
  • 网络intrinsic semiconductor;intrinsicsemiconductor
  1. 文中用于确定接触势垒高度的“本征半导体基态费米能级ESF,i”不同于半导体物理中所指的“本征费米能级Ei”。

    The ground state Fermi level of the intrinsic semiconductor which can be used to determine the barrier height is different from the intrinsic Fermi level in semiconductor physics .

  2. B、N原子掺杂分别使碳管转变为p型、n型半导体;BN共掺杂时,碳管仍为本征半导体。

    B-doped and N-doped carbon tube change to p and n type semiconductor , respectively ; while the BN co-doped carbon tube are intrinsic semiconductors .

  3. GB/T1550-1997非本征半导体材料导电类型测试方法

    Standard methods for measuring conductivity type of extrinsic semiconducting materials

  4. GB/T4326-1984非本征半导体单晶霍尔迁移率和霍尔系数测量方法

    Extrinsic semiconductor single crystals & measurement of Hall mobility and Hall coefficient

  5. 本征半导体是电学性质基于纯材料的电子结构的半导体。

    Intrinsic semiconductors are those in which the electrical behavior is based on the electronic structure inherent to the pure material .

  6. 作为一种本征n型的半导体材料,ZnO通过施主掺杂(如Al、Ga、Zr等),便可以获得较高的电子浓度,较低的电阻率,而在可见光区域仍能保持较高的透射率。

    As an intrinsic n-type semiconductor material , we can get a higher electron density , low resistivity , while in the visible region can maintain a high transmission rate , if we dope ZnO by donor ( such as Al , Ga , Zr etc. ) .

  7. 本实验用惠斯通(Wheatstone)电桥测量了半导体电阻R随温度的变化规律,同时确定了本征半导体材料的禁带宽度△E。

    The regular change of semiconductor resistance under different temperatures is obtained in measuring its resistance in a Wheatstone bridge circuit . The " band space " △ E of semiconductor material is determined .