- 网络native language

Study native language word 's at the same time we will also contact the native language word and the foreign language difference and the superposition phenomenon .
The prevalence of lexical chunks in the native language urges a growing number of researchers to start thinking about the impact LC to the foreign language teaching .
The native linguistic and cultural characteristics may be transplanted in the non-native language used for communication .
Consequently , many countries have been actively committed to the promotion of their national languages and cultures .
The Russian Tsar would not allow Polish children to study the history of their own country or even their own language .
It is also of great help for the native scholars to study the foreign cultural factors and their influences on the native language .
WORD is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native-speaker , whether it is expressed in spoken or written form .
We have similarities on recognizing , understanding or observing the objective material world in many aspects , though native speakers of English and Chinese live far away from each other .
The real foreign words often with their own language and voice patterns have significant differences , especially from the phonography those characters into the language of foreign words in the language .
The first chapter presents an overview of English varieties developed in Asia .
This paper is to explore how the English language has adapted itself to Asian cultures to produce different varieties in Asian countries .
Therefore , any country in the world who wants to protect its cultural value will not allow the disappearance of its own language .
These studies may help people further understand the characteristics of native and foreign languages and pay enough attention to different expressions in different languages .
Some believe that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and our brain adjust itself to the language of the culture we are born in .
The cognitive learner 's dictionary is an innovative change from traditional learner 's dictionaries in that it aims at helping non-native learners with language learning especially vocabulary acquisition .
During the English writing , Students are likely express their ideas in the ways of Chinese thinking , just translating Chinese into English , which is caused by the set patterns of the native language .
Vocabulary learning is important to the native and non-native learners .
Moreover , students in ethnic minority regions should be encouraged to maintain their minority languages , and be more aware of the advantages of bilingual ability in learning English .