
  • 网络essence and phenomenon
  1. 现实就是本质与现象的统一,也就是必然性。

    Reality is the unity of essence and phenomenon , that is , necessity .

  2. 经济基础与上层建筑之间的矛盾则类似于本质与现象的矛盾关系。因此,即使经济基础与上层建筑之间存在着一定的矛盾关系,它们也不会成为社会基本矛盾。

    Therefore , the relationship between economic foundation and superstructure is just like the relationship between essence and phenomenon .

  3. 理论与现实之间的矛盾主要是由本质与现象的差别、目标与过程的差别造成的。从前者看,本质往往是表面观察难以看到的,需要借助理论思维去探索。

    The contradictory between the theory and reality mainly be caused by the differences between essence and appearanes , target and course .

  4. 黑格尔在“资本论”中充分阐述了本质与现象的辩证法,并且着重论述了对立面相互渗透的规律。

    " Capital " fully expounds Hegel 's dialectics of essence and appearance , focusing on the law of mutual penetration of opposites .

  5. 在古代、中世纪及近代早期,哲学家们把实体与事物区分开来,没有从本质与现象统一的角度去理解实体。

    Before Hegel , the philosophers distinguish the substance with things , they don 't think the substance as the unity of essence and phenomena .

  6. 疾病的标本反映了疾病的本质与现象、原因与结果、原生与派生等几方面的矛盾关系。

    The Biao ( secondary aspect ) and Ben ( primary aspect ) reveal the contradictory relationship between the nature and phenomena , the cause and result and the primary and secondary aspects of diseases .

  7. 通过对功能阶位与价值评价、历史与现实、本质与现象、动力成本与动力效益四个方面的分析,作者给出了否定的答案。

    Based on analyzing the function of rule and the value appraisal , the history and the reality , the outward appearance and the essence , the power cost and the power result , the writer takes a negative viewpoint .

  8. 从马克思主义认识论立场出发,进行科学预见的一般原则应为:预见理论必须做到经验与理论的统一、个性与共性的统一、本质与现象的统一。

    On the base of Marxism epistemology , the thesis claims that scientific prediction theory must be united in three aspects : the experiment and the theory , the individuality and the generality , the essence and the phenomenon . That establishes the general principle in scientific prediction theory .

  9. 然而,这里我们必须尽可能严格判别本质与现象这两个概念。因为音乐就其本质来说绝不能是意志,如果音乐是意志,它就会完全被排斥于艺术领域之外了,因为意志是自在的非审美因素;

    At this point it becomes necessary to discriminate very clearly between essence and appearance -- for it is obviously impossible for music to represent the essential nature of the will ; if it did , we would have to banish it from the realm of art altogether , seeing that the will is the non-aesthetic element par excellence .

  10. 经典作家指明了本质的存在形式,厘清了本质与现象的关系,对本质做出了描述性说明;

    Authors of Marxist classical explained the pattern of qualitative exist and collated the relation of the essence to the appearance of things and they gave a description of the essence .