
  • 网络Specialized English;professional english;ESP;english for special purpose;TEM
  1. 土木工程专业英语教学发展策略的商榷

    Discussion on the developing strategy of ESP teaching in civil engineering

  2. 城市规划专业英语教学改革模式探讨

    Research on the Teaching Methods ' Revolution of ESP in Urban Planning

  3. GIS专业英语教学个体差异研究

    A Study on Individual Differences from ESP Teaching for GIS Majors

  4. 浅谈GIS专业英语教学

    Teaching Method of Specialty English for GIS

  5. 医学专业英语(EMP)是专业英语在医学领域的分支。

    English for Medical Purpose ( EMP ) belongs to ESP ( English for Special Purpose ) in medical field .

  6. 因此,采用图式理论为指导进行ESP阅读教学可以显著提高ESP学习者的专业英语水平。

    The experiment in the study aims to improve the assumption : schema theory can greatly facilitate the comprehension of ESP , consequently , level of proficiency in ESP.

  7. 中国加入WTO后,社会对各类技术人员的英语水平将提出更高的要求,以培养技术应用型人才为目标的高职教育,加强专业英语教学已迫在眉睫。

    With China 's entry into WTO , higher level of English is required for various skilled workers . The vocational education , which aims at training persons with ability of practice and technology , must enhance their teaching in special English .

  8. 本文通过简要分析新形势下对专业英语培养模式的要求和介绍CBI教学路径的理论基础及特征,探讨CBI教学路径对ESP教学的启示。

    Based on the brief analysis of requirements for the present ESP teaching and general introduction of the theoretical foundation and characteristics of CBI , this paper attempts to discuss the implication of CBI in ESP teaching .

  9. 浅谈电力专业英语翻译

    A Tentative Discussion on Translation of Specialty English for Electric Power

  10. 专业英语教学若干问题探讨

    The inquisition of some problems about the English language major teaching

  11. 专业英语是大学英语的后续课程。

    Specialized course is the follow up to college English learning .

  12. 专业英语教材建设的框架构想

    Thoughts on the Construction of Specialty English Textbook for Senior Students

  13. 对急诊科护士进行专业英语培训的探讨

    Study on the professional English training for nurses in emergency department

  14. 非英语专业英语写作中的母语迁移现象研究

    Study on Native Language Transfer in English Writing of Non-English Major

  15. 基于自学辅导书的非英语专业英语课文教学策略的调适

    The Reference-book-based Adjustment of English Text Teaching Strategies for Non-English Majors

  16. 谈谈统计专业英语汉译问题

    Discussing the problems of translating English for statistical specialities into Chinese

  17. 关于建环专业英语教学的探讨

    Discussion on Specialized English for Architectural Environment and Equipment Engineering Majors

  18. 专业英语是高等学校本科各专业的一门重要辅助课程,是基础英语的延伸。

    Specialty English is a very important cocurriculum for college students .

  19. 医学英语是与大学英语相延续的专业英语的学习内容。

    Medical English reading is continuous English study after college English .

  20. 物流管理专业英语课堂教学方法及教学内容探讨

    Study on Logistics Management English classroom teaching methods and teaching content

  21. 医学院校学生必须练好的“专业英语”基本功。

    Medical college students must cultivate the skill in subject-based English .

  22. 浅谈学生专业英语阅读能力的培养

    A brief discussion about students ' ability cultivation of reading specialized English

  23. 英语词汇学习论专业英语

    A discussion on vocabulary learning On English for Special Purposes

  24. 外科医学专业英语教学法的探讨

    Exploration of the teaching methods of English terminology in surgery

  25. 中国专业英语学习者词块能力调查

    An Empirical Study of Chinese English Learners ' Chunk Competence

  26. 浅谈化学化工专业英语教学

    A Brief Study on the Teaching of English for Chemical Major Students

  27. 面向21世纪计算机专业英语教学改革

    Reform the Teaching of Computer English to Meet 21st Century

  28. 计算机专业英语课堂教学中的创新

    Innovation on the Class Teaching of Academic English for Computer

  29. 简论农科专业英语翻译教学中若干应予重视的问题

    A few problems on translation during English teaching concerning agriculture

  30. 非英语专业英语听力教学&理论与实验

    Listening Comprehension Instructing to Non-English Majors & Theory and Experiment