10. 比赛,较量;长期论战或长期作战;激烈的竞争战区不分胜负的战斗锦标赛他们在战斗中牺牲。n.前线,第一线

    eg. battle zone a drawn battle a championship battle They died in battle .

  11. 战区导弹防御系统(TMD)对抗技术浅析

    An analysis for the countermeasure technology of theater missile defence ( TMD ) system

  12. 使用这种武器,军方能够快速隐秘地将军队部署到某个战区。而最近NASA则设计出了一种符合这种要求的飞行器:“海鹦”。

    These small aircraft could allow soldiers to be covertly inserted into areas with speed and stealth .

  13. 战区导弹防御(TMD)拦截器固体轨控发动机技术

    Solid Divert Technology of TMD Interceptors

  14. 战区导弹防御(TMD)和国家导弹防御(NMD)

    Theater Missile Defense ( TMD ) and National Missile Defense ( NMD )

  15. 自美国宣布要建立战区导弹防御系统(TMD)以来,TMD的问题引起了国际社会的密切关注。

    It has aroused close attention throughout the world since US announced its plan to establish TMD system .

  16. DMZ是您的“战区”,对吧?

    The DMZ is your " war zone ," right ?

  17. 该峰会启动了北约与俄罗斯对战区导弹防御(theatermissiledefense)问题的重新讨论,以及对在领土导弹防御(territorialmissiledefense)方面可能的合作途径的讨论。

    The summit set in motion renewed NATO-Russia discussion on theater missile defense , as well as discussions on possible ways to cooperate on territorial missile defense , according to NATO .

  18. 用于水面海军战区防空(TAD)的系统工程计划-第1卷:系统要求工程

    Systems Engineering Plan for Surface Navy Theater Air Defense ( TAD ) - Volume 1 : System Requirements Engineering

  19. 概述美空军ISR部队的指挥关系战区空军进攻作战财务保障思考

    At the end , the command relations are summarized . THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT IN AIR FORCE OFFENSIVE IN WAR ZONE

  20. 路易斯自愿前往战区报导战事。vt.抓住;突然感到……;

    Louise volunteered to go to the war zone to report on the war .

  21. 针对美国战区导弹防御(TMD)系统的特点,提出了提高中程战术弹道导弹弹头突防能力的弹体处理(弹体分解)方案。

    This paper presents the preliminary tentative of body disposal ( body decomposition ) for enhancing the ability of the tactical ballistic missile penetration , in consideration of the characteristic of the TMD .

  22. 美国战区高空区域防御(THAAD)系统拦截导弹,选用动能杀伤器与来袭目标直接碰撞摧毁目标。动能杀伤器采用红外成像寻的器。

    THAAD system intercept missiles use kinetic energy antipersonnel weapon to impact target and destroy it , the kinetic energy antipersonnel weapons use imaging IR seeker .

  23. 文章针对战场环境的动态性、不确定性和不可预测性,依据分布式防空C3I系统结构,对决策需求进行了分析,以战区级为背景,提出了智能辅助决策模型。

    According to development , uncertainty and inscrutability of the battlefield environment , the decision requirement is analysed based on Distributed Air Defence C 3 I System structure . With war zone background , an intelligence assistant decision model is brought forward .

  24. 结论:云南战区存在携带小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌HPI毒力岛基因irp-2的大肠杆菌,该菌对部队指战员的健康具有潜在性的威胁。

    Coli strains carrying pathogenicity islands gene irp ~ ( - 2 ) of Yersinia enterocolitica HPI occurred in the troops of Yunnan military region , which will bring putative threats to the health of commanders and fighters .

  25. 提出了基于DIS体系结构的多兵种合同作战指挥训练模拟系统PDU标准的制定原则、类型与格式,并介绍了它们在训练子系统和战区导弹攻防对抗仿真系统中的应用

    This paper presents the principles , type and format of PDU standard in the DIS-Based Command Training & Simulation System of Air Force Multi - Arms of Services Cooperation . The application is introduced in the War Zone Missile Engagement Simulation System and Air to Ground Army Simulation subsystem

  26. 战区物资仓库联合库存控制模型研究

    Research on Combined Inventory Control Model in the Theater Material Depot

  27. 一号作战是中印缅战区遭遇的一个重大危机。

    Operation ICHIGO provoked a major crisis in the China-Burma-India theater .

  28. 南京战区军事医学计量管理机制的建立

    Establishment of military medical measurement management system in Nanjing Military Region

  29. 基于战区弹道导弹突防的雷达干扰效果模糊评估

    Fuzzy Evaluation on Radar Jamming Effect Based on Ballistic Missile Penetration

  30. 第13空降师马上要向太平洋战区出发。

    13th airborne are heading out for the Pacific right away .