
  • 网络native language
  1. 学习本族语言的同时我们也会接触到本族语言与外语的差异与重合现象。

    Study native language word 's at the same time we will also contact the native language word and the foreign language difference and the superposition phenomenon .

  2. 词块在本族语言中的普遍出现促使越来越多的研究者开始思考词块对外语教学的影响。

    The prevalence of lexical chunks in the native language urges a growing number of researchers to start thinking about the impact LC to the foreign language teaching .

  3. 在使用另一种语言作为交际手段时,对本族语言与文化的认同会被移植到其中。

    The native linguistic and cultural characteristics may be transplanted in the non-native language used for communication .

  4. 因此,诸多国家都积极致力于本族语言和文化的对外传播。

    Consequently , many countries have been actively committed to the promotion of their national languages and cultures .

  5. 俄国沙皇不允许波兰儿童学习本国的历史,甚至不许他们学习本族语言。

    The Russian Tsar would not allow Polish children to study the history of their own country or even their own language .

  6. 这对本族语学者研究外域文化及外来文化因素在本族语言与文化中的影响与发展都是有积极作用的。

    It is also of great help for the native scholars to study the foreign cultural factors and their influences on the native language .

  7. 词是一个表达单位,无论其是以口头语或书面语的形式出现,都能获得本族语言者的普遍直觉识别。

    WORD is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native-speaker , whether it is expressed in spoken or written form .

  8. 尽管说英语和汉语本族语言的人们彼此生活的地域离的很遥远,我们还是在认知、理解或观察物质世界的许多方面有相似之处。

    We have similarities on recognizing , understanding or observing the objective material world in many aspects , though native speakers of English and Chinese live far away from each other .

  9. 真正的外来词往往与本族语言的语音和形态方面都有重大的差异,特别是从表音文字的语言进入表意文字的语言中的外来词。

    The real foreign words often with their own language and voice patterns have significant differences , especially from the phonography those characters into the language of foreign words in the language .

  10. 第一章综述各种亚洲非本族英语语言变体。

    The first chapter presents an overview of English varieties developed in Asia .

  11. 本文将探讨英语语言是怎样融合于亚洲文化,从而形成各种非本族英语语言变体。

    This paper is to explore how the English language has adapted itself to Asian cultures to produce different varieties in Asian countries .

  12. 因此,任何一个维护自身文化价值的国家都不会眼睁睁地看着本族的语言消失而无动于衷。

    Therefore , any country in the world who wants to protect its cultural value will not allow the disappearance of its own language .

  13. 这些探索有助于使人们进一步认识本族和外国语言的特点,更加重视不同语言间的不同表达方式。

    These studies may help people further understand the characteristics of native and foreign languages and pay enough attention to different expressions in different languages .

  14. 有人具备特殊的学语言能力,而且的大脑能够自我以本族文化的语言。

    Some believe that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and our brain adjust itself to the language of the culture we are born in .

  15. 认知性学习词典是同传统学习词典的一次变革,因为它旨在帮助非本族学习者学习语言尤其是习得词汇。

    The cognitive learner 's dictionary is an innovative change from traditional learner 's dictionaries in that it aims at helping non-native learners with language learning especially vocabulary acquisition .

  16. 在英语写作过程中,学生习惯用汉语思维方式直接将汉语句子翻译成英语,这是造成本族文化习得的语言模式及写作规范迁移的一个重要原因。

    During the English writing , Students are likely express their ideas in the ways of Chinese thinking , just translating Chinese into English , which is caused by the set patterns of the native language .

  17. 词汇对于本族或非本族语言学习者来说是至关重要的。

    Vocabulary learning is important to the native and non-native learners .

  18. 此外,也应该鼓励少数民族学生保留本民族语言,意识到本族语言在英语学习过程中所体现出来的优势。

    Moreover , students in ethnic minority regions should be encouraged to maintain their minority languages , and be more aware of the advantages of bilingual ability in learning English .