
běn tǔ
  • mainland;metropolitan territory;one's native country
本土 [běn tǔ]
  • (1) [one's native country]∶本乡,本来的生长地

  • (2) [metropolitan territory]

  • (3) 指殖民国家本国领土(对殖民地而言)

  • (4) 国家领土中最大最主要的一块

本土[běn tǔ]
  1. 赫布里底群岛位于苏格兰本土的西面。

    The Hebrides are to the west of the Scottish mainland .

  2. 我们在很大程度上都是本土文化的产物。

    We are all to a great extent the products of our culture .

  3. 美国本土订单已含运费。

    Shipping is included on orders sent within the continental U.S.

  4. 当地时间约为晚上10点15分,本土时间则是早上3点15分。

    It was around 10.15 pm local time , 3.15 am at home .

  5. 1944年秋,盟军从安齐奥与萨勒诺攻入意大利本土。

    In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno

  6. 20世纪50年代,美国企业在英国的发展速度要比英国本土企业快得多。

    American business in Britain during the 1950s grew much faster than British business .

  7. 那个来自大阪的组合在日本本土很受欢迎,在美国也拥有一批狂热的歌迷。

    The Osaka-based group is popular home in Japan and has developed a cult following in the United States .

  8. 加拿大的法语与法国本土的法语不相同。

    Canadian French is different from the language of metropolitan france .

  9. 它的“麦克咖啡”系列在美国本土的销售量约占6%。

    Its " McCafe " line now accounts for an estimated 6 % of sales in America .

  10. 外来移民的家长可以谈论他们本土国以及他们为什么要移民到美国。

    Immigrant parents could talk about their country of origin and why they emigrated to the United States .

  11. 他还发现了特别的本土花卉。

    He also found special native flowers .

  12. 每个国家都有自己本土的文化传统。

    Each country has its own indigenous cultural tradition .

  13. 中国民法的发展和外国的影响——走进中国的本土民法

    Civil Codification and Foreign Influence in China-Towards China 's Own Civil Code ?

  14. 凯不是夏威夷本地人,但她十分喜爱夏威夷的本土文化,喜欢夏威夷人重视亲情的风俗。

    Kai wasn 't Hawaiian but loved the Hawaiian culture and spirit of family it cherished .

  15. 她送给我一件夏威夷本土风格的衬衣,我爱不释手为了跟这件衬衣搭配,我立刻买了好几件其他的穿搭

    She gave me a Hawaiian shirt that I loved so much that soon I bought several others to go with it

  16. 来自大洋洲、亚洲、非洲和美国本土的世界一流艺术作品独木舟、雕刻、面具和纺织品——还有考古学史上最重要的发现,从路易斯李基在奥杜威峡谷发现的早期石器*到从罗马时期到中世纪的英国考古发现应有尽有。

    You can see in it world-class collections of Oceanic , Asian , African and native American art — canoes , sculptures , masks , and textiles — and major archaeological discoveries , ranging from the earliest stone tools , discovered by Louis Leakey in Olduvai Gorge7 , to British finds from Roman and medieval periods .

  17. 过去十年间,CD店基本上已在美国本土销声匿迹。

    In the past 10 years , CD stores have more or less disappeared from the American landscape .

  18. 加入WTO后,中国本土企业的竞争与外资企业竞争更加激烈化。

    After China join in WTO , competition be - tween Chinese native place enterprise 's and the foreign capital enterprise is intense .

  19. 随着中国加入WTO,中国零售行业竞争日趋激烈,特别是本土商业零售行业面临着外资商业的进入、消费市场的不断完善等冲击。

    The competition of retail store industry has been severely after China entered into WTO , especially the family retail store industry facing the influence of foreign business coming and consume market completing .

  20. 以美国为主的厂商积极在美国本土和国际市场大规模开展LMDS业务。

    American factories are actively offering LMDS on large scale at home and abroad .

  21. 在对比分析本土咨询公司与国外咨询公司各方面实力和特长的基础上,归纳总结出本土咨询业加入WTO后的发展方案。

    On the basis of comparing and analyzing the strength and speciality between domestic and overseas consultative companies , this paper inducts how to deal with the situation of domestic consultation after entering into WTO .

  22. 另一部分是采用SWOT方法从优势、劣势、机遇、威胁四个方面分析我国第三方物流发展的境况,优势包括政府的鼓励支持、本土优势、后发优势;

    In the other part , the author analyzed the condition in our country with the SWOT method from four aspects of strength , weakness , opportunity , threaten .

  23. 试从竞争和风险规避策略角度分析了本土CRO的生存策略。

    Try to analysis the survive strategy for native CROs from how to compete and prevent risks .

  24. 结论该RTPCRRFLP方法是一种简单、快速又实用的从日本本土株中筛查H1基因型输入株的方法。

    Conclusion The study showed that this RT-PCR-RFLP method was a simple , rapid and applicable method to identify imported H1 genotype from Japanese genotypes of measles viruses .

  25. 进入21世纪后,中国经济快速发展,特别是随着WTO的加入,国外优秀企业大量涌入,使本土人才的竞争问题日益突出。

    Entering the 21st century , China 's economy is developed fast . Especially entry of the WTO , foreign outstanding enterprises pour into China in a large amount , the problem of native talent competition standing out day by day .

  26. 自中国加入WTO以来,我国本土企业面临着跨国公司的激烈竞争,走出国门、走向世界成为其生存发展的必经之路。

    Since China joined the WTO . Chinese enterprises are facing the fierce competition with transnational corporations . Go out of the country and to the world market is the only way which must be passed for its survival and development .

  27. 之后,联合碳化物公司于1994年将其印度业务出售给印度本土公司McleodRussel,出售所得转入了博帕尔医院信托(BhopalHospitalTrust)。

    Union Carbide then sold its Indian business to McLeod Russel , a local company , in 1994 . The sale proceeds went to the Bhopal Hospital Trust .

  28. 今年3月,中国国产品牌轿车的销售量同比下跌了12%,中国本土汽车制造商的市场领导地位也被以大众(VW)为首的德国竞争对手所取代。

    March sales of Chinese brand sedans fell 12 per cent year-on-year , as local automakers lost their market lead in the segment to their German rivals led by VW .

  29. 1984年以来日本分离的本土麻疹野病毒为C1、D3、D5基因型,中国自1993年以来流行的绝大多数麻疹野病毒为H1基因型。

    The isolated wild-type measles viruses since 1984 in Japan were genotypes C1 , D3 and D5 , while nearly most Chinese wild-type measles virus strains after 1993 were H1 genotype .

  30. 媒体人士与分析师们预测,随着Netflix不断推行全球扩展计划,它也将面临本土起义者们的威胁&许多国家的公司都开始提供流媒体服务。

    Media executives and analysts predict that as Netflix pushes ahead with its global mission , it will face threats from local insurgents , as a growing number start streaming services of their own .