
  • 网络This chapter;The Chapter
本章 [běn zhāng]
  • [this chapter;written report to the emperor] 即奏章

  • 别具本章。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  1. 本章对欧洲政治的现状作了简略概述。

    This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics .

  2. 本章探讨的是经济发展与环境之间的关系。

    This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment .

  3. 本章旨在讲述历史背景。

    This chapter concerns itself with the historical background .

  4. 本章结束时简要探讨了引起家庭破裂的某些因素。

    The chapter concludes with a brief examination of some of the factors causing family break-up .

  5. 这一点在本章结尾处有进一步阐释。

    This point is developed further at the end of this chapter

  6. 本章末尾列有一份有用的精选书目。

    At the end of this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books .

  7. 在本章后面部分,我将提出几个我们需要采取的具体步骤。

    Later in this chapter , I recommend several specific steps we need to take .

  8. 本章将评介二十世纪的几位哲学家。

    In this chapter we 'll review several philosophers of the20th century .

  9. 本章为全书的序论。

    This chapter is an introduction to the entire book .

  10. 若是没有,我们激劝你细心浏览本章。

    If not , we encourage you to read this chapter carefully .

  11. 这种合成苯衍生物的方法,将在本章第一部分介绍。

    This mode of benzenoid synthesis is presented in the first part of this chapter .

  12. 让我们回到本章的前面部分。

    Let us revert to the earlier part of the chapter .

  13. 本章最后部分简要总结了食肉动物。

    The final part of this chapter was devoted to a brief summary of predator species .

  14. 本章首先对人工神经网络的基本概念、基本模型以及BP神经网络的模型和算法进行了简要的介绍。

    In this chapter , firstly introduce the basic conception and model briefly .

  15. 本章将带您走进Linux设备驱动的精彩世界。

    This chapter will take you into Linux device drivers wonderful world .

  16. 本章研究建立了雷州半岛丰枯雨量预测的门限自回归(thresholdauto-regressive-TAR)模型。

    In this chapter , to establish threshold auto-regressive model ( TAR ) to predicting rainfall of plentiful and low water period .

  17. 本章重点介绍了最早由Farmer提出的微分方程,基于基因库的模型和协同进化算法模型。

    Farmer 's differential equation model , the model based on genes libraries and the co-evolutionary model are mainly discussed in this chapter .

  18. 针对多车型多操作模式的复杂控制需求,采用现场控制和上位机监控相结合的控制设计。本章着重研究现场控制部分的设计,对PLC在清洗机控制系统中的应用做了详细描述。

    Chapter Five frames the local control system , after detailed research the detailed research multiplex control need , design of software and hardware about the PLC control system of washing machine .

  19. 本章是对网络书店发展现状做了介绍,并用SWOT分析方法对网络书店的优劣势等进行分析。第四章,实体书店转型中电子商务应用研究。

    SWOT analysis method is used to carry out analysis for network bookshop for good inferior position.4th Chapter , In entity bookshop transition , E-business application studies .

  20. 本章采用PANELDATA模型分析方法对1992年以后长江三角洲地区产业同构的演化趋势及在这一过程中各种市场化因素所发挥的作用给予了翔实的分析。

    In this case , we analyze fully and accurately the evolvement trend of ' industrial isomorphism ' and the effect of all marketing factor on Yangtse Rive Delta Region since 1992 . and the method that we use is named Panel Data Model .

  21. 通过CSTR平台上的仿真,验证了本章结论的正确性。(3)提出了两种图形化的线性静态系统故障隔离方法。

    Simulations on CSTR prove these conclusions right . ( 3 ) Two graphical approaches to fault isolation in linear systems are developed .

  22. 本章针对工程实际需要,在Cohen-Grossberg神经网络中引入了不同的类的时滞项,根据同胚映射原理,给出了平衡点的唯一性。

    According to definition of homeomorphism map , the uniqueness of equilibrium for Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with different-type delays .

  23. 本章的工作为第4章分布式SAR成像算法研究奠定了理论基础。第4章首先建立分布式SAR距离向和方位向的信号模型与调频步进信号模型的等效关系。

    The works in this chapter lay a theoretical foundation for the development of imaging algorithm in chapter 4.Chapter 4 firstly establishes an equivalent relation between the signal models of distributed SAR in both range and azimuthal directions and that of SFCSs .

  24. 在本章第二节中,我们将Lambert级数法与Theta函数法结合起来,计算出一些与广义Fibonacci,Lucas数的倒数有关的级数的近似值。

    We are concerned with this problem . By combining with the methods of Theta functions and Lambert series , we compute some reciprocal series related to generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers .

  25. 当溶液PH值小于4时,由于质子化,DAB分子将从偶氮型结构转变为醌型结构,本章利用SERS技术,研究了其结构的这种变化,并且发现这种结构的变化是可以逆转的。

    When the PH of the solution was lower than 4 , the structure of DAB changes from an azo type to a quinoid type . This change was studied by SERS and the reversibility of transformation was found .

  26. 本章主要利用Leray-Schauder不动点定理和一些新的分析技巧,给出了文中给定系统反周期解存在的一些充分条件。

    By Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem and some new analysis skills , some sufficient conditions are obtained to ensure the existence of anti-periodic solutions of the system .

  27. 本章还专门针对基于线性调制的OFDM系统提出了一种迭代估计干扰状态信息的算法。通过迭代估计干扰状态信息,其准确性逐渐提高,从而也提高了整个系统的抗干扰性能。

    In this chapter , an algorithm of iterative estimating jamming state information is proposed specially for OFDM systems based on linear modulation so as to gradually improve the correct rate of estimating JSI with the iterative estimation and then improve the performance of the whole system .

  28. 本章先对中国银行业进行概述,之后选择商业银行作为编制银行业SPPI的蓝本,论述了商业银行金融中介服务SPPI的编制过程。

    This chapter first on Chinese banking carding select commercial banks as a blueprint ; discusses financial intermediary service of commercial banks .

  29. 并通过一个算例说明了以上原理的一般运用,最后讨论了本章所提的非保守力概念的丰富含义。第三,推导了刚体动力学的拟Hamilton变分原理和广义拟变分原理。

    General application of those principles is demonstrated in a typical example . The concept of non-conservative force is also discussed in the end . Thirdly , the variational principle and the general variational principle of quasi-Hamilton for dynamics of rigid bodies are deduced .

  30. 本章主要阐述了基于GPRS无线传输的远程控制系统的各个部分,在了解了基于TCP/IP的客户/服务器模型和SOCKET通讯原理后,描述了用Delphi开发的监控中心应用软件。

    In this chapter , all parts of remote control system of GPRS wireless transmission are described , after grasp the client / server model on the base of TCP / IP and SOCKET communication principles , we describe the monitored control center software developed by Delphi .